Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!


Morning Rain 44° F
04-13-2021, 06:59 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2021, 01:54 AM by Ellinor. Edited 1 time in total.)
As luck would have it, I rolled Temperate for Ellinor's first starting thread. @Célnes if you'd like...

Protected by the high stone walls of Irongrove, nestled snugly in her beloved's embrace with the hearth gone to coals, Ellinor slowly surrendered to the thought of sleep. She felt Dieter's arms sag around her, and his breathing even out as soon as his head hit the pillow—a trait she could never fathom him capable of. He was always ready, always prepared at a moment's notice, and yet he wasn't wound so tightly that he could not sneak rest when the mood struck him. It was one of the countless things she loved about him. She carefully turned in his arms, and buried her nose against his neck, breathing deeply—her heart filled to burst with adoration anew as she succumbed to the peaceful dark with the whisper of his name on her lips. 

"Mm," Ellinor stirred to the familiar trill of birdsong, and hushed conversation between the pines as they danced with the breeze. Her awareness came upon her slowly, as it usually did. Lady Holt was not known for her punctuality, or her grace, in the morning. She shifted, still caught in the paradox of conscious intent and subconscious deflection, curling in on herself to preserve the last vestiges of heat from Dieter's absence. It was early—he was out for his run, and would be back come breakfast. But gradually she began to sense there was something greatly amiss in her world—the wonderful smell of baked bread, and crisping bacon was conspicuously absent, but the smell of petrichor and pine were notably stronger. 

Did he open a window? 

But she could hear no one outside; no conversation, no knicker of horses, or hammering as the artisans of Irongrove worked their craft. The breeze rolled through again, skittering across her mistcloaked fur, and chilling her nose. 

In a single move, Ellinor opened her eyes and reached for the covers to throw them aside—


Only, there were no covers nor hands with which to grasp them. Only long, fur-covered legs, with paws attached at the end. Paws that responded the signals sent from her brain. Her paws. 

Ellinor bolted upright with a strangled noise of alarm, but immediately began to teeter as she struggled to collect two legs not four under her out of factual habit. She frantically attempted to correct herself, but only succeeded in sending her shoulder first into the sodden ground with a squelch. Undeterred, she mustered the will to try again. This time she managed to plant all four legs under her, braced like a newborn foal with legs too long, and too wobbly, to carry her weight. But stand she did. Her ears twisted wildly as she scanned her surroundings for something, someplace, or someone familiar. It had to be a fool mage playing tricks, or the spirits of the whispering wood granting her a vision.

But wolves had never been her animal. They were—they were... 

"...Dieter?" she said in a voice as small and scared as she felt. "Kjarlund...?"

A sob gathered in her throat, "... mom?"
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04-16-2021, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 12:57 AM by Aso. Edited 1 time in total.)
"None who you call are here, plane walker." As the Queen motioned through the bushes, the grass and the shadows from the trees, she could hear a fellow call for family within the forest. Steadily by a nearby stream, parching through the third that comes to be alive, she lifted her head and looked through so. Her brown paws swifted through, appearing from behind one of the tall pines, and a pumpkin-eye looking at the other. She gave a pleasant smile, but there wasn't warmth in her voice, just politeness.

"You've appeared in Elkshire territory."

+2 Formation Points

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04-16-2021, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 12:57 AM by Aso. Edited 1 time in total.)
It was a nightmare. A horrible dream. Foul magic—something. 

A voice echoed from between the pines, drawing Ellinor from her fretful spiral. Her nose whipped around, fern-green eyes bright, and glossed with unshed tears. If ever a wolf could carry herself with decorum, this one did. Poised with fire-licked eyes lacking everything but polite necessity—giving nothing freely, and she immediately knew nothing would be given without equal return. Her eyes, and wit, hadn't failed her, even if her heart was threatening to collapse under the weight of her confusion. 

Gobsmacked, and utterly out of her depth, Ellinor opened her mouth to repeat the name but caught herself before the foolish filler could escape it. Instead she collected a few steadying breaths, and looked toward Celines with a frown. "My Lady," she managed, the formation of words a strange sensation on foreign lips. "I apologize for the trespass. If you could perhaps direct me to the nearest settlement I will not trouble you further." 

