Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Count my cards, watch them fall,

Afternoon Sunny/Clear
05-05-2021, 10:45 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2021, 02:38 AM by gerra. Edited 1 time in total.)
The adoration of the deer, a stemming family trait that came from the Déorwine clan. A fire-full gaze carefully wandering to the plains, a look to the doe who lay in a blissful sleep. Creamy and brown, spotted in delightful, a cute factor that many of the women adore the most, and desire to be. The most 'cute' of the Déorwine wolves are the ladies who carry the spots and stripes, the traits of a wonderful doe - they are the one's that are always adored, such as the one she see's before her. The other in blissful sleep, while the Queen crosses her paws, and gazed further beyond.

As so the seasons go, so do the antlers that the bulls carry. Sets of antlers lay upon the floor, and she thought perhaps ; good luck was on it's way.

+1 Discovery Point

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05-06-2021, 09:26 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2021, 03:11 AM by gerra. Edited 1 time in total.)
Tavra had long anticipated her departure from the woods she'd been born to. For months, on her final stretch toward her first birthday, she'd dreamed of freedom. Life there had been complicated, particularly when it came to relations with her family: something irreparable with her mother, and a frostiness with older sisters as a result. It'd been the pleading of Brea and an unbreakable bond with her beloved father that'd rooted her there for so long, until at last she could brace herself against the fire of Durnehviir's parenting no longer.

She did not to her father that'd final time, for she knew Constantine would convince her to stay as he'd done a hundred times before. Not even Brea would support her decision, she knew, and she doubted that Talamir would care - so the fiery yearling attempted her liberation undercover of night. Guided by a crescent moon, Katavra shed the maternal half of her surname and went silently, keen to avoid the pain of goodbyes and the scrutiny of certain relatives.

Life as a loner was difficult, and she felt the strain as an inexperienced huntress. She continued to manage, however, but she always hoped for more: a place to make a name for herself and build her own future.

“Ah!” Tavra squeaked in surprise as she spooked a doe who'd been snoozing close by the trail she picked her way along. Veering to the side and away should the creature choose to turn on her to protect a Springtime fawn, the crimson yearling observed the creature's swift departure. It was when she turned to resume her wanderings that copper eyes found a dark figure nearby, and she pricked a ginger ear forward with curiosity.

+0 Discovery

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05-07-2021, 07:42 PM
"It seems I have a guest within my territory." Though more trouble came to claiming more of the land that reached outside the forest, Célnes made it clear to the wolves of Elkshire, to guard dearly. Though some had respected the faint border, not all seem to. Though, it was but a yearling.. At the same time, she remembered the other child who claimed it was her packs land, and that itself, brought a slight wariness. Even the youngest can hold a deviant heart, as she was the same.

Never underestimate someone one would meet.. Though the Queen at times holds an over-judgement to others despite the saying.

"You are in Elkshire borders, my dear." Célnes called out.

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05-07-2021, 09:21 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2021, 02:39 AM by gerra. Edited 1 time in total.)
Tavra, fearless as she stood there on unfamiliar territory, knew in the moment that the stranger's gaze fell upon her that she would hold her ground should there be any aggression to come. She sensed no hostility from the mahogany stranger who regarded her with what she swiftly assumed to be a certain arrogance that she chose to disregard - like water off a duck's back. She frowned deeply, thoughtful, and flicked a ginger ear back at the comment regarding her alleged territory.

The yearling inhaled deep, but found nothing she wasn't already aware of. To her, the distinct scent of rutting deer dominated the area - she figured it belonged more to nature than it did to any wolf. Still, she was in no position to offend this fire-eyed "Queen" who already reminded her too much of a mother she longed to forget, so she dipped her muzzle and her sweetest smile came to replace her rather sour expression from before. 

“Sorry,” she answered simply, but wasn't really, though she held confidence in her ability to deceive, “I guess your land is well named!” A deflection then, should things turn to shit, as Tavra glanced briefly to acknowledge a second doe who sprung between the brush to join her disturbed companion from before.

+1 Discovery Point

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05-08-2021, 04:07 AM
"Is it?" A paw crossed over her limbs as she kept a steady gaze on this stranger. Though so close out of the borders, Célnes couldn't tell if she was just a foolish loner, or a plain walker. Though cheerful sounding, matching the spirit of fire that was on her pelt. Though for the Queen it brought an immediate judgement of yet another barbarian, reminding closely to rather.. Rohesia and Corliss, though seemingly much nicer then her two cousins.

"Where have you come from? You're scent is unrecognizable." She toyed with some questions, not in a rush to chase off the stranger. While they carried the sinful white traits, there was still the colorful ginger that was held dearly. As well as it had been some time since she last talked to a loner ; it would be pleasant if the other had some useful information.

