Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Home at Sea

Evening Partly Cloudy
05-04-2021, 01:22 AM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2021, 09:01 PM by Ragnar. Edited 2 times in total.)
[Image: LS.jpg]
Getting closer guys! For any but @Ynness, @Elentari & @Asgeir (and Aslaug) always welcome.

They had grown stronger, worked harder. The first Stormborn litter had been pushed from the familiarity of what they called home not long into their young lives. So far Ragnar was not disappointed in them. They would prevail.

After each of his children and himself had managed their own through the day, Ragnar continued to follow the skies. They grew bolder, brighter, by the setting of the day. Red as blood, orange like spring marigold and deep blue like ocean depths.

And then, as though his thought pulled the Gods fancy, he smelt the salty memory of the ocean on the breeze. With excitement, Ragnar howls out for his blood, the sloping middle cliff of Whisper Key not far ahead.
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
05-05-2021, 01:05 AM
 He wasn't really up to anything. Just flying along the coastline, absorbing the last bit of sunlight and screeching angrily at any seagulls he happened to pass. Stupid, puffed up, dirtbags. They all smelled like stinky fish and they talked weird. A bunch of screeching and cawing like the damned crows. Unlike his melodic croaking.

 Speaking of croaking...

 The raven opened his beak to let out a satisfied croak right at that moment. He let out several more just because he could and because it felt right. Yes, let the world hear his beautiful songs. Let the world—


 He gave a start as he realized that he heard the sound of howling, a long mournful sound but they all sounded the same to him. Pfft, what did wolves have to howl about? They were always making such an annoying ruckus. For what reason? He narrowed his eyes, looking this way and that until he finally found the fellow making the noise. It was a cream-ish wolf, he looked pretty big but that wasn't saying much for the raven.

 The raven narrowed his beady, purple eyes and began to fly lower and then he circled, wheeling around above the man at still a fair distance but close enough that he could reasonably call out to him. Which he did, after a moment of quiet scrutiny. "Wolf! Krak Krak! What for you call, eh?" Because surely there must be a reason.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
05-05-2021, 03:44 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2021, 09:25 PM by Lyss. Edited 2 times in total.)
Within his howls, a raven, crying out through the salty air. It cuts through the skies, its wings reflecting blue hues with a deep gloss. Ravens usually were more intelligent, more agreeable then crow or blackbird. Ragnar had learned at a young age the birds often lead to death, to food. He learned later from both Sindri and Frigg, the ravens could very much be the eyes of their God, Odin, if so chosen.

Ahead the bird circles and Ragnar offers a crooked smirk. He would take the presence of the raven as a good sign then. What he had not at all expected, however, was the bird to speak to him in common tongue. Never before had Ragnar spoken to or understood a winged creature. He and his family had appeared here as though by magic. Maybe in this magical place there were far more ability and possibility.

“I call for my litter. We search for rock and salt to call our own. The sea is on the breeze.” Not quite near where the edge slopped down towards the coast, he had yet to see it. But he was close, very close and knew the great open waters were just within his reach.

+2 discovery points

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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
05-06-2021, 07:54 PM
 He circled above, purple eyes staring down at the wolf as the creature lifted his head to speak to him. His litter? Ah, hatchlings. Wolves and mammals had such funny ways of calling their babes. "Baby wolfs? Grown wolfs? Krakaw! You make pack here?" He sounded almost hopefully at that. Annoying and strange as they were, wolves did offer ample opportunity to get easy food. He was happy to live near a pack as it was easy pickings when it came to prey. Krakarak was always more than happy to lead predators onto prey because he would always get the scraps afterwards. If they moved in near the ocean then he'd have guaranteed food all the time. He clacked his beak delightedly, suddenly in a much better mood.

 "You look for sea, ya? Krakarak can show where sea is. Krakawa! He see many things up here." He said that last bit quite proudly. He was able to see so much with his wings that the land-bound animals could only dream of.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
05-11-2021, 05:36 PM
“I plan to.” He spoke, a smile on his lips as the creature ahead did not seem all that opposed of such a thing. “Somewhere along the coast, though have not decided as to where.” He was new to this land, after all. The bird could help to show him this land he knew and in turn Ragnar would satisfy the bird with a favor his own.