+1 Formation Points

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04-16-2021, 09:35 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 12:57 AM by Aso. Edited 1 time in total.)
"The nearest settlement would be this forest, the wolves that live here - but there are a few other packs around if you wish to know." Politeness was given, and so given pack. She did not mind redirecting the other to other places, especially as she could send the other to the Night Walkers. Though Célnes would prefer one, who was blessed in colors, to stay. Naming so, she gave the judgement to call them 'plane walkers,' in the way they seem to cross the astral planes to appear into the unknown. Often lost and confused, and there did the Queen learn more and more, interesting titles and names to bare. She assumed settlement was but one of many words like tribe, pack, group and the co.

"I am Célnes, Queen of these woods, who may you be?"

+2 Formation Points

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04-16-2021, 10:14 PM
Ellinor's brows knit and confusion danced in her eyes, deeper now than before. But it dawned on her—a wild wolf would not look to a human village and call it home. Their home was the wilds, with the trees as their shelter, and stars as their guide. And how presumptuous was it for her to assume Celines would see her as anything but a wayward wolf, regardless of the terminology she used. It suggested understanding, yes, but only to a degree. How deep that ran was hitherto unknown, and would likely remain so. 

Her umber ears swept flat against her crown and she looked aside, ducking her chin to conceal the quiver in her lip. But Ellinor mustered her courage, and steeled her heart. She would not weep before a Queen like a squalling child, no matter how she fractured. Roots bedded deep, iron. 

"Your highness," she said at last, pouring every ounce of propriety into her words. "I am Lady Ellinor Holt, heir apparent to the county of Irongrove." 

A pause, and then: "Do you struggle against human intrusion here?" 
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04-17-2021, 02:40 AM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2021, 02:42 AM by Célnes. Edited 1 time in total.)
"I'm afraid I never heard of that place." Eyes started to slowly unfocus from the red woman before her, as it drifted to the forests above, and below. The canopy trees that whistled in the breeze, and just the slightest heard of hawks in the distance. Peaceful and quiet, almost empty.. She thought of a 'country,' and while Kingsled once called themselves that, they were still but a pack. Maybe in hundreds, but in the end destroyed by a fire. In a way while her tone was pleasant, she mocked inwardly of that. Any who call their pack but a country is but a fool who thinks they have power - but in the end have none. As the Queen gathers power to make a real one, the lady before her was just a fallen Princess. 

Célnes stepped on a beetle before raising her head to the other.

"Nor' do I know what humans are."

the staff team luvs u
04-17-2021, 07:29 AM
God I love Célnes'.

It wasn't the first time she's heard that—Irongrove was, by and large, a relatively small holding tucked away into the northern mountains, known regionally by their trade of fine lumber and the artisans who worked it. However, despite knowing wolves had no reason to need lumber or to know her birthright by the name her forebears had given it, the notion lent greater fuel to the anxiety burning a hole through her chest. She quickly schooled her distraught expression when Célnes turned her eyes to the canopy, and worked to construct pitiful mental blockades; don't think about it, think about what you're going to do. 

But what the Queen said next punched through Ellinor like a ballista bolt, gutting her entirely. And it showed. Oh, it showed. Her entire demeanor crumpled as the realization, and understanding, dawned on her. She stared off into middle distance, stricken with several confliction emotions. No humans, no roads, no settlements, which meant home was beyond her present reach. 

"You called me a plain walker," she said softly, ears still lain back at half mast. "Are there others like me?" Her eyes flit about, searching the woods, finding traces of the familiar but nothing that led her to believe this was some measure of chicanery. Towering redwoods; great monoliths older than many historical records rose as the tines of a crown while copses of maples, oaks, pale birches and pines served as gemstones. All perfectly suited to her sensibilities, but it wasn't the Whispering Wood—it wasn't home. 
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04-19-2021, 02:14 AM
She watched as the other emotions became clear, like she was breaking down that it was not an illusion. It was the first to see someone so disheartened, she wondered if the others connections were so great to cause this, as most who ended up coming to this strange land, moved rather quickly. Along so, brought some strange words. There was definitely something off about that other, but in the way that brought wariness or need to defend - but just as any other, they came like a wisp, and no one truly knows that they all came from someplace different. Célnes never had the thought even occur, and will remain in the unknown, "Yes."

"Many tend to wake up, far from their homes. Even I, woke up alone. It's simply starting anew."

