Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

doki doki

04-18-2021, 01:14 AM
He had eaten recently, and the thoughts rushed through his mind. The wolf he had eaten had been flirty, and Draco had decided to fuck them, and then midway through the slaughter his ‘lover’. It was probably a boner kill for the dead guy, but what did that matter. Draco had then feasted on his guts, having not eaten long pig since arriving in this new world.

But he wasn’t exactly able to finish it all. It felt like his stomach was poking out of his fur. He had never spoken to Kyeza about his special eating habits, but he felt she had to have known on some level - and not cared. As long as he had been loyal, what was the problem with it? No, Draco thought, as he dragged the corpse further under some trees.

The temperature this far up north would keep the body from rotting too fast, but he knew that his meal had a limit. Draco laid down among the roots of the tree, settled down for perhaps the next few days. The man started to lick between his toes as if he had just had a regular meal for a wolf. His ears were perked for the sounds of others - he didn’t really want to run into another pack, after all. But for now, Draco felt rather content.

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Content Warning
04-18-2021, 02:09 AM
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • Cannibalism
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 The witch had left the plains without fanfare. She'd headed west for no real reason, for nothing in this hellscape of a world meant much to her. She had no destinations, no purpose here, except the very real burning desires within her. Hunger, thirst, and another, less necessary but all too pressing need that she would shove aside with an internal sneer.

 So into the mountains she moved, thick coat protecting every part of her that wasn't scarred, which wasn't a whole lot if one were to look at her.

 She smelled the stranger and his meal before she spotted them and it made her pause. The blood-stink was tantalizing and belatedly she realized that although she smelled wolf and remnants of fear... she did not detect any regular prey-beast. No deer, nor wild pig, nor rabbit. She salivated at the rising thought within her as she caught the smell and followed it, stepping neatly towards the trees up ahead that shielded her target.

 Once she came across the scene, she knew she was right. From the way the wolf lay, settled neatly next to a ravaged corpse that could be nothing else but wolf, she picked the pieces together instantly.

 Andraste approached, giving a huff of greeting. She figured the wolf would be well satisfied with his meal that he wouldn't try to make her another. After all, she'd just end up a waste. “Alms for the poor?” she murmured, laughing to herself at some long lost joke. “I couldn't help but notice you and your meal... have any to spare for a lone wanderer?” She'd smile oh-so-innocently at the stranger, eyeing the potential meal with a hunger in her eyes she'd almost forgotten.

 It had been awhile since she had tasted wolf flesh.
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“Common”    “Loet'ah (Cheunh)”
Content Warning
04-18-2021, 02:19 AM
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • cannibalism
It was weird how the world worked. Of course, Draco knew nothing of the history of Andraste, but the world did. She had been mates for a while with Draco’s father, Lecter. It was so odd that somehow these two wolves found each other in a new world, far from the realms they had grown and lived. Now, what could almost be considered family was reunited - if only either of them knew this.

He watched the she-wolf come in closer, ready to fight back if she showed a hint of disgust, but to his surprise, she seemed almost excited. As she spoke, Draco felt his tail wag a bit. “My, my, my, my! I admit I have never had anyone ask to join me.” His birth family didn’t count. They had all shared meals before, including their mother, but that was a thought for another time.

Please, whatever suits your fancy.” A weird life seemed to spark in Draco’s eyes as he watched the she-wolf. It wasn’t exactly often that he got to find someone as minded as him, and let alone watch another eat the precious food. Draco would lean back some, focus gone away from cleaning his feet to watching Andraste with curiosity.

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Content Warning
04-18-2021, 02:29 AM
Content Warning
This post contains content that may be unsettling to some readers, including:
  • Cannibalism, Gore
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 Oh how Andraste would have loved to have known the tie between Draco and her lover-for-a-time. Perhaps eventually the two hell-bound beasts would discover this connection, but for now the two were perfect strangers.

 Perfect strangers with the same sickening appetite. “Thank you,” she grinned, tail-nub shifting in what would have been a wag had she still the length to do it. She was practically shivering with excitement, drawing closer and lowering her head to breathe in the scent of the prey with eyes drifting shut. She wanted to focus on this. Her chest expanded to full width as she let herself fall into the tantalizing odor, eyes flashing open with a wild hunger in them.