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05-08-2021, 11:59 AM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2021, 03:11 AM by gerra. Edited 1 time in total.)
“Sure,” the fire youth chirped, though suddenly felt a little doubtful in herself at the dark stranger's (probably mocking) question. “Lots of deer around. I can smell 'em.” She'd announced the borders were those of Elkshire, right? Likely named to link the land to the inhabitants she shared it with? Tavra had no other title to connect the she-wolf's home with, so felt safe to assume.

She could understand why a pack would choose to settle there, what with the high deer population, though was curious to learn how they all lived in harmony with one another. Quietly she studied the Queen before her, she whose initial impression brought forth the icy feelings she harboured for her estranged mother, but quickly acknowledged that the hues she carried reminded her of her own father. They shared that rich mahogany pelage, and the bold tangerine hue of her eyes matched Constantine's in a way that made her heart skip a solemn beat within her breast.

She glanced away again, thinking of Dad and Brea with solemn fondness, before a question drew Tavra's attention toward the source again. Copper eyes blinked toward her. “Far South,” she answered simply, though the young dragon had no way of knowing where, exactly, she'd come from. In her eagerness to leave it all behind her she had simply roamed in whatever direction her nose took her, “a place called Maplewood Ridge. I left my birthplace a few months ago. Wanted to make my own decisions.” To disperse from one's family was normal, she decided, though felt a little wary in admitting it as she knew not everybody felt similarly.

+1 Discovery Point

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05-08-2021, 06:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2021, 02:45 AM by gerra. Edited 2 times in total.)
"Our pack mingles with them. Some even granted a rank amongst our kind." A clear warning, that near this forest, they were untouchable. Originally the first rule that came to any Elkshire wolf was to leave the horned alone. Though as more deer that came to be that spoke.. She toyed with the thought to ban it altogether within this forest, to create a rather peaceful resolution between the two kinships. Maybe that itself, would please the High Elk ; and have him stop sending abominations to her doorstep.

It would be a topic to share with the rest of another day, an announcement of her newfound rule.

"Then what shall you do now, with this newfound freedom?" Her paw, gently curved against a grass blade as she hummed gently, eyes wandering away from the ginger woman. A glance toward the more colorful flowers that stood away, and there she could see the peeking of one of the doe's, trying to hide behind one of the bushes, but take a munching delight of the oddly places flowers that were around their range. 

"I believe you never told me your name."'

+1 Discovery Point

the staff team luvs u
05-08-2021, 06:34 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2021, 03:10 AM by gerra. Edited 1 time in total.)
“You...” mingle with the deer, she'd said. Had Tavra heard that right? The idea disturbed her, no doubt, as her expression shifted to something along the lines of this. “Run with them?” Not against them? Tavra had never heard of a wolf bowing to prey. She could respect their numbers, sure, and in doing so keep her distance through the breeding season to allow repopulation, but... to look at them as kin? The notion was absurd. “Can I ask why?” She rolled a narrow shoulder in a shrug, “not judging, just curious. I've never heard of such... practices.”

To each their own, the fire-pelted youth supposed, though her opinion of this dark-furred stranger took an immediate nosedive. Perhaps, briefly, she could've entertained the idea of stopping for a time to regain her strength among the Elkshire's ranks and repay them by bolstering their numbers and providing in what way she could, but such consideration dissipated swiftly. “I will keep going,” she answered with a confident tilt of her pale chin in response to the enquiry of her intentions, “until I find the place where I want to belong.”

Which wasn't there, unfortunately. Tavra could not align herself with those who might better respect a deer above their own kind. The stranger commented on her lack of offering in a name, to which the yearling canted a tall lobe as she mustered an amused smile. “I did not. Neither did you,” a curious wave of her tail then, before concluding: “it's Tavra.”


the staff team luvs u
05-08-2021, 06:48 PM
"I am Célnes Déorwine, Queen of Elkshire, and follower of the High Elk. Our religion joins closely with them, and we respect them.. Living in a harmonious, and mutual pact." The look the other gave of course brought a short chuckle to the elk queen, as she had yet to meet someone so openly questionable. Many of course, had asked about it, and most likely thought of her to be a loon, but most kept their emotions inwardly ; making sure not to show off their confusion over her own practices.

As strange as it might be, it was how others viewed it. Growing closely, Célnes did not think differently, and always had her head held high about speaking so. She wasn't the most devout follower, but as someone who kept the Déorwine name closely, and proudly. It showed their noble lineage, High Elk or not, the family was something that she thought demanded to be respected. She would as the season was growing longer, she would bring her own genes to the pool eventually.

But now was not the time, numbers and prowess was far more important. A guard was needed.

"You are welcome to join us if you so wish, though our rules do stand. We don't hunt them."

An open invitation. There wasn't too many wolves that carried the more blissful colors, and the more she recruited, the more Célnes felt at ease.

