Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Reminds me that there's a time to change

Morning Sunny/Clear
05-12-2021, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2021, 09:07 PM by Nevada. Edited 1 time in total.)
The two recent Plains threads are timed about a week ago

 Traveling through the plains had been a lot of the same-old. Great expanses of grassland, a river she had to cross, and more grassland. The wide open spaces were... interesting to the wolfess who had grown up in a valley surrounded by trees and dead plants. Once she spotted mountains in the distance, however, she figured she was finally getting somewhere.

 Mountains had plenty of places to hide.

 After nearly weeks of traveling since waking, she found herself near a mountain lake. Her eyes set on the azure waters, still quiet before the day brought its waking winds. The peaks above were intense, higher above than she had ever seen, though that wasn't too much of a surprise as she had usually remained in lower land areas and the plains. Still.. this place was beautiful and she made her way to the water, picking her way carefully through and -

 - she paused. There was wolf scent here, and not just the scent of wolves in passing. This was a scent that stuck to the earth and the trees. This was someone's territory.

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05-13-2021, 12:44 AM
Ooh yes, the mountains were very good with offering many places to hide, and Harper liked to play hide and seek, especially with her prey. Sometimes, even with her sister; it was easy to do, when Harper had a coat that looked like it was made from the earth itself. Blacks and browns blended far better into the browns and greens of the forest, then silver did. How her sister managed to hunt successfully (assuming, of course, that she did) was beyond her.

It would seem that locals liked Elysium’s swimming pool. Harper had just finished hunting and had come to the lake to wash up after a game of cat and mouse when she spotted a speckle of white ahead of her. Oh, what’s this? A new toy to play with. The last female she’d found here hadn’t taken too kindly to being thrown into the lake, and therefore, Harper would approach from the rear, amethyst eyes on the booty of the female for a time as she neared.

“Vat a vondervul view.. Mmmm. ” Though she was not referring to the lake, as gorgeous as it was.

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05-15-2021, 06:58 PM
 The water before her was pristine, mountain fresh and crisp.

 As much as the scent of wolf gave her nerves, told her to slip out unseen, the water was a mirage she could not help but make her way to. This place was peaceful in a way she had never experienced before and she shut her eyes momentarily, lowering her face to lap at the water and embrace the crisp drink.

 It was invigorating.

 Nevada was just lifting her head, tongue trailing across her lips, when she heard a mumble of a voice behind her. The ghost turned, seagreen eyes landing on a powerful looking wolf. She exhaled gently, pushing back the slight disappointment and slight joy that this was another unfamiliar face. It felt less and less likely that she would find her way home and also less likely that her home actually survived the fire.

 So, seeing a face that did not seem immediately aggressive, especially when on land she could sense was taken, she could not help but feel relieved.

 “Ah, is this your land?” she called, voice apologetic, “I apologize for intruding.” Though, she would not make movement to leave. Something about the brown wolf before her gave her pause, as indelicate as the stranger's expression and features were. She was not ugly by any means, but there was something that felt strangely familiar and yet not.

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05-18-2021, 12:46 AM
It seemed that this lake was the focal point of the entire territory; numerous memories were made here, with kin and strangers alike. She had her reunion with her sister here; had her first brawl here, and now she was meeting a pretty lady here. Perhaps, also, she would make love to her husband here, one day. Maybe even, Harper should relocate her burrow near the lake; it seemed to glow and come to life at night.

The woman’s colorations were familiar; the scent was familiar, too, causing Harper to think of her own sister. No. Sisters. There was more than one of those, now! How strange. How unfamiliar. She had not given Annika the thought of day since meeting her; things had shifted and life got busy, she supposed. It was better that way, at least for now, Harper would tell herself as she gazed over the ghost with an arched brow.

Her voice was apologetic, though she made no movement to leave, causing Harper to take a step towards her, with the tilt of her head. “I own nothing,” Harper would coo softly and warmly up towards the lighter female, offering a gentle smile. “Vas jus re..mark on view. Of you. Peas, stay, less you haz zome over place be?”

