Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

where what's to be, they say will be

Afternoon Sunny/Clear
06-07-2021, 04:42 AM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2021, 06:31 AM by Jarilo. Edited 2 times in total.)
After the early morning circuit of the borderland forests went off without incident, the dark Ostrega had worked his way up a creekside, partially inspired by an afternoon that promised to be muggy--and as the sun started to rise high for the day, warm. He was thankful for the choice soon enough, and worked up an appetite quickly. It had been too long since he had perused the aquatic selection in great length, but today found him motivated, and he fished away.

It took time to get back into the groove of it: several misses, a few relocations to different stretches of the creek, but he was persistent and got what he wanted. He ate his tiniest catches on the spot of course, but there were two grabs of silvery fishflesh that were worth more attention than that. One to eat now, and one to take back to drier grounds. When he finally sprang from the waters and hauled his finds past the shore, he concluded it as time well spent then ate his choice of the slightly smaller of the two fish.

Still damp, but appreciative for it in these temperatures, he picked up his loot and made towards his typical rendezvous--the spot marked by a large conifer tree with mossy exposed roots, ferns draping the area, and a small clearing not to far off. It had become a notable spot for him, one on the upper edges of the woods that turned to their borderlands so it was easy for him to get to. Already, it had granted the guardian a decent vantage point, fine enough shelter when the rain picked up (and a real cave was too far away), and a slowly-growing sense of home.

He wanted to find @Saviguk most of all and see if he had eaten lunch yet, so this would be his starting point. Threading through the ferns, he glanced towards the roots of the largest tree, but soon passed by when he didn't detect him here--and really, he could be anywhere. He kept looking on to other nearby reaches.
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06-12-2021, 04:13 AM
Since settling in to his new home, Saviguk had found his own favorite little hangout spot. He came here when he wanted to relax, or maybe spend some quality time with those whom he was closest. It was also a good place to cool off, on hot, muggy days like this one. Just where the transition of the stonework of the mountain met soil, the ground split and parted. Giving way to multiple tiers of rock ledges, shelves or stepping stones. Nothing too extreme, but just enough to mark the feed of Empyrean's creek, topped with pint sized cascades draping down over the naturally formed ledges of stone.
It was a place that offered some degree of privacy, with the advantage of high enough ground to lounge and keep dry in the sun, or to soak in the shallow water that rose up only to a fully grown wolfs ankles. 

After his ordeal of being tussled like a ragdoll in the ocean and then spit back out, you would think that Saviguk may now have an aversion to water. It had left it's mark deep in his skin on his hind leg and rendered him voiceless. He had every right to spite the ocean spirits. But he didn't. He knew, or more so, sensed, that deep in his blood were his oceanic ancestors. As an Ostrega, he pressed and pushed on, as determined as ever.

Having just soaked in the cooling waters, the male was seeking out the most sunny of the slate perches on which to recline. A flash of black and grey fur. The smell of fish. He knew those steps. His dad was nearby, out making a lunch delivery. His throat still tight and voice box shredded, the only sound he could make was a rattling, low snort.
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07-08-2021, 06:00 AM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2021, 06:32 AM by Jarilo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Continuing on for a time, he meandered along without a real sense of urgency. Birdsong in his ears, the scene was pleasant, the day productive so far; he went on hopeful still in what he sought. While he worked his way on closer, his head perked up, and a familiar sight greeted him when the foliage parted just right. The dark Ostrega's search had paid off.

He closed in easily on long strides, chuffing through the fish he carried first--he was plenty glad to see Saviguk there upon the rocks, and pleased by his choice of spots, too as a swift glance appraised the new scenery. Jarilo first dipped his head, then set down what he carried. After, in as single of a motion as he could make it all be, he sought to close in and nudge-poke his son's shoulder. In drawing back, he smirked toothily. “I found some pretty decent fishing spots, for a creek,” he said with half a gesture towards the fish to explain his doings lately, most of all. “I'll have to show you where sometime, and hope they hold out--I bet they will through summer at least,” he explained readily, though mindful of Saviguk's continued silence, and the waters that had presumably helped it happen; Jarilo hoped there was no expectation to match him. He always had been on the wordier side. Maybe he found some peace in it, even still. “If you're hungry, I'm sharing. It's a nice spot here for lunch if you aren't against a little company,” Jarilo's tail swayed slowly as he peered back, hoping to judge his thoughts on this on a face that reminded him so much of his own.
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08-26-2021, 03:37 AM
The sound of footsteps broke the silence, save for the melody of the birds and the trickling of the water. Someone was coming his way. Interested, Saviguk lifted his dark head high, ears pricked curiously. His father, Jarilo. His bushy tail tapped a happy beat against the stone, lips curving into a welcoming smile. Though he did not get up to greet his sire. Instead, he stretched out his front legs and edged towards him on his stomach, leaning into the nudge delivered to his shoulder.