 And then she dove in, jaws wide and tongue slathering as she began to devour the meat, ripping through the flesh with none of the delicate flourish that she might have reserved for it in the past. She ate as a beast starved, gulping mouthful after mouthful of this extravagant meal without bothering to chew a bite.

 When she had had her fill, she sat back, panting, absolute bliss on her mauled face. Her gut, previously tucked in, was engorged and she was finally satiated. Her tongue swept up around her face, clearing off some of the blood that was now slathered on her face and neck. “Ah, my manners,” she murred, pausing to lip her chops again. “I am Andraste, what can I call you?”

 Her blood-red eyes turned to gaze at her observer, a pleasant smile on her gruesome face.
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“Common”    “Loet'ah (Cheunh)”
04-18-2021, 02:53 AM
Draco could feel his heart beating faster. With his permission, the she-wolf had gone up to the corpse and started to devour it. The blood and gore began to paint her face and chest, and Draco felt like he was watching through water as if it were a dream. While he watched, his head cocked to the side a little. It was beautiful to see someone with so much focus tear another apart with pure hunger and excitement.

He said nothing as she ate, just watching her intently. It was worth sharing the kill to watch her feast. When she had finished her fill, she stood back. He could tell they were both in that daze after a good meal, where they could sleep or speak softly of what felt like hopes and dreams. His thoughts were more focused as she introduced herself, and Draco gave another small wag of his tail.

My name’s Draco, it’s my utmost pleasure to meet you, Andraste.” It wouldn’t be hard for him to admit that after his god had left he worried that he would be alone. The tendencies he held, the beliefs he had, were all otherworldly. It had been lucky to find her, but now he had been given more luck in meeting Andraste. “Why are you out here, my lady Andraste?” She had some kind of history, with the multiple scars that were scattered throughout her fur. Draco wanted to get to know her better.

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Content Warning
04-22-2021, 01:52 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2021, 01:57 PM by Andraste. Edited 1 time in total.)
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 “Draco,” she smiled, bloodied lips parting to show surprisingly white teeth for how marred her face was and how bloody her meal had been. “Good to meet you.”

 Years ago, she had been a diplomat, of all things. Advocate, the Gentle.... so many things that were a mockery now. She had no pretty face to hide the disturbing thoughts that filtered through her mind, nothing to hold her back or control her. She was a thing of instinct and desire.

 But why was she here? If it was hell, it was not as she would have expected. No fire and brimstone, no being torn limb from limb... yet. Perhaps it was hell... but she didn't feel very tortured. An idea grew in her mind and she grinned. “Is this not hell?” she mused, settling down to groom the blood from her chest, “Are we not the devils to torture the damned?” How ironic, had she known the name of the doomed pack that Draco had been one of for a short time.

 She would smile at the other, “I broke from the earth like a living corpse. Had to crawl my way out... this is no normal place.” Her eyes lit up. “There was no one to tell me my purpose here... so why can't we make our own?”

 Why was she here?

 To continue her legacy as a devil among the damned. These wolves here... they must have done something to deserve this. She was only doing her forsaken duty, after all. Her lips swept across her face again, “What about you, Draco? Why are you here?”
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“Common”    “Loet'ah (Cheunh)”
04-24-2021, 10:21 PM
Andraste thought this world hell, with them sent here to be the demons who preyed on the sinners. Maybe it was so. In his mind he could connect the dots - that’s why Kyeza had Gone. She had marked her demonic saint and set him upon this world. Draco remembered his death, lived to feel it again. It all made sense if he truly looked into it.

She had woken up alone to the world, without the God to show her the way. Draco had been lucky - he had risen from his own blood, and then marked by his God. But she was the same as him, almost. He could see them working together, becoming the true demons of this new world of hell. Despite the food that hung heavy in his belly, it almost made him hungry.

I met God.” It was like he was confessing his sins to a priest, but he had a dreamy loftiness in his voice. “I met Her, and She marked me to belong to her.” He looked at Andraste, his face saying this was maybe a secret, one that she shouldn’t share. “She has gone now. Maybe she left so that I could roam, meet you.” Kyeza had not believed in fate, but surely this was fate playing with him again. He was willing to accept it.