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05-18-2021, 01:41 AM
 The earthy woman stepped closer and Nevada regarded her pleasantly, eyes drifting over the other wolf's facial features and committing them to memory although no name was yet present in the equation. This was normal - the calculations and information gleaning at a moment's notice. Ever since the ghost had been a child, chasing after whispers of her mother, she had been searching for information, knowledge, and wisdom.

 And power.

 She listened to the other wolf, absentmindedly noting the song of a flock of geese far overhead, their v-formation asymmetrical and perfect. Whether they were flying north for the spring or south for the winter was none of her concern, though they seemed very content in their chattering.

 The wolf before her claimed to own nothing, so she dipped her head in acknowledgement of their evident equal standing, though the lady - who looked the part of the warrior - went on to compliment her. She blinked in surprise, then let a smile drift onto her face. “Ah, why, thank you.” She assumed, anyways, that the remark she'd missed in her thoughts before had been positive, based on the gentle coo and smile. She did not immediately mark the compliments as flirtation, opting to glean more information before she made that assumption, “I have nowhere to be.”

 And nowhere to go.

 She turned her seafoam gaze towards the lake before returning them to amethyst, readying up a query. “What is this place? Is it your home?” Even if the woman did not own it, perhaps she was settled here. She seemed at ease at the lake which made Nevada believe that the scent of wolf heavy here included her - and yes, she recognized the thicker odor of the woman - pine, with the pleasant sweetness of vanilla and a wash of smoke - as one present among the fainter marks of wolf.

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06-03-2021, 05:19 PM
Harper regarded this woman with the nod of her head and the flicker of her ears. It was nice to come upon someone who was both polite and good looking. She thought of her husband, though fondly, in this moment as she silently re-lived their first moments together. She would need to pay a visit to him soon.

It was the song of geese that brought her back, though, and Harper smiled softly, nodding her head again. “Velcome, and velcome to dis pace. It be Elysium. My… main home, yes.” Harper mused with the lick of her lips, knowing that her second home was across the mountains. “Elysium is pack led by seester; all is velcome. Come, sit wiv me, and tell of self.”

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06-03-2021, 05:47 PM
 Elysium. A name unfamiliar, but decent all the same. It sounded gentle, in a way. Nothing like her Valley. “It is a lovely place,” she admitted, indicating to the lake fondly before turning back to the woman. It was not lost upon her that the brown lady had specified that this was her main home. Did this mean that wolves here traveled from land to land, or perhaps this was a nomadic pack that would move on from here eventually to find a new home? Perhaps this migration was often, perhaps not.


 The brown wolf spoke of her sister as leader and Nevada gave a slight dip of her head. If the group was led by his wolf's kin, then surely this wolf would be at least respected amongst her fellows, Although, given her experience in the past, oftentimes blood meant nothing when it came to place in a pack. Still, she would accept the offer to sit and would make herself comfortable near the other, cautious but not feeling distinct danger. “I am Nevada,” while her bloodline did have a name, it was not common for them to give it as part of their own names.

 Plus, nobody would know Dark here, she was almost certain.

 “I believe my home to be a great distance away, though I'm unsure of where it is exactly. For the last two weeks or so, I have been traveling north from the Plains.” She had several decent encounters with equally as friendly wolves, including a handsome - though plump - male who had chattered about berries. Highly doubting everyone here was this way, she was pleased nonetheless that she had only actually encountered friendly faces.

 “What else would you like to know?”

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06-03-2021, 06:44 PM
Harper would smile, pleased that the polite stranger had agreed to sit and chat for it a bit. It was not often for her to do such a thing, as the last stranger she’d found at the lake had been tossed in and a fight had happened shortly after, but Nevada had caught her on a good day, she supposed, or perhaps, Harper wanted to be friendly in order to gain a friendship with the stranger, even if she was perhaps just passing through.