While picking scraps off bones might not have meant much to someone of his size and caliber, the meat which still clung to kills there after was plenty enough for birds and buzzards. It was of no doubt, the wolf and raven could be profitable to one another as they had throughout the centuries. Bird flies ahead, directs wolves to food out of scent and sight. Wolf finds food, kills it and they both eat.

“Show it to me then, Krakarak. I trust in your eyes and wings.” He called out to the bird and the sky above, beginning to pace forth towards the scent of salty waters.
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
05-14-2021, 10:25 PM
 He was very happy to hear that from the wolf. He gave a little bird-smile down at the creature. What an absolutely pleasant fellow! He could even excuse the senseless howling because of it. Why couldn't all the wolves he'd met be like this one? "Krakarak sure you find somewhere." It was likely the promise of a family here that lead him to be hopeful of free, easy food in the future that made him enjoy the fellow a bit more than he would normally.

 It was even better when the wolf said he trusted him. The bird practically fluffed up proudly mid-flight, heading lifting a bit as he called down. "Ya ya. Krak Krak! Krakarak have the best eyes and wings! Come come! You follow now." Oh yes, this would be the most profitable relationship, he could just feel it in his gizzard.

 With that, he angled off at a leisurely pace. Well, a leisurely pace for him and hopefully one that the wolf would easily be able to keep up with as he headed towards the salty sea on the horizon. They weren't that far away, the wolf hadn't been too off track. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't gifted with wings like the glorious avian kind. It was no fault of his own and Krakarak was willing to help such a sensible fellow.

 After a little while of his measured leading, the raven would call down in a deep caw, "There. You see? You smell? Krakawa!" Just over a rise was the salty sea. The raven flapped his wings and surged forward, heading out over the gently lapping waves. He could smell the salty air, it wasn't his most favorite scent but he could get used to it.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
05-23-2021, 06:47 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2021, 09:25 PM by Lyss. Edited 2 times in total.)
The raven is happy, fluttering around him and cawing out his acceptance. Ragnar began taking pace then, running along after the soaring raven towards the open seas. “I see, raven!” He saw the sea.

Along each side of him, the mountains fell drastically downward onto a small sliver of beach and then to the choppy ocean waters. Where Ragnar stood, the land sloped inward and down, making an manageable climb down into an acred beach. The cove here was beautiful, tropical and held a far different quality about it then the dark and cold waters where he had stayed in Torbine.

Here, he had a great view of the whole Key though as the raven soared over the waters, Ragnar too wished to be near. He began to hop and turn, navigating down the slopes toward the pale sands.

“Do you have a home, Krakarak?” He asks the bird curiously, wondering if he roosted on these cliffs here or if he did not have a particular region he enjoyed and just remained as flowing as the air and tides.

+2 discovery points

the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
05-23-2021, 10:06 PM
 The raven continued to fly about over the waters, beady eyes alternating between the choppy seas and his land-bound companion. The wolf ranged this way and that, hopping and jumping, walking and jogging, as he went on about his business. The raven dipped upwards into the air and then turned a few lazy flips downwards as he flew closer to the ground. From here he was only a few feet away from the waves and when the wolf called to him from the sands, he flew closer to the canine. Briefly he would come to rest on the sand, near the wolf as he answered.

 "Krakarak left his home. Those dumb-dumbs no realize that they need Krakarak more than he need them! Krak Krak!" He used to live with his own tribe of ravens but left when he thought them too insufferable to be around. Here he seemed rather pleased with himself, feathered chest poking out as he addressed the wolf. "He fly wherever he please. Looking for new home. Krak!" He'd not found anything so far and was truly just enjoying going here and there. Although if he could find a place of easy food and creatures he could get along with, then who knew? "Why? You offer Krakarak home? Krakaw!" He was nothing if not blunt and if he wanted something, he was not one to beat around the bush.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
05-24-2021, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2021, 09:04 PM by Ragnar. Edited 2 times in total.)
I have so many dreams for this relationship already. XD

He watched the great bird through the pale of eyes like open morning skies. How he turned ans dipped, how he hovered large black wings over the waters just out of reach. Ragnar smiled, happy to watch this bird. It was really the only kind he ever paid mind too and only within the last year of his life at that. It had been said to him, by Sindri and Frigg, mothers of his children, that ravens are the bird which their Gods chose to see from. The bird which was their eyes, their messengers.