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04-21-2021, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2021, 08:31 PM by Ellinor. Edited 1 time in total.)
Starting anew—

But she didn't want that. Ellinor wanted the life she had carved for them out of nothing, in spite of her mother, and all the others who tried to bury her. But she had no earthly way to reconcile how she was going to do that when she didn't know the first thing about this land, or how she had arrived in this situation. Unless the queen was lying, a fact that Ellinor couldn't (and wouldn't) refute, Célnes knew of this phenomena and yet no one insofar had attempted to reverse it. They just... accepted their lot, and moved on. She sniffed, and instinctively moved to wipe away the tears, but stopped when her body merely answered with a firing of confused signals. 

"Where should I go?" she asked, crestfallen. "What should I do?" 
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04-21-2021, 03:58 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 01:09 AM by Aso. Edited 1 time in total.)
"You are welcome to stay within my forest - either as a visitor of a few days, or an Elkshire wolf." The crestfallen wolf who looked like she would break and snap at any moment. How sorrowful that Célnes only half felt, the rest being more judgmental. The other seemed to not be able to give up her past, a place where most likely, none could return to. She has not heard anyone disappearing as of yet, magically teleporting - a walker through the astral arts. What a mystery, and every so often did someone wisp their way into her forest.

"Live life as you see so."

+2 Formation Points

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04-21-2021, 05:21 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 01:10 AM by Aso. Edited 2 times in total.)
The duality dancing within Célines wasn't tracible by Ellinor's inexperienced ear, nor her eye. To her the Queen appeared as all rulers did—radiant, imperious, and unerringly committed to the sanctity of their realm. And it was by this account that the young Lady Ironwood gleaned a measure of reassurance. If there were others who had awoken here before her, surely more would soon follow. By that logic, it was possible she could find others to lead her home again. But until then, she was flesh and blood, and bodies needing tending even if her spirit was fractured and weary. 

Ellinor drew a tremulous breath and nodded. "Thank you, Queen Célines. I will need time to... to consider your proposal," she faltered, but persevered through the hitch in her throat. "But in the meanwhile, I lend my strength to yours." 

+2 Formation Points

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04-21-2021, 05:26 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 01:10 AM by Aso. Edited 1 time in total.)
She smiled, a snakish look to her; a deal yet taken, but for now another protector roams these woods. She found the deal enlightening, and did not mind if they did not fully pledge to her, yet. A deal of protection would do well, but as time would go on, Célnes would eventually demand an answer. Though firstly, she let the astral walkers settle themselves down.. Relinquishing the factor of not returning, but this woman, had the most trouble accepting.

"We do have a rule though - we do not allow the antlered elk to be hunted."
A strict warning that she would not give. If the Queen caught any of the guests breaking this holy vow to the High Elk, she would have them exiled from this forest. Even if the wolves don't follow the Deorwine religion, she surely keeps its traditions, and as Queen, will enforce it so.

+1 Formation Points

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04-27-2021, 07:33 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 01:10 AM by Aso. Edited 2 times in total.)
Were she of a mind to, Ellinor would've greedily reached out toward that tempting thread of mystery to learn more about the how, and the why, of such a limitation. But for now she merely nodded; utterly wrung out by the hurricane of emotional turmoil tearing through her heart. The prospect of hunting without her bow would be a problem she tackled later. For now, she needed guidance, and if Célines was willing to grant her the space to carve out a place in this new world for a time, then she would be the greatest fool of them all to refuse it. "They will not be harmed, on my honor I swear," she managed. Ellinor felt as if she should say more, should do more, but the words twisted on her tongue, leaving her to stew in an awkward silence.

+1 Formation Points

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04-28-2021, 02:23 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 01:10 AM by Aso. Edited 1 time in total.)
"Then welcome to our forest." Welcomed with open arms upon their deal, she moved ever so slightly, like a proper welcome to the woodlands. Though the other did not seem was well-adjusted, perhaps she would come into terms with the new reality soon. As they all have, she too will learn - the question was simply when. Though having another body to help ensure the prosper of Elkshire, she found worth waiting if the other would come around.

"If you ever need something, you are free to approach." With a smile so warm yet cold, she was stretching a hand of comfort to the other. A sunshine ray to the world of here, as now the contract completed.


+2 Formation Points

the staff team luvs u
04-28-2021, 08:30 PM
A palpable touch of relief ghosted through her veins at the Queen's welcome. She would not spit on the hand that offered aid, no matter the creed she was now beholden to. Her splayed ears reclined further—instincts warring with everything that made her human—as she picked up her feet and carefully moved to follow Céline deeper into The Elk's Crown. 

Definitely! I'll hop into that hunt thread shortly, too! Thank you for the thread!

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