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04-26-2021, 11:30 PM
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 Andraste had come here alone, just as she had lived. Void of any true connection, for those that she formed she shed aside without a second thought. It was a lonely existence, but it was the only one she knew. From her youth, where she had been torn from the arms of her loving mother and her brutish father, to her next home, and the next, falling to disarray. To slavery where even there, the one who she had followed to slavery had abandoned her... Even to Lecter, whose conniving face flooded her with so many shifting sets of hormones that she had practically been addicted before they had parted.

 But to meet god? Andraste could hardly hold back a scoff, masking it with a clearing of her throat after her meal.

 Great, one of those. She looked at him passively, glancing up at the fairly fresh scar atop his head. Marked, hm? Unwilling to turn a potential ally into an enemy so quickly by taunting his beliefs openly, she bit her tongue and listened, acting the part she had perfected so many years ago. Oh, a god, tell me more? I absolutely am not judging you right now, no you can feel safe here.

 She smiled, lips curling around her teeth. “Perhaps,” she mused, “Tell me about this god of yours.” Was Andraste looking for faith, for religion in the form of yet another cruel bitch? No. The only religion Andraste followed now was that of survival, of hunger, of lust. That of the body, for that was all that was left of the vile white witch.

 Yet, with some sick fascination, she wanted to learn of the god of this fellow flesh-eater.
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“Common”    “Loet'ah (Cheunh)”
05-07-2021, 04:13 PM
Draco was oblivious to Andraste’s critical eyes. Instead, he felt like she must be amazed by what he had been through. He could accept that perhaps she didn’t believe that he himself had met a god, but he knew that Andraste must believe in Kyeza. When Kyeza had disappeared, so had almost all of Sheol. Their ranks had been rather filled, but the followers had left with their god.

There was some euphoria with the idea of speaking about Her. Draco remained in his dreamy state. “She was massive - could cloak me entirely.” He remembered her painful licks of his face, the small nips at his wounds. “She claimed the unclaimed land of the Maw, knew all the tunnels and secrets.” Only a god could truly navigate such a place with ease (although, she had gifted someone else with the knowledge).

What do you believe in? I believe in the consumption of flesh, the power to be greater. Rule the weak, consume the useless.” He felt that she could relate to how he used to feel - still felt. While he believed in his God, he knew that what he had been taught still applied to him. His father would possibly be proud. He took great joy in doing what his father had done best.

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06-28-2021, 09:33 PM
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 Massive, more so than this man? She eyed him and figured: No, this woman could not be larger. Perhaps her presence was what dwarfed this poor fool, however pleasant company he was. “The Maw?” she inquired, tilting her head curiously and eyes glistening. It sounded.... delicious. What was this place, named for the jaws of monsters?

 Was it something worth laying claim to?

 Then the man inquired further, asking of the nature of her beliefs. She considered them for a moment. “Every god I ever met was a fraud, a deceiver who only kept their followers around until they ceased to benefit them.” She stood, lazily approaching the man, her eyes hooded. “That isn't to say your goddess wasn't powerful, for she surely sounds to be powerful.” At least, she sounded to have power over this man.

 But for how long?

 How long would the lost little lamb cling to his goddess who had abandoned him? She pitied him, so lost in his belief... and it sparked ideas inside her. Heinous, destructive ideas... ones she was not certain of just yet. Faint ideas. None she wished to follow just yet, though in time she figured she might just craft the ideas into stone. “Your beliefs are delightful, truly.” She considered him for a long moment. “Power, consumption of flesh, to punish those who have sinned. For truly, we are devils made to claim this land, yes?”

 She pondered the extent of his worship, how attached he was to his distant goddess.
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“Common”    “Loet'ah (Cheunh)”
07-14-2021, 01:10 AM
In the Before, he had never considered gods. He thought it a foolish man’s idea, but having felt the sweet death of teeth, he had become a believer. There were gods, and the ones watching over him wanted blood and flesh. If there were other gods, they had turned their backs on him. But that didn’t matter - he was more than willing to embrace the gods that graced him.