A friend was a friend, and Harper could count, assuming she knew how to count, the number of friends she had on a single paw. The respectful dip of Nev’s head caught her attention, though, and Harper smiled in response, though she wouldn’t count herself as being respected among these parts; she didn’t even know what her own ranking was. “Neva-da, greetings; am Harper. My seestar, if you meet, is Valeska. She not look like me; she smol and seelvir.” Harper would nod her head some more, inching forward to dip her paws into the lake.

“Ohs! Am glad you has agree to sits wiv, vounds like you traweled a bit to be hur. Must has achy feets. Bets a swim swim vould feel best zo, yes? Vat is yer home like, Neva-da?”

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06-03-2021, 08:32 PM
 Harper, it was a good, strong name. It made sense, with the strong form of the woman beside her - a Valkyrie. A warrior woman.

 “It's nice to meet you,” Nevada said with a smile, noting the description Harper gave. Her sister was small and silver, apparently - with the name of Valeska. She filed it away for later use. After all, she never knew if she would come across the leader or not during this stay, especially since she wasn't sure how long she would stay here.

 The way this woman spoke was quite odd but it wasn't too difficult to discern what she was trying to say.

 Nevada chuckled, offering a shrug. “My home was very different from here,” she admitted with a soft laugh, “It was dry all the time with only a few small streams bringing in water. The closest to a lake were the tar pits, but you would not want to swim in them!” She eyed the water. “This water, on the other hand, does look quite refreshing.”

 She'd never really swum for fun, only to cross rivers for traveling, but the idea was not offputting in the slightest.

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06-04-2021, 01:07 AM
In truth, Harper did not expect this woman to stick around; something told her that she wouldn’t, and anything she had to say wouldn’t matter. Perhaps that was the logic behind her kindness, as most wolves usually had to earn that side of her. Whatever the case may be, Harper was glad that this encounter was a friendly one.

She would laugh and shake her head at the idea of tar pits, despite not knowing what tar was, or why it couldn’t be swam in. “I come from norv mou-tans. It cold and white, like yer fer, but all over. Not a good time for Harper.” Or Hatchet. He was with the Five now, and despite not believing in them like Valeska had, she had hoped that he had found peace.

“Dis wah-ter not only ding reel-fishing.” Harper commented, turning her attention to the ghost with a smirk. She’d hold her gaze, though, nostrils flaring as she nodded to the lake, a silent inquiry if she wished to join her in swimming.

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06-04-2021, 02:21 AM
 A cold place... Nevada could not imagine it. Even these mountains, with their chill, were unlike anything that the woman had personally experienced. It wasn't too cold to bear, but it was something different from the unending heat of her childhood and even most of her adulthood. That heat was unbearable at times and she had wondered why she had chosen a well-furred male to grant her her last litter.

 “It doesn't sound like the most fun,” Nevada agreed with a flick of her ear. “Though I don't think the near-desert was very good either. This is a nice mix.” A bit on the cold side, but she figured when the sunlight hit, it would be a bit warmer.

 If it was warm enough to swim, it couldn't be that bad, could it?

 She didn't quite get the last part of what Harper said, but she returned the smirk, nodding in approval at the unspoken question. She'd rise, stretching out her legs - glancing Harper's way to see if she was watching. What had seemed like flirting had ceased, but Nevada was curious to see if that's what it had been. She wouldn't be opposed to a frolic with the muscular woman, but she didn't want to assume anything.

 Who knew, perhaps after the dip in the lake, they would need to warm up.

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06-04-2021, 03:12 AM
What a perfect reason to learn how to speak proper english: to flirt. Had her english been better, Nevada would have known that the flirting hadn’t actually ceased at all. She could whisper sweet nothings all day, actually. But alas, speaking proper english was not something that was in the cards for Harper, yet. “Vat made you leave? Tired of it? Or you be look for sumding?”

Harper was going to slide into the water herself, but oh, the stretching of legs caught her attention and Harper found herself unable to look away. A silver brow lifted and Harper gave the slightest tilt of her head. Was Nevada trying to get her attention, after seemingly ignoring her flirting attempts, both times? How interesting indeed.