He lands there before Ragnar, touching earth for the first time. Ragnar had not ever been so close to a bird before, not willingly by the bird at least. Perhaps Krakarak was beginning to trust him, a start to a new and profitable relationship.

“I have a feeling they may be regretting it now. Already you have been more useful to me then any of the local wolves I've met so far.” He praised his, perhaps, newfound friend. “Then it so happens we both search for a home.”

And the raven was not one to beat around the bush, catching the wolf's intention. “Would you be interested in staying with us then? Id never have a means to trap you to our claim, the sky is your home... But if you would let the forested mountain which I intent to claim hold your roost, where you store your collections and trinkets. Where you may shelter in winter and be a part of our pack and have word among us.” He pauses, for he doubts the bird cared about pack politics or even what most wolves said or did. “You'd be safe.The mother of my pups thinks kindly and respects the raven.” He would allow the bird to find out on his own why unless he asked Ragnar now instead of Sindri in time.

“Where I lived before, we had what we call Watchers on the Wall. Guardians atop the mountains. You could be our eyes. Our Watcher.” Having a bird's eye view, literally, they could spot ambush from a rival pack or large predator. Could spot wildfire, bad weather ahead and herds and other food.
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
05-24-2021, 05:24 AM
 If the feathered fellow had been a cat, he would have been purring so loudly the ground would have shaken. Compliments were a surefire way to get into the ravens good graces and the wolf was playing the bird's tune very well. "What can Krakarak say? He is a very useful bird." More resourceful than any of the lost wolves that had woken up here, if he did say so himself! The bird was practically all puffed up now, clearly pleased with the man's words and soaking in all of the praises.

 A home in the nearby forest? A place to store his valuables --of which he had none but soon -- and where he could have a say-so in pack politics to curb that little need to feel important? Yes, please! Although, he didn't scream out his enthusiasm. Instead, he pretended to be pondering the offering, as if he had a thousand other ones to sift through and this one was at the bottom of the pile of invitations. He narrowed one eye, scrutinizing the pale man while he looked up at him. "Well..." He mused, completely being dramatic and already having made up his mind.

 All of it was laid out before him, the promise of importance, safety, and food. "Krakarak stay. He help you and other wolfs-- your pack. Krakaw!" He said at length, un-narrowing his eyes and clacking his beak in a most pleased fashion. "What your name, ice wolf?" The dark bird felt that he should know that if they were to have such a profitable relationship ahead of them.

 "Krakarak be Watcher! He watch for your pack and he help eat carcasses, ya ya! Krak Krak! And get all pretty trinkets!" He was a sucker for shiny things and now he'd have a dedicated nest to store them. The fellow was clearly very excited about the whole thing, his dramatic show gone completely out the window. "Why your pack so high-thinking of ravens?" He wanted to know mostly because he ate compliments like candy but he was also curious.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
06-03-2021, 09:56 PM
A smirk played over Ragnar's creamy mug at the raven's display, his feathers all puffed out, proud of himself and happy that the wolf was acknowledging his best qualities. He had flight and while most other birds did so as well it was the raven which was the chosen bird by the Gods which his dear friend so worshipped. Who was Ragnar to say it were not so? Even if this raven did not do favors for the Norse Gods, he was doing favors for Ragnar, which to the wolf was all the better.

The blonde wolf watches the dark bird curiously, who ponders his offering in rather dramatic display. It was fitting for a bird to put on quite a show and this one was of no exception. Ragnar is stilled in his place, as though holding his breath in ever waiting for the bird's verdict. Sure, Ragnar did not need the bird to help him but the idea of having him along was quite compelling. Not many would be so keen on sticking around for more then just to steal scraps.

Finally then, acceptance! Ragnar flashes a toothy wolf grin to the bird and with a waving of his tail behind him, “Excellent!” Then to an introduction the ice wolf as he so called him adds, “I am Ragnar Stormborn.” Spoken of course with an utmost pride, despite it likely no one knew who he was or what blood he held in his veins. Not all the way out, wherever this was.

The raven very much so excited of what was to come, Ragnar laughs, adding fuel to the flame with thoughts of his own. “No better fitting to pick the bones clean of those we fell with that break of yours. Your eyes in the sky will lead us well.”

