Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

homeward bound

Early Morning
04-26-2021, 10:29 PM
^^Having him here, it warmed her heart and completed the pieces of her that she had been missing. It was time to intergrate him into her home, now, and make it his own. Serpens didn't seem eager to leave her, wanting to be with her and Elkshire... Elkshire seemed like a good place to start. "You will like her," she supplied to Serpens softly, "the Queen. She found me, she was ever so kind." Would she be kind to Serpens, too? She thought so, the Queen did not strike her as a beast beneath beauty, though Teodora thought that about anyone rarely -- she was not blind to it. Learning within the Dominion, their stories and the words that travelled around Dawn, she knew the world was not simply beauty. It didn't mean she didn't wish to believe it so but... she knew.

Still, Teodora often operated with her head in the clouds. She preferred it; using it to ignore the loss of her brother, her family and then the Dominion. It was easier that way. "My Queen?" Teodora called out through the trees, trying to not alert the wildlife by shouting. "Célnes," she sung once again, recalling how the Queen had invited her to call her by her name previously. Over her shoulder she glanced to Serp, her smile soft and warm as she gazed upon him. "We'll have a home," she murmured and though her heart wept for the Dominion, she could not help but think this was a start.

Faustus, Caligula, Minerva, the children... Zephyrus... they were out there somewhere, she had to believe so. It did not make her a bad person to be here, wanting to live.

...Did it?^^

the staff team luvs u
04-26-2021, 10:45 PM
Time has been passing and they were strong, the scent was clear and now they were adjusting. Packmates gradually getting to know each other as they pledged the same loyalty to Elkshire - to herself. Though there was still much to be done, and she particular wanted to venture to Nightwalkers to see how Vengeance's claim was doing. She didn't know his numbers, but by his last visit, he had a general idea of her own. There was also the thought to scope what was around the area.. See potential enemies before they grow further.

There wasn't too many moments where the pledges would call for her, so when the Déorwine Queen heard the familiar voice of Teodora, she emerged from the shadows, a smile upon her face, "Teodora," she greeted, "and guest."

the staff team luvs u
05-16-2021, 07:17 PM
Serpens trailed after the earth colored woman, bright blue eyes finding their way to meet his own dilute, mint gaze. The man offered a smile, as the lil miss continually reassured him of the miss in charge, of her home - of their home; or so they intended it to be.

Célnes, Teo called. And before long, a women separated herself from the shadows. The Agosti swept a curious eye over her, clearly not missing the fact that she too, was drenched head-to-toe in that rich, chocolate brown shade. It was strange, he had never met a brown wolf so solidly colored - until Teodora, and now this woman. Aside from the softer swatches of cream, she was all dark. And the sky was not in her gaze, instead it was fire and sun.

”Serpens Agosti, miss,” he supplied, looking to Teodora to allow her own pleasantries with her queen.

the staff team luvs u
05-31-2021, 07:49 PM
^^The Queen emmerged from the trees with a smile and Teodora's ghostly gaze brightened as her tail remained wagging as she gazed towards Serpens who as always, was so gentlemanly in his introduction. Her chest blossomed with warmth and affection as she brushed her shoulder against his own as she turned her attention back to Célnes. "He is my heart," she supplied shyly, a shoulder lifting as she nervously flicked her ears to and fro. Serpens and her hadn't exactly spoken about... what they were to each other, properly, but she had since decided upon finding him again that he was her heart and more. Before she had remembered him when she had woken in this strange land, she had felt something missing, someone missing and when he had stumbled upon her, calling her name -- Dora had known then that it had been him. He had been the missing part of her heart.

"Do you think that he would be allowed to stay, my Queen?" Teodora inquired softly, a hopeful glint in the pale depths of her eyes. They could start their lives together, here in Elkshire under the pleasant reign of Queen Célnes and from there, they could grow and flourish. Certainly the woman was... sad about her lost home of the Dominion, of the wolves that she no longer had but she told herself that it was different now, she had to move forward. Wherever they were, she hoped that they were happy and healthy. Her heart thumped painfully but she smiled, lifting her chin as she looked to her Knight, her safety, her warmth and knew that her home would be wherever he was.

The happiness that they could have was within reach, so long as he wanted her, and Teodora felt ready to face it.

the staff team luvs u
06-01-2021, 04:52 PM
"Oh?" Though slightly surprised, an amused smile drawled on as she raised an eye to this statement. Though shyly as she stated, calmly did they represent as the man next to her, guard in like, introducing himself as the other presented he was her 'heart,' "then he is your mate?" she questioned. There wasn't firm rules within mateship in Elkshire, as generally she thought it was none of her business unless it interfered in politics. Though she has made it clear if anyone wishes to have a litter, the Queen would not like surprises ; but she would welcome anyone who does so.

Though a part of her had thought of so, if one truly wishes to have a litter, perhaps a blessing would be in order. Célnes did want more to the name of Elkshire, but she also took that the Deorwine name clung closely so. Those of the origins, or name similarly of was more favorable then not, and if children ran around without even her name to cling to ; she would want the trial to be in order. Approvement from the High Elk itself.. Though that was an issue for later.

The Queen did not suspect anyone was itching to sire a litter so soon.

"He is welcome, of course - what is your skills, Serpens Agosti?"

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