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06-04-2021, 03:23 AM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2021, 03:24 AM by Nevada. Edited 2 times in total.)
 Nevada gave a soft, almost pained laugh. “Ragnarok.” She shook her head. “The last thing I remember, we were under attack. Our land was being consumed... and then I awoke in a forest of flowers.” She was slowly coming to grips with reality, though what had occurred seemed to break every rule of life she had figured out. Her voice softened and she murmured, just loud enough to hear, “Honestly... I'm not sure if I would even want to go back.” It was hell.

 She had been barely weaned when she had first realized the precipice she strode along every single day. Barely been away from her mother's teat when she had watched her brother attempt to murder another of their age group by shoving her into the tar. Barely understood what was going on when she realized just how easily she, too, could be swallowed by that evil blackness.

 A life away from that would be good for her.

 Perhaps she had been ignoring the flirtations. Perhaps she had been deciding whether they were flirtations or simple friendliness. Perhaps, even, she was playing hard to get.

 Regardless, her decision had been made given the information she had gathered - especially the way the other stared when she stretched. A smirk slipped onto her lips and she offered a wink before turning, tail flipping casually behind her at Harper, and making her way into the water. “Well, you coming?”

the staff team luvs u
06-04-2021, 03:47 AM
It had taken little effort to lure the pentatoed, sabertooth into her clutches, but now, as Nevada played hard to get, Harper wondered if she, too, should have played harder. Such thoughts were put on hold at the mention of ragnarok, and a story she did not yet understand, but some part of her wished that she would never have to experience such a thing.

Almost immediately, Harper’s ears flew backward and Harper lowered her head with an apologetic whine. She had assumed that Nevada was just traveling, that she’d left her home because it was too hot. Boy, she’d never been so wrong. “I not face dis ragrock, but I not want back home, eithers.” Harper would say, keeping her speech simple, as it was best understood in small words.

And then would come the wink from the ghost, causing Harper to blink in confusion. The heck?? So she was not blind. Coming? Coming whi- riiight, swimming. How could she forget, when she loved the water so much? Perhaps because the view had been just that good.“I was ven-joying zee view fist.” Harper, too, would slide into the water with a gentle groan.Mmm, that felt good; it had been too long. “Dis nice. Has not go swim in long time.”

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06-04-2021, 03:59 AM
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  • Sexual innuendo
 If Nevada had known what had occurred between her son and the powerful mistress beside her, perhaps - well. Actually. Who knew what she would have done. That would be a conversation for another night, as the probability of it was so slim that it hadn't even hunted at her mind.

 Nevertheless, she offered a gentle smile in return for the apologetic whine and words of comfort. “Then best to look to the future, hm?” The Valley was far, far behind her. While it was true that there were wolves there that she had peace with and even enjoyed the company of... there were others she did not wish to ever see again. And others yet who she held such conflicted feelings towards that she wouldn't know what to expect if she did come across them again, like her mother or most of her children.

 Or even Darken.

 The other seemed bewildered by the interest she was showing now. Harper complimented the view and a laugh escaped the ghost's lips. With an eyebrow raised, she replied, “Hmm, I thought you wanted to get wet?” And into the water she went, legs churning under her as they carried her into the chilled water. As it came up to wash over her body, she let out an unconscious gasp - surely she should have figured the water from the mountains would be colder, but still she was surprised.

 When she regained her breath, she turned back to Harper, paddling in place. “It is refreshing!” How long she would swim, well, they would have to decide. “There were no lakes or ponds back home!” If there were, they would have been heated by the sun and the rocky earth around them.

the staff team luvs u
06-04-2021, 04:29 AM
Then it’s best to look to the future, and before Crux had come along, Harper truly had no reason to. She just existed, floating in existence and simply here for her sister. That’s how it started, though now, it was more than that, wasn’t it? Now, she desired for things that she hadn’t thought possible.