And then comes the question on behalf of their beliefs and Ragnar lifts up his muzzle, musing with a 'hrmmmm' as though this time for the bird to wait in anticipation. “Sindri comes from a different land then I.” He pauses to clarify in case the bird does not make the connection between 'Sindri' and 'the mother of his pups' he mentioned prior. “They believe in the Norse Gods. The All Father, Odin, is said to pick the raven as his choosing, to be as his messengers and all seeing eye.” After another pause in his tale, to allow Karkarak to fluff his tail feathers once more, the golden son continued the myth. “And wolves, they are a favored companion at his side. It is often why wolf and raven align with one another. It has been in our blood since our making.”
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
06-11-2021, 03:21 AM
 "Ragnaaar." The bird echoes the man before giving an approving nod. He liked it. It was a tough sounding name, harsh in syllables just like the names of his kin. Some of the fluffy-sounding, ground-dweller names were too soft for his liking. Everything about this man just seemed too good to be true. He was quite happy with the lot that he had cast with the fellow now. Especially when he confirmed the bird's wildest dreams. He could hardly wait until Ragnar found all of his kin and started this pack of his.

 Sindri. The name meant nothing to him at first until the Stormborn clarified for him. He gave a nod of understanding, the pieces falling into place as he listened to the tale that was woven in front of him. Krakarak had never quite been a believer of "gods" but he liked the idea of being a messenger for such a powerful being. It implied that he was powerful as well. It was clear from the tilt in the raven's head and the way that he continued to waggled his tail feathers that he was quite pleased with the information being passed to him. Yes, he hadn't quite been a believer before but he felt like he could become one with flattering stories like these.

"Maybe that why wolfs come here now. Krakaw!" He'd lived here prior to the arrival of the wolves and them all of a sudden waking up in this land was new. It didn't seem unnatural to him though, just something that started to happen. Strange but as long as they kept him full, he didn't care. "Wolfs wake up here to align with wolf-less ravens. Krak Krak!" Made sense to him and might have given some extra credence to the myth. To continue whatever alliance he was talking about.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
06-21-2021, 01:56 AM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2021, 09:25 PM by Lyss. Edited 1 time in total.)
A nod of the bird's head, approval acquired. Ragnar smiles, head lifting and sniffing the salty seaside air around them. This cove was beautiful, he knew, secluded. His tones shifted between the white sands as he looked out to the calm waters. It would prove a well suited home for someone, but not for him. Ragnar found himself happiest along the dangerous slopes of cold mountain rock. He, like the bird before him, enjoyed to look down upon the world below within the safety and awe of their heights.

Turning back to Krakarak, golden ears perked to what he had to say. Curious of the tale, the black bird did not deny Ragnar when it came to the story of the Gods. He pondered it, much as Ragnar did, with an open and curious mind. The wolf did so dislike close minded fellows and whilst Ragnar would like to believe he was in control of his own destiny, that his accomplishments were by his own hard work, he was not arrogant enough to believe the wolf were all powerful and all knowing. There was a whole world of magic and mystery beyond their reach. But oh, Ragnar would reach...!

“Well I don't see why not? Sounds like a mighty fine explanation to me.” A new land, a new world in need of life and love. “Come Krakarak, let us celebrate with blood and meat.” He spoke with a happy glee and bounded forth into the shallows, wooing at the bird and kicking up sea spray. A celebratory meal was in order and why nor one from the deep blue itself?

+1 discovery points

the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
06-21-2021, 06:47 PM
 A mighty fine explanation! His mighty fine explanation! He gave a bird grin back, pleased as punch for his newfound wolf friend. Because this guy seemed like such an amazing friend already. And now he was to offer meat as well? It was all too good to be true! "Ya ya! Much meat! Much blood! Is the best!" He called out and then spread his wings and took to the air. He was right behind the wolf, high enough to not get the sea spray on him but close enough to let out a few raucous calls and dive down playfully at the wolf. Why shouldn't he let loose now? He was in a very good mood after meeting this splendid fellow! Things were looking up for the dark bird and he was ready to begin a new bright chapter in his life.

 One where he'd have all the food he wanted.

Would you want to end the thread here?

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
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