Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!


Morning Overcast
04-25-2021, 06:11 AM
This is backdated some vague amount I think, or at least is in my timeline. Also uber vague because IDK what the heckers is goin' on in my other thread still? Haha.

He was starting to think this place wasn't the best. It just seemed, well, kind of gross. Perhaps he was just better suited for warmer climes, or at least more forested ones. Alone again (maybe just for now?). He was a dark blot on a usually-pale landscape. Perhaps that was the source of his problems -- he wasn't nice and camouflaged here.

Again he was sniffing around for something small and edible. So far, he was finding nothing -- again, he wasn't exactly fond of this place. It semed like a harder place to survive... So why the hell did anyone want to live here? The reasoning escaped him, but he didn't think much about it beyond that internal whining as he prowled. In the end, being on his own was certainly more comfortable for him -- but given his sour attitude, other people would likely agree that was the best option. He was probably more likely to bite someone than cooperate in more cases than not. 

Vidocq sighed, then looked up, scanning the horizon. Food should just dump itself on his paws.
the staff team luvs u
04-29-2021, 06:55 PM
Jorg woke with a sickening crack reverberating down his spine, something that should have sent a world of pain flooding through his system. It hadn't. The only thing it had done was cause him to stir and open his eyes, peering curiously out at the world he'd abruptly found himself in. He was slow to connect the dots, but something about the place seemed.. off. Unwelcoming. Fuckin' cold.

In the distance he spotted another and immediately loosed a bark, scrambling to his paws. "Hey, where the fuck is this?" he asked, testing his limbs for any wounds and finding himself quite healthy overall. Huh. Weird.

Where was Gemini?

"You seen a smokin' hot blue babe around here?" Not that he had any reason to find her attractive. Because his, thanks.

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04-30-2021, 06:04 AM
He blinked, staring at the dude who'd shown up at some point when he wasn't really paying attention. -- Just suddenly Vidocq wasn't really alone, and the guy wasn't familiar or attached to any sort of scent he knew. He made a bit of a show of looking around to the wasteland around them. “Middle of damn nowhere?” Like obviously! “Good luck finding one specific chick, you can find a bunch of nothing, more nothing, and some snow. And people with a few screws loose, don't forget them.” Might be this particular stranger too, or so he wouldn't be surprised. All the old people went friggin' loopy.

Let's also realize the fact the to Vidocq the guy was probably looking for some old hag that probably creaked like a tree in the wind. It wasn't like he was a lot of use, obviously. “Don't think I've even seen a blue chick out here. Just this one red chick, and a south somewhere there was this one dumb black chick who only wanted to hunt big stuff, not stuff you could actually catch. Snooted right off like a wannabe princess, bet she's still hungry.” He'd obviously had great luck with people, but given the shining personality he had, gee, wonder why. But Vidocq was just an uncooperative punk to start with, so maybe this was actually useful information, just filtered through a youth's warped perspective.
the staff team luvs u
05-07-2021, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2021, 07:52 PM by Jorg. Edited 1 time in total.)
Middle of damn nowhere. While likely not about to win any awards for being the best canine GPS, the man was nothing if not honest. Wonderful. He was in the middle of nowhere with a stranger, desperately wanting to find his Gemini and bury his face into her name. Or ass. He wasn't picky.

"How can I tell if they have a screw loose?" the rogue replied effortlessly, brow arched in amused skepticism. Yeah, uh huh, there were crazies about and this wolf happened to be one of the gold ones? Fat chance.

Jorg chuckled darkly at his rant, noting with some interest that: "you seem to be collecting women of different colors." Red, black, but sadly no blue. It didn't surprise him, really, as he doubted Gemini would have left without chomping some piece of the stranger's body off. She had a voracious appetite, after all.

"Well, shit. If you happen to see a giant blue lady with an ass so perfect it makes your head fuckin' spin, tell her that Jorg is lookin' for her. But also don't look at her ass for too long, 'cause it's mine." And he would be happy to fight for it should the need ever arise.