Sea glass eyes lit up with interest at the fishing spots he was told of. All he could manage was a short wag of his tail and a definitive nod. Glancing down, he nosed the silvery fish deposited near him. Sniffing it carefully, curiously. It did not smell like the sea. This one smelt fresher. Cleaner. He looked up at his father again. Another nod, while strong jaws wrapped around the middle section of the fish, to divide it equally. Had the dark Ostrega been affected negatively by his oceanic encounter, he would have cringed at the sight of this choice for lunch. Nor would he be so comfortably laying amidst the shallow water. The only problem was, he could express it to the full extent, which did not stop his frustration at the thought with a heavy snort.
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10-05-2021, 06:40 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2021, 06:33 AM by Jarilo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Content to settle with his company, he was thankful with a soft sigh. Saviguk, as he divided the fish, gave him a unique axis to focus on, and a very particular type of grounding that no other could compare to. He so easily saw so much of himself in the yearling, but at the very same, telltale signs of his mother--proof that it had not only been a dream.. despite all the endless questions that would inevitably raise.

Jarilo made himself more comfortable there on the sunny rock, and breathed deep the fresh creek. He already often wondered what his son thought of this all, if his memories of his mother were any more intact than his father's own, and truly how the mountain treated him. But, in an ever-careful respect of what he hoped was his healing, he never pried too viciously. Especially while he had no voice to answer with in the first place. The steely Ostrega did still hold on to hope that one day, he might get to know more.. even in only in part. Someday, and he would be there waiting for him for as long as it took. “It's a good spot here. I hope the mountain will continue to be good to us,” he said, considering the fish at his paws before flicking a glance back to the yearling. “The more we get to know it, the better I feel though.” Jarilo had never intended to leave their homeland in the first place, and if Saviguk wanted, he could've done the same if he had got his way out of this. Such upheaval was something he struggled to cope with, but it was getting better. Each day felt more real and kept him eager, looking forward to more.

Jarilo was feeling ponderous as he unwound, beginning to make his way towards proper relaxation and lunch. “I need to explore further up more, but there's always so many trails to other interests I can find before I get there,” he chuffed a soft laugh. And other packmates to see, news to catch up on. They stayed busy with so many of them already--and more yet to find, he hoped.
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10-27-2021, 01:48 AM
He shifted the fish he had claimed dexterously between his front paws. His toes flexed and curled just enough so his blunt nails settled firmly against the scales. Choosing to start his meal at the belly, sword like teeth snipped open the smooth flesh in an almost clean cut. Deliberately, the Ostrega scooped his tongue in, cleaning out all the organs and meat. 

While it may have looked like he was completely engrossed in his business, he was certain that his father knew otherwise. His dark ears stood pricked, cupping forwards or to the side, latching on to choice syllables that fell from his sire's lips. Even the brief upwards glance of his vivid eyes, showed he was listening. 

Here, he would continue to adjust to his new life. He would take it in stride, just as he had when the ocean spat him out. Saviguk was nothing if not tenacious. After crunching the last of the flimsy bones of the fish, he stood up, shaking his coat free of any water. And maybe, just maybe, accidentally spraying his dad in the process. But that wasn't what was on his mind. A particular sentence grabbed at him. Insistently, he pushed at Jarilo's shoulder with his nose. Then gestured, up towards the further reaches of their mountain home. Well, let's go. His eyes seemed to convey.
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11-06-2021, 06:58 AM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2021, 06:59 AM by Jarilo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Eventually, he did stop with the need to hear his own voice and got to work on his share of lunch. Fresh, it went down satisfying. Jarilo was licking the remnants from his lips in no time, his eyes trailing after his son who rose into a stand. It was a simple moment, but he was left feeling thankful as he barked a short laugh, shielding his eyes from the worst of his flying droplets. He would settle that score eventually, he was sure; he was just glad to have Saviguk here to spend more time with, unlike those who were not found here anew. At least they had enough to look forward to here. So he believed, anyway.

But, it didn't take him long at all to pick up on what his son was suggesting and he could eagerly take to the idea, too. The steely Ostrega got himself up too, tail swaying merrily as he stretched, then immediately reached to nip fondly towards Saviguk's dark shoulder. He agreed wholly, and on another fond rumble from him, he got their path started--heading on to his last best point of interest, then perhaps beyond.
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