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05-08-2021, 07:24 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2021, 03:19 AM by gerra. Edited 1 time in total.)
Religion? Ugh. It seemed to get weirder and weirder. Tavra, having been reared by parents who held their own beliefs in different things, had of course been given freedom to make her own decisions in that department. Durnehviir had hinted at a preference toward her background in her own passive-aggressive way, but the fire child opted to believe in nothing but the way of the wolf. She chose to believe simply in herself above all others, as difficult it had been to make that leap from the safety of familiar into the great unknown.

There were no regrets. Not yet, anyway.

Much to her surprise, Célnes Déorwine - "Queen of Elkshire", as she dubbed herself - presented an opportunity to her. Tavra acknowledged it with a curious blink of her bright eyes, an uncertain splay of a ginger ear, for she had already made her decision. In large part she wanted to tell the deer-worshipper that she was fucking insane, that she must be a damn fool if she thought a Mayfair (or Frostfur, even though she'd shed that half of her surname) would ever submit to what should rightfully be her prey. Obnoxious as she could be at times, she knew it would be wise to keep her options open, so she hummed in contemplation.

“Let me think about it?” Tavra asked, choosing to be polite considering Célnes had hardly been awful to her. “It is a big decision to make on the spot.”


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05-10-2021, 02:24 AM
A foreign smell in the area...  Remus knew it would intersect with @Célnes, and thus he had to stay near by.  After a while no summons came to him.  He decided to investigate anyway.  Making his way towards the trail of scent, eventually he came up behind @Tavra.  He could hear Celnes giving the stranger part of the same lecture that she gave him, recruiting no doubt.   

Remus walked up behind the stranger not saying a word, looking across to Celnes, waiting to see if she would as much as order him with her eyes.  Remus didn't pay any heed to the intimidation that this might cause their guest.  He simply stood there, silently, waiting.
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05-17-2021, 04:43 AM
She gave notice to the guard and gave a subtle greeting, but paid little attention on his rather expected standby, "That is quite alright." Her invite had been extended to quite a few wolves in the wild, though while she had not seen those individuals - her name, and Elkshire, was still hanging within their thoughts. That enough was satisfactory to let their name be spread, and hopefully to the eventual meeting of more unfamiliar packs. The more to grow, the more power that could be brought.

"My invitation is always open."

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05-25-2021, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2022, 07:51 PM by Rebel. Edited 2 times in total.)
Withdrawing Tavra here, thank you for the thread!

There was a beat of silence, an uncertain pause that lingered between the two following Tavra's request. She felt a brief, rare surge of anxiety and wondered if Céalnes might take offence to her gentle rejection, and prepared herself to flee should the need arise.

Even more oddly, the dark wolfess' vivid eyes rose to turn attention to something in the background and, curious, Tavra shifted to follow with her own gaze. Another approached her from behind and paused close by. Too close, she felt. She took in the size of him - giant in comparison to her - and regarded his expressionless face coolly; the corner of her mouth twitched as she resisted the urge to curl a lip in warning to back off.

Célnes spoke again, earning the yearling's focus once more, though the looming presence of the brute at her back had her moving off to the side of both Elkshire wolves. “Thanks,” she said with a gratified sweep of her tail, and nimble paws were already carrying her off in an Eastern direction as she excused herself: “see you around!”


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06-03-2021, 06:37 AM
Remus stood there silently swishing his tail, looking at @Célnes . He was awaiting orders.  He stood there, ears perked waiting to see what she would have him do about the 'Guest'.   

Watching from the corner of his eye he watched the guest depart eastward.  He would see her out if need be and if given the order, he would reluctantly make sure that she never tells a soul about Elkshire.
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06-03-2021, 05:39 PM
Though a shame, she did take the lure.. Perhaps though there would be a day for her to return. Célnes didn't think of herself as a chartible worker, often lending a paw out as an invitation for Elkshire ; for in the end both parties would be in fairness. She would gain numbers, loyalists to the pack that serve the 'kind' Queen, and likewise they would have a home to call their own, and wolves to make friends to. She didn't think the deal was unfair, yet so many seemed reluctant to join. What a shame! The Queen thought, but only gave a soft sigh as there was truly nothing to be done.

Looking at Remus, Célnes softly shook her head. As the other seemed wandered-bound, she doubted that Tavra would stay around their pack, and did not feel the need to send an 'escort.' Much less a silencer, of sorts, if the man attempted to do so.. He never wavered on her commands surprisingly so, "Let us return." She said, moving herself upwards to walk toward the Queen steps.

last post from me!

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07-10-2021, 03:50 AM
"Of course, your highness."   Remus then followed her lead, returning to the heartland of the territory.   The guard was relived that he would not have to silence their visitor.  Perhaps, if the core tenants of their pack had been more appealing, the wanderer would not have been so eager to leave.  Personally, this religion wasn't for him, but that was best kept to himself.
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