Not that he suspected the man would try, of course.

the staff team luvs u
05-08-2021, 05:58 AM
It wasn't like there was any particular reason why Vidocq might put effort into making something up when reality was annoying enough as it was. The crazy people did kind of have a habit of making themselves very obvious when you actually were paying attention for it -- or so he thought.  “When the kooks start talking about how you came here from another world or something, that's a pretty solid sign.” It was all very woo-woo crazy to him. It didn't mesh with Vidocq's own experiences -- where the transition had been relatively seamless to someone who hadn't been paying close attention.

Then again, the dude was talking to the equivalent of a young teen -- the adult probably liked some ratty old hag, why would Vidocq be interested in someone's grandma? Vidocq scoffed, both at the collecting comment and the expanded description of the woman, “So you're claiming some chick who ran off and ditched you or something?” Who knew, maybe this dude was actually kind of bonkers too. The youth had definitely turned a bit more skeptical. “You piss her off?” Which seemed kinda likely. Either way, the actions of the man didn't inspire trust -- because if the guy was some crazy obsessed lunatic, who knew what he'd do. Vidocq wasn't exactly the sort to stay put and let a guy chew on him, so he shifted his weight, wondering if he should just bail on the kinda-sketchy dude before he got worse. Couldn't Vidocq just have a normal conversation? Probably not. Too many old people.
the staff team luvs u
05-10-2021, 02:04 PM
Jorg's brow furrowed at the description offered, noting that it was likely he'd bump into a few crazies along the way. Good, good. Still, the last thing he recalled before waking had been a battle. An uneven battle that he had been losing, but..

Well, Jorg wasn't spiritual. There was no heaven and no hell, just wherever he happened to be at the time. At the moment it was cold, standing across from a kid who was now asking what he'd done to drive the woman off. "Dunno, maybe. Can't remember a whole lot of the past few days, I must have hit my head somewhere." He shrugged. "S'why I'm looking for her. Fill in some gaps. Are you out here alone?" Because wow, the balls on him for being so brave. Or stupid.

the staff team luvs u
05-20-2021, 06:07 AM
I'mma just be vague about the other thread, heh

Getting conked on the head at least was a far more reasonable explanation than some of the others that had come up. Still, Vidocq wasn't too impressed. “Good trick there, not like there's too much to crack your skull on here.” Okay, maybe something with hooves. “You look a little too much in one piece to have gotten trampled or something.” Also probably true, since hooves looked pretty nasty and he wasn't keen on finding out if they actually were personally.

But then the guy got annoying with his change of subject. What was with all these adults acting like he was some little fuzzball still? It was intensely irritating. “Nah, I got my bros, they're just invisible --” sarcasm, obviously, before continuing more seriously with a frown, “I don't need to have someone following me around. I'm not some little kid.” He certainly wasn't little, at the very least. He was basically an adult. Ish.
the staff team luvs u
05-21-2021, 02:00 PM
Jorg huffed a dry, humorless laugh. He didn't need some adult following him around, huh? "Boy, have your balls even dropped? The fact you're still alive is a fuckin' miracle, but hey, far be it from me to stop you from doin' what you want." The behemoth of a man shrugged. It made no difference to him whether the pup lived or died.

"If you want a fighting chance at survival, lemme know. If not, best of luck. Make sure to die close by so I can snack on you if I get hungry." Jorg flashed a razor-thin grin and turned to head.. anywhere else, really. He just needed to gather his bearings for a bit.

the staff team luvs u
06-06-2021, 12:07 AM
Vidocq was not particularly impressed. The youth was no small fry, and he was certainly old enough to know how to hunt and fend for himself, but it sure seemed like everyone thought he was totally useless. It made the decision to stick around with people very easy to make -- AKA he wasn't gonna even try. In his perspective they could go hug a porcupine. So, his reply was cooler than before, “I've been doing fine.” It was plenty factual. It wasn't like it was easy or plentiful, but he was doing fine for a subadult out on his own.

And that last snarky comment really didn't impress. He gave the guy a bored look. Even jokingly threatening him was a good way to instantly lose his trust, so Vidocq was going to leave the dude to rot, metaphorically. “Don't think it's in my best interests, sorry. Try not to freeze, I hear it's very inconvenient.” He started to walk away, but kept an ear on the man and his shadow in the edges of his peripheral vision, just in case the joke wasn't actually a joke. He lived because he didn't trust, because he didn't take unnecessary risk.
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