“Bold of you to vink am not ‘ready.. ” Would come Harper’s reply as she, too, was chilled by the cool waters. Ah, she hadn’t swam since Amaranth had found her, but that had been more a bath, until Valeska had pounced her and tried to ride her like a surfing board. Now only, she wished to do the same to Nevada, but in a different way.

Nevada’s gasp and statement caused her to giggle. “Vat, you not beleaf me? Shame on you!” Harper barked a laugh as she went to swimming in circles around the lighter female. Huh. Was this what friendship felt like?

the staff team luvs u
06-04-2021, 08:19 PM
 Nevada answered with a laugh instead of words, kicking at the rocks beneath her feet and feeling her paws shift through the water-plants that sometimes sprouted up within the depths. She grinned at the other's giggles, paddling in place as the larger wolf began to circle her. “Shame indeed,” she grinned.

 Even if the Valley had lakes like this, she highly doubted any wolf would be seen within the depths, playing in the water like this. Perhaps it would be seen as training, but she could just hear the disdain on voices. Playing? When one should be doing their duty to prepare for Ragnarok?

 In the end, no amount of preparation was enough.

  As Harper circled her, Nevada drew up a paw and - “Think fast!” - splashed at her, grinning and trying to swim away to playfully avoid the coming consequence of her splash. She giggled - knowing very well that she had no chance against the larger wolf whose prowess in swimming clearly surpassed her own. What other skills did the woman have that the ghost had yet to discover?

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06-14-2021, 03:03 AM
This was nice, Harper decided; she enjoyed swimming, and Nevada made for an excellent swimming companion. Even if (as Harper would assume) she was just passing through and she’d likely never see her again.

That was the real shame. Harper would just have to travel to see this one, too, then! What was one more, though, right? Harper had circled her, ready to move in to water-pounce her, when suddenly, a paw came up, hitting the water, and Harper was hit with a wave of water. “It vike dat, is it?”

She released a playful growl, swimming after her and quickly catching up. She went under just as she did, though; in an attempt to swim under her and flip her over with a playful growl.

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06-21-2021, 03:03 PM
 Her attack successful, Nevada swam away from the larger woman, a grin on her face and laughter bubbling from her lips. She hadn't had the chance to play in a long time. Even when she had been around others outside of the Valley, she had kept a rather professional attitude. Something about this wolf made her want to let down her walls and have a laugh.

 Suddenly, the sound of splashing behind her went quiet and she paddled in place, glancing back -

 - and was suddenly being tossed from below, flipping into the water and squabbling at it with her paws. For a moment she was frightened, but then clarity came as she surfaced and she laughed, swimming towards the brown wolf and aiming to grapple her paws around the other's neck in a playful - and vain - attempt to push her under.

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07-12-2021, 03:37 PM
Harper wasn’t sure that she’d be able to pull it off. She wasn’t sure that she would be strong enough. In the darkest part of her mind, Harper could see herself failing to pull it off and drowning in the abyss.

But the two girls emerged from the water, Nevada on top, and Harper played sharkie and flipped her over with amazing ease. The two were laughing and swimming in circles around each other. Or, they were, until Nevada grabbed her around the neck in a playful embrace that lasted only a few seconds before Harper was under the water again.

She made like a fish and swam under Nevada, this time aiming to resurface so that Nevada was on her backside in either direction, as Harper swam them to the shallow ends, nearest the surface and just laid there.

“Dis be fun. Not had good fun in long time.” Harper swooned with a smile and wag of her tail as glanced towards the other female.

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08-14-2021, 02:23 AM
 She laughed once her swirling paws brought her back to the surface. Then Harper vanished and suddenly was below her, so she did what instinct told her and held on, her paws tucking around the other lady's neck.

 The Amazonian lass was carrying her to the shore and she allowed it, flopping off as Harper lay upon the sandy earth. Nevada grinned between her pants, agreeing with a gentle huff of air. “It was - and what an agreeable playmate!” she looked over at Harper and winked, a wry smile upon her lips before she shifted onto her belly and stretched. “Do you sweep every lonely lady you meet off her feet?”

