Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

will the signal survive?

Early Morning Fog
05-23-2021, 10:12 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2021, 03:51 PM by Rhys. Edited 1 time in total.)
Futile, all of it feels. Thrashing, trapped by a whirlpool of water, it shoves down his throat and gags him. He's hurled under water by the push of something in the ocean - whether it's the current, or an old God he used to pray to, it's unclear. He's always had a good relation with the water, being born underneath a sign of water, he's safe. But now, it feels as if they are disconnected, shoved from one side of the universe to another. His eyes sting, outer rings of white; red and irritated. The salt that he chokes on, reminds him of home. Where he grew up, there had been rivers and a beach not far off. He's reminded of weekends with his family, and just he and Moira. But never this. His head cracks against the ground and there's nothing but black that drifts him into a dark place, empty and cruel. Blood flows beside the dark place, the smell and sight of it on his own body. One moment, he's trapped in an eternal world of salt and ache, and the next, he is gasping air. There is no salt, there is no water on him, no blood, or bashed head. The only thing that is odd about the whole thing, is how hazy everything looks, and the seaweed that clings to the edge of his paw. He groans soft, wearily looking from side to side, it must have all been a bad dream, right? Though, he does remember being at the edge of a beach. He remembered being in the water, enjoying the soft splashes of the waves. And now, he's somewhere that's not remotely like the place he had left. 

The smell of salt is stained to him, ocean waters had always clung to his pelt; the smell of it being known from far away. The young adult shuffled to his paws, feeling an ache in his right front leg, as if it had been hurt - and a ringing headache stands in his head, keeping him from focusing in on where he was fully. The dawn sun rises through the clouds, parting through them in some spots, being caught on the fog that bled through the mountains and trees in the surrounding area. He's oblivious to the water that's caught in a shape he should know well - he spent a lot of time staring up at the night sky.  Mmm, fuck. He uttered, rubbing at his head with his forepaw and then giving a small glance around; trying to squint through the fog. The sun filters in onto the reds of his pelt. He was traveling away from his homelands, in search of a life to make for himself, but he hadn't expected not to know where he went or where he was - or how to get home if he found it just easier to turn tail and run back. The boy shifts and looked back from where he'd woken, right near the water. A gagging feeling of water summons in his throat and he stumbled back, keeping his distance from the water that he, might, have come from, he's still not entirely sure how he got here. He tore his gaze around and looked back towards the mountains, where the fuck was he? 

+1 discovery

the staff team luvs u
[Image: JaAEj4v.png]
05-24-2021, 03:01 AM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2021, 03:51 PM by Rhys. Edited 1 time in total.)
Never before had Elke seen the ocean. Her home within mountains kept her far from it and in all her travels as a young pup she had seen valley and plain, red rock and forest but never the sea.

Now her mountain home lay near to such, a cove, though she did not yet know much of the term savor the name she had been told. Finally ready to leave her home, she traveled out from the foothills of the Nameless Mountain and towards the open waters.

The smell was salty, odd and stinging on her nose and caused her to sneeze. Bright lilac eyes seeking, she takes in the view of the large body of water from atop the incline down to the bay. With the fog she couldbt exactly see well the waters below and so began to descend down the slopes.

+1 discovery

the staff team luvs u
05-24-2021, 11:09 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2021, 03:52 PM by Rhys. Edited 1 time in total.)
The air is thick and when he breathed out, it created small clouds, cold, but not freezing. Morning dew set in on his fur, glimmering in the little light that peered through the fog. He hated that he couldn't see far away. All of this felt like some sort of sick dream, his eyes flicker from side to side. There's an anxiety that set in on his heart, but he tried to swallow it with a fresh breath of air. Purple eyes are shielded away from the world as he inhaled deep through his nose, letting the air swirl in his lungs before exhaling once more. Salt is evident, it's caught in his mouth, as if he had just caught something from the ocean. He needs a drink, he needs to rinse the flavor out of his mouth. He doesn't know why, or if he'd actually been in the water and hurt himself, but he tastes blood in the very corners of his mouth. When he tried to pinpoint the taste in his mouth, it quickly faded, he opened his eyes once more. The red man shook his fur out before he took another step forward, maybe there was something around here that would tell him where he was, or a wolf that might be kind enough to direct him back to Agrid, or at least in the general direction. There was no thought in his head of actually saying here, the young adult  wasn't really trying to find a new home - yet wanting to find somewhere to make his own claim. If that meant traveling, then he would. There was no tie to this place. 

There's a noise in the distance, the cracking of a branch and paw-steps. Alexei's ears perk up towards the sound, flicking and twitching until they tune into the place it was. Purple eyes shine, trying to bleed through the fog to see who might be there. But it's clear it's another wolf; he wasn't alone. Though he's a nervous man, unsure of himself and always finding an insecurity in his body. He's not really one for good first impressions. He's awkward, though worse with men, and better with women. He seemed to take charge in his conversation to females, but finding himself lost with men. They're bigger than he is usually and he found himself at a disadvantage. The only man he ever felt comfortable around was his father, his brothers always made him feel small - even though he could take them down if he really wanted to. He was quick on his paws. Finally, there's movement that he can see, he faltered, voice cracking, Uhm, ex-excuse me? The man hummed out, taking a step forward and trying to make himself noticeable within the weather. He's not used to strangers being a threat, but still, he stands guard, legs widened and tail out behind him, shoulders hunched, trying to make himself look bigger. 

+1 discovery

the staff team luvs u
[Image: JaAEj4v.png]
05-31-2021, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2021, 03:54 PM by Rhys. Edited 2 times in total.)
As Elke came down further towards the water, the fog became thicker, heavier. Elke had never been in fog like this before and it was eerie, sending a chill down her golden spine. It wa ms unsettling, not being able to see properly and so allowed her nose to go at work. Between the sand and salt breeze she found herself at a loss and a low whine eased from her throat.

Then directly after she heard a voice, causing her to nearly jump out of her furs as she stumbled back only to then freeze in her spot. She had not expected anyone, at least not anyone that close by without her taking notice. “Uhh...Hello.” She spoke, question and hesitance in her delicate voice. Cautious of new wolves just the same as he, Elke finds herself shrinking back, tail tucking a bit and golden ears turning back. She didnt know how good this would do her given the fact that she couldnt actually see who she was speaking too just yet.

+1 discovery

the staff team luvs u
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