Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

We're comin' at you live (live), real, real wild,

Afternoon Partly Cloudy
04-11-2021, 07:19 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2021, 04:51 AM by gerra. Edited 1 time in total.)
While she enjoyed the mountain terrain, Orlaith couldn't deny the forest that dwells beneath was a beauty to behold. Even someone as such as herself, who carries like a barbarian, can also treasure wondrous terrain. Even above she could see the bountiful prey that dwelled below, scavenging and grazing as if none were to be around. She assumed the area was voided of predators such as herself, wolves of the land who were once absent - were not forming groups around.

There was definitely one bright side of this.. Honey.

Within the mountain tops it was far harder to find the delicious syrup, as bee's stayed below where the flowers were fresh, and where land was blessed by greenery. She held a smirk, like the devil plotting for a contract, but all Orlaith wanted, was to hunt the bees. She could see them floating around the berry bushes and the occasional flower patch, now it all mattered on where they were.

+1 Discovery

the staff team luvs u
04-15-2021, 04:12 AM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2021, 04:52 AM by gerra. Edited 3 times in total.)
I hope you don't mind Ele hopping in! He will be delighted to learn of honey.

 From his perch atop the Nameless Mountain, he'd watched winter peel away as the snow caps thinned and the streams flowed thicker with the addition of the melted ice. Spring upon a mountain was beautiful in a myriad of small ways. The trees became flushed with verdant leaves, the scraggly foliage filled out among the boulders, and small high-altitude blooms made their presence known. However stunning the changes that spring were bringing to his stony home, he found himself craving a deeper immersion in the changing of the seasons.

 Ullarcraig Run, although he did not know the name of it yet, has not a hard place to find. He was led there not only by the soothing sound of the river, but the smell of game trails and the sweet scent of blooming flowers. The soil was soft beneath his paws, tender shoots of grass jutting upward from the ground and reaching skyward. They were flattened under his dark paws as he moved, but the youthful shoots sprung back as he passed. The mingled scents charmed and soothed him, and he felt little of the persistent tension that had taken hold in his chest while he moved through the landscape. Today was a day for admiring the beauty of things, and the small joys this land had to offer.

 He had earned a day like that, he thought.

 The sticky sweet smell of budding berry bushes reached his nose, and his snow-dipped tail wagged gently as he scanned the area, searching for the ripening treats and wondering if it was yet too early for a fruity harvest. As he scanned, movement caught his attention and Element stiffened, ears perking and eyes narrowing as he honed in on a figure moving through the foliage. From afar, the colors expressed on their pelt were not familiar to him, and he hesitated briefly, unsure how he felt about a new encounter on what had been, thus far, a peaceful day. The way the other moved seemed to indicate focus and intent, and that was enough to strike his curiosity - what were they searching for? That decided it - Element let out a loud whuff to announce his presence, keeping his distance for now in case the other wolf was not as keen on a meeting as he was.

+1 Discovery

the staff team luvs u
Vanderfell Woods
04-17-2021, 03:53 AM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2021, 06:22 AM by Aso. Edited 1 time in total.)
She saw bears do similar, reaching upon the trees and stretching with their large paws to grab the hive. Orlaith wondered if that talking bear did likewise, to share with her children. She did likewise, her paws leaning up onto the tree as she stretched high into the canopy, looking for anything similar to what may be the hive. Though alas, even if she could see, she was no feline, and could not reach that high into and nab delightfully. The best she could do was look elsewhere..

And elsewhere was spotted upon someone for their territory, as he announced his presence. While there wasn't an official claim to be, it was clear that the Queen made it a protective territory, something to be obtained with numbers, and their hunting ground. Green eyes narrowing, "Don't be lookin like a Vanderfell wolf - should be knowing this is our grounds." It was like a warning as she barked from the distance, but by her posture she very much meant hostility. Off onto the tree she prowled on the ground, an arched brow to the stranger. Orlaith counted herself as a reasonable, and freindly wolf! Only outside the territory, or with her packmates. Not those who enter.

the staff team luvs u
04-23-2021, 05:46 AM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2021, 04:52 AM by gerra. Edited 1 time in total.)
  Oh. Well, shit.