 Not that Nevada was lonely, but - well, actually, sure, she was. She was all alone in a new world with a bunch of strangers. She knew nobody here, besides the odd nice wolf she'd come across and parted with just as easily.

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09-06-2021, 02:27 PM
It had to have been the most fun Harper had ever had with someone who wasn’t her family. Her ears lowered slightly, realizing that she had no friends outside of her family. There was Amaranth, sure, but she’d been around forever and forever was long enough that Harper considered the girl family. And while she certainly tasted delicious, the golden goose was more Valeska’s friend than she was Harper’s.

She glanced over to Nevada with the tilt of her head. Would this woman be hers? It was, truly, an interesting thought, especially when Nevada voiced her own question, causing Harper’s innocent thoughts to twist into something not so innocent.
Do you sweep every lonely lady you meet off her feet?

Harper went deep in thought, trying to remember the last time that she’d met a lonely lady; had Nevada been the first friend that Harper had made? Ever, and on her own? My, my, it surely seemed so.

The dark amazonian woman smirked with the tilt of her head; tongue rolling over her lips. “You would be my first.”
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Content Warning
10-05-2021, 01:10 AM
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This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • Mild Sexuality.

 Nevada smiled at Harper, her lids heavy with relaxation and something else.

 Something not quite innocent.

 She swept her head around to lap lazily at the water that dripped down her shoulders and forelimbs, eyes still on Harper's purple gaze until it wandered, following the delightful curves of her cheeks, the way her ruffled fur swept into her muzzle and softened under dampened lips. “Is that so?” she asked thoughtfully, musing and lifting her head to tilt it at the woman before her. Her own lips twitched into a smirk as she rose from her resting position, taking slow one step and then another towards the other woman.

 Behind her, her tail waved delightfully, eyes sparkling. There was mischief in that seafoam gaze, excitement.


 “Have you ever felt the caress of a woman?” she ventured, head turning and lips pausing slightly apart. It was a gamble, but with the way the other women had reacted, she felt that it would prove true. A lovely dance, what was there to lose?

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10-13-2021, 10:47 PM
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  • mild sexuality
^^‘Something not quite innocent’ would have been the perfect way to describe this woman. Those ivory lips twitched into a smirk, and Harper could feel herself being drawn in - like a child unable to resist the plate of cookies that were meant to be had after dinner.

Her teal eyes sparkled, but there was something in her gaze that Harper couldn’t draw away from. The slow steps towards her, as Harper remained rooted in place. And then, she spoke, and Harper realized what was going on here.

Have you ever felt the caress of a woman? And oh, Harper quivered. Her tongue came to caress over her own, dark lips as amethyst eyes narrowed. A growl came from the depths of her throat, but not a threatening one. “You would be my first.” Harper whispered, delicately, though her voice was deep with arousal.

“Come, why don’t you show me your love language?”
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10-13-2021, 11:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2021, 11:40 PM by Nevada. Edited 1 time in total.)
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  • Sexuality

 Those purple eyes were fixed upon Nevada's seafoam and they urged her on, closer, further into this. Her lips curved into a sly smile, half-lidded eyes tracing the delightful features of the woman who seemed quite keenly interested in what was going on. Had Harper resisted or shown any sign of not being interested, she would have pulled back into simple friendly play - but oh, no.

 This was not simply friendly play.

 Delicate paws drew her towards the woman, her steps slow and methodical so she could take in as much of Harper before she was too close to take her in full.

 The request given, the distance closed.

 Nevada drew near Harper, breath slow and hot in her lungs and out her nose as she took in the heavy scent of the woman who rose much taller than she. Smoke, vanilla, and pine drifted into her nostrils and her breath quivered as she took it in, memorized it. She drew up before Harper, lifting her maw to lap at the corners of her mouth, along her jaw, tongue moving slowly and carefully.

 Her eyes never left those delightful berry irises.

Fade to black!

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