The Maw - it was a series of tunnels in a mountain. Very, very hard to get around. Kyeza knew how to get around, I was still learning.” He had been good enough that he would probably stay on course and lose someone that was chasing him, throw them off, and get them lost. But he also didn’t go too deep, knowing a creature lurked in the depth.

Andraste spoke of gods being fake, and he nodded in agreement. Yes, a lot of gods were fake. So many were creatures just wanting attention and trying to manipulate - but oh, not Kyeza. Not his god. “Yes...yes. I can see that. Maybe that is why she has left me. To set me free to kill the sinners.” Because surely she would have stayed around if she could have. They had plans, a pack forming. She must have left so that Draco would be free to reign terror on this world.

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07-14-2021, 05:34 PM
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 She licked her lips. Tunnels... that felt familiar. Like home, pits of vipers ready to slip out and strike. Difficult to get around, which was ideal for keeping wolves in but not so easy to bring them in, in the first place. It sounded secretive, which Andraste liked, but... she would need to explore for herself, see the surroundings.

 “Indeed,” she mused, tasting her teeth thoughtfully as she set back, stomach gurgling in delight at how heavy it was.

 Her eyes returned to Draco for a time. “If your goddess does not return to you in the flesh, what will you do?” would he seek out others to follow, another god? The idea tickled the witch and she idly considered it. Perhaps he would find a pack to join and fester within - or perhaps he would make one of his own.


 Her eyes rested on him and she judged. He was a follower, a witness perhaps. Not a leader, at least not yet. Not without being crafted into one.
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“Common”    “Loet'ah (Cheunh)”
07-22-2021, 11:35 PM
Draco knew Kyeza was gone, that she was not coming back. Maybe she had left this realm to a higher one, leaving him to cause carnage. The Maw had been perfect, and the pack that they were building had been perfect. But perfect things don’t last, and now he is alone. At least, for the moment, it seemed.

I admit, I’m not sure what I’ll do.” Well, relationship-wise. He knew that he would continue to scour these lands to consume others, give them their own hells. But it hadn’t really crossed his mind to band up with anyone, because he had mostly assumed that there weren’t any like-minded creatures.

Draco wasn’t willing to admit it aloud yet, but he felt intrigued by Andraste and would be willing to follow her, see if it fit what he wanted. But that didn’t feel right to say yet. “What of you? You are alone as far as I can tell. You gonna hunt down the weak of this world?” It would be nice to at least see her sometime again. In some weird, cannibal way, they could be friends.

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07-23-2021, 12:41 AM
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 Andraste gave a nod to that - they were both just wanderers here, roaming the land with their hellish intent. Rogues with little to offer but to recycle the gutter trash of the world and leave droppings that might one day work to fertilize this strange land's forests or grasses. The circle of life, as it was.

 She considered his next words, giving a little grin.

 “I have yet to make a plan for the future, so new to this land as I am. The only goal I have for now is to hunt down the weak and punish those who deserve it. To do what Death demands of me for releasing me into this place.” Who would decide who deserved it? Well, the white witch of the east, of course. “I roam south soon, towards the forests.” Her eyes trailed into the direction that the lowlands turned into, where forests rivers took claim.

 Then she looked to her fellow cannibal with a grin. “Perhaps we will meet again and will hunt together.” For now, though, she knew their paths would depart. Hopefully one day they would merge once more, but not for months at least.
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“Common”    “Loet'ah (Cheunh)”
07-31-2021, 07:53 PM
Draco felt this was truly the start of something more. But he also could feel his lungs catch, as if telling him that he had time to wait, time to learn patience. They had fed together, and to Draco that meant something - at least Andraste was considered an ally, to him. They may not work together at the moment, but he knew that they were here, together, to destroy.

Andraste was a hand of death, working for the god that took those to the underworld. Draco could see that, but he kept his mouth shut. Perhaps he, too, was to become someone of great importance, like her or Kyeza. This world had many gods show up in a more mortal state. Perhaps this was just the beginning of Draco’s ascension to More. But he instead nodded along with Andraste, looking south.

He was not going back that way, at least not yet. He knew that Sheol had already made enemies, and with him being one of the last remainders, he knew that he could not take on all enemies alone. “Fair hunting, Andraste.” He said in return. They would hunt again, the fates had decided. This wasn’t the last either of them would see each other.

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