The moment he made his presence known, the look he got from the other wolf was not the one he had been prepared for - there was a flicker of emerald fire in the others eyes that startled him, kindling the hum of anxiety in his chest. Her words added more fuel, and almost immediately Element's posture changed; tail lowering, head drooping, an apologetic manner coming across of him. He hadn't come across the scent of strong borders here - or any recognizable borders, for that matter, and was entirely surprised to learn he may have stumbled across another packs claim. "Ah," he started awkwardly, taking the moment to find his next words. "No, I'm sorry, I didn't know of your grounds or your pack," he continued, hoping he sounded genuine enough to assuage her slightly. "I didn't catch your borders the way I came."

What next, though? Curiosity nagged at him just as deeply as the need for propriety. "I can go," he offered, reluctance in his voice as he addressed her again. "I just was curious what, uh, you were doing there."

+1 Discovery

the staff team luvs u
04-26-2021, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2021, 04:53 AM by gerra. Edited 1 time in total.)
As the other became more meek, she only seemed to puff out her chest even more, like a dominating sort of act, "ye' smell like some pack, don't recognize." Now assuring he other was of no harm and moreso a mistake.. Orlaith was more easy-going. She didn't like when others would talk back, nor' apologize for intruding, and detested more when taking their sweet time on leaving.. He was rather the first she saw that actually gave one, and drooped to a more submissive stance then others. She appreciated it.

Though the guard didn't comment on the borders - it was a work in progress.

"I'm honey-huntin'." As the tree hung above her so, there was also the nest that stayed. She could see the bee's buzzing around, wandering if she friend or foe, yet she didn't attack their home just yet, and remained safe. It was a curiosity how many were around, but surely quite a few. Especially since how vibrant the place was, and beloved by the herbivores. Sooner or later though, it would be  Orlaiths; and she wondered.. There was a rather mischievous look within her eyes as she looked at Element, a thought occurred, "wanna help?"

+1 Discovery

the staff team luvs u
05-16-2021, 06:41 PM
Thank you for the patience! Life is finally back to normal so there shouldn't be any more long waits.

Fortunately, the metaphorical thin ice he'd managed to wander onto seemed to grow a little sturdier, and he was neither further reprimanded or chased away. The tension held in his shoulders eased slightly, although he didn't yet waver on the apologetic tilt of his head. "I'm from one of the mountains to the south," he answered, making a note of how it felt for him to be able to cite the Nameless Mountain as home to someone else. "A pack named Empyrean," he added further. "We haven't met too many other packs" he continued, curiosity always at the forefront of his mind.

 Packs and politics and borders were important, for sure. However, Orlaith had offered him something far more engaging than the need to go back and forth about such things. As mischief entered her eyes, there was a moment of unease as he wondered if he'd misread the situation after all. But instead, her next words lit an instant grin on his face and he was all to quick with a enthusiastic "yes."

 A pause, and then a timid tilt of his head as he considered her. "Although I don't know what honey is, so I don't know what I just agreed to. "
the staff team luvs u
05-18-2021, 07:15 PM
She didn't recognize them - though didn't know anybody, "I'm from Vanderfell Woods, we up on the mountain that above these runs." Which was a main reason this was their territory, being so close. Generally she knew maintaining more then one territory can be rather difficult with one group, however as they were all warriors, and most respected their claims.. It wasn't the biggest of issue, yet. There was an annoyance on another day, but since then Orlaith hadn't seen this man. She was definitely more reliant on Element, who shown submission rather then reluctance.

Obviously, a grin appeared on her face that now someone else can do her dirty worked, "Ya see these bees? Their hives have honey - delicious. Just gotta knock one down."

Then the bees would go after him, it was definitely safer. For Orlaith, anyway.

the staff team luvs u
05-24-2021, 12:06 AM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2021, 04:53 AM by gerra. Edited 1 time in total.)
Vanderfell Woods. A name he tucked neatly into his memory, intending to bring the information back to Hydra and his packmates should they not already be aware that they had neighbors to the north. Had he not been so distracted by being included in operation honey heist, conversation may have trickled along the usual lines of inquiry: who's your leader, how'd you all end up here, what's the neighborhood like, etc. But there were more important things in play right now than politics.

