Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

and she screams for home

Morning Sunny/Clear
Vanderfell Woods
04-29-2021, 07:15 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 07:19 PM by Dalila. Edited 1 time in total.)
^^Even at four months old, Dalila had acted out of instict. She had been beside her papa when her mumma had leapt from the side of the cliff, her warm, vibrant laugh echoing in Lila's ears as she leapt. She had watched, enraptured by her mothers bravery when Dahlia had fallen. Lila's mismatched gaze had widened dramatically when she saw her mother not make it to the other side and with crumbling bits of stone, her mumma had plummeted. Dalila had acted within seconds, running as fast as her young legs could take her.

What she was to do, she didn't know, as she too slipped past Osiris' body and threw herself off of the side of the cliff, after her mother, screaming out for her as if she could help. She had fallen, crashing to the ground after Dahlia and her heart beat in her chest as she screamed and screamed for her mum. Dalila must have passed out on her descent, because she woke on the ground, screaming and flailing as she scrambled to stand. Despite taking after her mothers reckless nature, where fear did not reign, she could not help but feel the panic of not seeing Dahlia on the ground with her or looking up to see the edge of the cliff where she had left her father.

Lila wailed, her mismatched gaze glistening with fat tears as she darted forward. Mumma had to be here somewhere, she had fallen in the same way! Papa had to be here, too, he wouldn't just... he wouldn't leave them. He'd never have left their family. "Papa!" The crying girl called, "Mumma!" her voice was watery and laden with panic as she ran, her belly rolling in waves.^^

the staff team luvs u
04-29-2021, 07:21 PM
There was something about Orlaith and the way of kids - she could sworn there was a one nearby. Was it the seventh at this point? More of a babysitter then a guard she suppose, and gradually instead of irritation, it was a continual sigh that escaped the dreading meeting. Though, she was what she was ; guard of the mountain, a warrior to the woods, and it was her duty.. As reluctant as she was to approach.

"Kid, you're parents aren't here. This is Vanderfell Woods territory." She rubbed a paw over her ear while giving a suspicious look down to the rugged child. Reddened, much darker then her own hues with a mismatched gaze. They almost looked like a fox kit, but the smell of wolf was audible, and so was the language of wolfspeak that they gave. 

Though they were distressed, crying - pointedly no threat. Orlaith sat down with a rather huff, forested eyes looking at the other with a dull and bored expression, like she was waiting for something other then another kid to approach these peaks. She didn't have much sympathy to share.

the staff team luvs u
04-29-2021, 08:27 PM
^^It was neither her mumma or her papa who she found, or rather, found her. Through her teary stare, Lila could see that they were bigger than her mother but not as beastly as her father, her ears cuffing against her head as she sniffled. Her parents weren't here? Well, that much she could tell, big lady! Dalila lifted her chin and through her sobs she said, "I'unno what is." Dalila had been particularly slow on the uptake of her wording but her parents hadn't cared, so Dalila was never embarrassed about it. She just knew this wasn't home and that the red, brilliant fur of her mother wasn't here, nor the crow-like darkness of her father.

She loved her family despite the inner need she had to wander, even for one so young, yet in this moment she wanted nothing more than them. "am Dalililla," she introduced herself, "Lila," the fox-like girl corrected, her name a bit too tongue-twisty for her to pronounce properly just yet. "Whasyou?" she asked, trying to not focus on her panic about her parents.^^

the staff team luvs u
04-29-2021, 08:32 PM
They slurred, she looked older then how her words foretell, causing Orlaith to pull her ears back. While she dealt with kids relatively fine, she hadn't dealt with one's of this young, and struggle to speech. Though hey, she dealt with one who didn't speak period, she thought it would be at least alright. Though the thought to perhaps call for another would do well, as they were well-groomed and seemed like only recently separated from her parents.. Maybe @Ira was more suited to this situation.

She sat down, "I'm Orlaith, guard of this territory. You know what a pack is right? That's what this place is." Ignoring the name altogether, that she had trouble producing together.. The only hope was at least she was understandable to the kid.

the staff team luvs u
05-31-2021, 10:00 PM
^^A pack. She was a Guard of her pack, she said and Dalila tilted her head to the side. Her mama, papa and siblings were her Pack. Was that what she meant? So the woman guarded them, then. Lila nodded, "family is m'pack," though she knew that they weren't... Pack Pack, she supposed, but pack was family and that's what she had. She shifted uncomfortably as she gave a great, heaving sigh as she cast her gaze around sadly. "I want m'papa and mama," She frowned, nose scrunching up as she stepped towards Orlaith where she sat and stared up at her.

"D'you know?" Lila asked, dropping her rump to the ground before her and waited, hopeful, that she did. Even though before she had said her parents weren't here, how did she know? She hadn't asked their names! "Papa is Osiris," she had made sure she had learned her papa and Mama's name, good and proper, even if her ma's weren't so far from her own. Too many L's in hers, thanks! "Mama is Dahlia," Lila nodded in encouragement, certain now that she had their names, she would know them. ^^

the staff team luvs u
06-15-2021, 06:54 PM
"I don't know them," Orlaith only sighed and shook her head. A few thoughts and theories came to be - such as was this child abandoned? She wasn't horribly mistreated from the wild, and seemed too innocent to be left alone for a long time. Someone that was once protected and only recently left behind, otherwise perhaps separated. Vaguely she thought of the scarred kids who ran away from her so, and the thought to chase after the hardened kid.. But she seem determined not to be caught, and left upon crossing a strange bridge.

"Do ya remember the last time ya saw them?"

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