 He couldn't help himself when the grin lit on her face, and a small mirroring of the expression slowly began to ease across his own maw, feeling more relieved now that his presence had been accepted by the Vanderfell wolf. Although as she continued to speak, a furrow began to work it's way across his brow, ever so slightly. Bees he knew of. Bees he knew to avoid, all thanks to a long ago memory of... Element swallowed quickly, feeling suddenly uneasy as he realized the trail of thought he'd been following faded onto into haze. He had felt sure he'd had some childhood life lesson of a memory easily accessible, but as soon as he tried to draw it up it was gone. The inability to remember large chunks of his past still nagged at him, but now wasn't a time he wanted to dwell on them.

"Hmm," he mumbled, taking in Orlaith's words while he recovered his bearings. "I've never seen the inside of their hives," he explained, swishing his white-tipped tail slowly behind him as he regarded the beehive. "I didn't realize anything was inside them. Except more bees." But this honey substance... was it worth it? "Delicious, huh?" his sterling gaze shifted back to Orlaith, head cocked slightly... there was enough curiosity there in the way he considered her that if she played her cards right, she may succeed in her plot.

+1 Discovery

the staff team luvs u
05-24-2021, 07:06 PM
"It's delicious with the aftermath of fruit." She was all too happy to explain the sweet-treat, and even alone it was a delectable. She could say it was a rather favorite food that if possible, would dip anything for. Yet meat was something she thought to be eaten as it's prime, and any later was simply and acquirement to survive and fuel one's body. She couldn't bring honey in time for when the meal was fresh enough, and hasn't exactly tasted the peak of what could be. Though thankfully the mixture of fruits and the like were a pleasant aftertaste she could only enjoy during the early seasons.

"Yeah so, go headbutt that tree, yeah? It'll knock it down." Of course that followed with a laughter, "since ya a guest, only right to help the process."  Though devilish as it may be, she didn't care too much. Might as well use an extra body, so she doesn't have to deal with some stinging.

the staff team luvs u
11-20-2021, 06:19 PM

He had been the one to accidentally overstep his bounds and find himself on her territory, so even though there was something devious in her words he could not quite decipher, he couldn’t bring himself to say no to her request. He shot Orlaith a final look, suspicious but curious, and shook his head and sighed in acceptance of whatever trap likely would await. It sounded too good to be true. Which always meant it was too good to be true. “Okay,” Ele murmured, approaching the tree.

A headbutt, she’d said. He was reluctant to slam his head into the trunk, but a shoulder would do. He examined the hive up in the branch, trying to picture the delights it may contain. He quickened his pace and tensed his shoulders, closing the distance with a final leap and checked the tree hard with the left side of his body. A shudder traveled both through his frame and the tree and it seemed to do the job – the hive shook, back and forth, back and forth, and he thought for a moment maybe he’d have to go in for another hit… but then with the small sound of a broken connection it fell to the ground a few feet from him.

He heard the sound first – the angry roar he could not quite place. The hive cracked and unleashed what he first thought was smoke and left him momentarily puzzled. But then the roar came to life and he realized that the smoke was not in fact smoke, but was hundreds of small insects and they were coming towards him. Element yipped and began to backpedal, shooting a perplexed glance at Orlaith. He would not have expected that the hive contained such multitudes. It was as if every bee he had ever encountered had all been contained inside this one hive, and he had now unleashed the fury of all bee kind. “Oh!” Ele exclaimed, realizing his backpedaling would not quite be enough, as the hoard of angry insects continued to come his way. “Well!” he continued, “Looks like that did it!” Still, they kept coming, and now he started to run. “Enjoy! I think I’ll be going!”

It was not his most graceful of exits, and despite that, he felt a small thrill at the mischief and hoped that if he at least led the bees away, she could have the honey after all. And so he ran.

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