Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Are together in eternity, Romeo and Juliet

Late Evening Fog 57° F
Event Horizon
04-09-2021, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:44 AM by Valk. Edited 3 times in total.)

Finally, the man found himself at the borders of which the pack piqued his curiosity after meeting with Hydra. Where the trees were in a perpetual state of autumn and leaves painted a bloodied red. If there weren't clear signs of a pack trying to claim these woods, he would have walked through and mused with the idea of possibly moving the Nightwalkers from the mist and into the redwoods... a thought that was quickly forgotten as the misty woods was a far more suitable home for them.

Secretive, dark, ominous - there was no other forest that could compare to its perfection for the behemoth's home.

There he stood for a while observing the forest and taking in the scent of the individuals here, once satisfied with the shallow observation of his, Vengeance finally lifted his head and called for the one who wished to lead. He stood tall like the master he was, tail curled at the end with a semi-stiff position over his hips without challenging his place among the wolves here... he simply bled a sense that he himself was no mere loner or follower at their doorstep.


the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
Event Horizon
04-09-2021, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:45 AM by Valk. Edited 3 times in total. Edit Reason: Tag swap )
 Crux lay among the leaves, grooming his paws after a successful hunt. He'd already shared his leftovers with pack mates and had left them to it, returning to the heart of the forest to relax. He quite enjoyed it out here. There was always a pile of leaves to rest or hide in and the blue haze of mist that filled the forest reminded him of why he had named the place Bleakwood initially.

 He had just finished gnawing out some fur from between his claws when a voice called from the distance. He lifted his head, lips still lifted up over teeth from his cleaning. The voice was male and strong and for once, it was calling for him.

 Crux made haste towards the voice and was at a quick trot when the brown form of the stranger came into view. He studied him as he came - large and muscular, but with largely unremarkable markings from what he had grown used to. Still, there was something strangely handsome about the dark mask and brilliant red eyes of the stranger. Crux didn't have a type per se, but tall dark and handsome was a definite contender.

 However, this was not a time for flirtation with a stranger. The other had the attitude of a leader, but not in the way of a challenge. It was clear that somewhere out there, this wolf had power and authority. Crux approached and stood, golden eyes meeting red evenly and tail curling up in a confident yet non-aggressive stance that mirrored and intensified the brown stranger's own stance. “Greetings,” he said with a polite blink, “You called?”


the staff team luvs u
Event Horizon
04-11-2021, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:46 AM by Valk. Edited 2 times in total.)
When necessary, Vengeance was a patient man. He knew that there was no such thing that would allow the leader of these lands to simply teleport themselves right to his feet when summoned, and all he could do was let the air fall silent once his echo faded in the distance. Not even the spring birds dared to sing in his presence within these woods as crimson eyes scanned the woods for signs of life. For anyone who might be wandering by, curious enough by his call to see who was knocking despite not being the leader he wished to see.

Thankfully the one in question didn't take their sweet time to greet him. With mild haste in his step, the other large man came into view. This one similar to his own stature with pale fur only broken up by a distinct darkened pattern. Simply judging by how this one greeted him with a similar non-aggressive but domineering stance and scent along the borders was enough to prove to Vengeance that this one was the leader he wished to see. That or they were posing as the leader - which was never a wise thing to do.

“Yes.” To the point as usual. “I am Vengeance, Warlord of the Nightwalkers. I come curious of who neighbors my ally's land, Hydra, Queen of Empyrean.” If Hydra didn't already want them dead and gone, then perhaps they were something Vengeance had an interest in as well.


the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
Event Horizon
04-12-2021, 12:31 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:46 AM by Valk. Edited 2 times in total.)
 The stranger immediately introduced himself and Crux accepted it with a polite dip of his head. “Welcome, Warlord Vengeance.” The speckled male noted that while Hydra had two names apparently, Vengeance only provided one. He would have to look into the stories of those with two names eventually. “Ah, I met Queen Hydra not too long ago - it is a pleasure to meet one of her allies.” Instead of assuming which of the two names provided he should use, he gratefully took cue from this newcomer.

 He figured that in the presence of a warlord, it would be prudent to claim a title that might not indicate someone above him in his ranks, “I am Crux, Supreme of Event Horizon.” He would then indicate towards the forest behind him, “and this is Ichorwood, once Bleakwood.” They had, as a pack, decided on the new name and he was slowly getting used to saying that name instead of the one he had given it before. After all, the new name would produce questions that were less condescending and less likely to chip away at his patience.

 He inspected Vengeance's face thoughtfully, considering his immediate assumptions about the stranger. Clearly, he was a strong, capable wolf and evidently had the initiative to seek out other packs. “How may I be of assistance?” He wondered where these Nightwalkers lived and whether Vengeance had come far. He hadn't come across the scent before in his roaming so he didn't believe they were in this part of the Mountains, which he was fine with.

 After all, three's a crowd.

He doesn't know about Vanderfell Woods yet hehe


the staff team luvs u
Event Horizon
04-12-2021, 07:23 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:47 AM by Valk. Edited 3 times in total.)
He remained quiet as Crux, as he introduced himself, held nothing back in their introduction. Event Horizon, their meeting with Hydra once upon a time. Bleakwood who had been quickly renamed as Ichorwood. Though some of what was shared was more useful than others, he would retain any that was offered should it prove to be useful later... who knows if everyone knew these woods had changed names and only recalled the title it held before the new title.

“I search for a woman who was bold enough to demanded a high rank within my pack, and when rejected and expected to work as all else would, she quickly changed her desire to make her own group.” Though he drawled, the Warlord was quick to cut straight to the point. “"A ragtag group of mercenary perhaps or a war mongering group of traveling killers", were her exact words.” Judging by his title, he was certain Crux didn't need to be explained that only one Warlord could claim these lands peacefully.

“She stands just a little below us in height. Athletic, but older. Her fur is black with silver brindling with eyes a pale shade of blue. Does any of this sound familiar?” He didn't smell her around these parts and so he didn't turn a suspicious eye that he may be harbouring the bitch in question.


the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
Event Horizon
04-13-2021, 02:15 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:47 AM by Valk. Edited 2 times in total.)
 Why should he leave anything out? For now, he had nothing to hide, save perhaps the makeup of his pack itself. He wasn't so sure he wanted to advertise just how many pups they had, nor the fact that they had an orphaned deer among their numbers. However, this was just common sense, not a need for secrecy. Not like back in the Valley, where any wolf they came across had to be captured or killed if they didn't wish to join their numbers.

 Besides, if Vengeance knew Hydra then perhaps he could pass on the information that the land's name had changed, if she hadn't heard their announcement.

 A woman who demanded high rank and then claimed a pack of her own. How ambitious. He listened with slight worry, which abated quickly when he learned that she wished to create a pack of murderers and bounty hunters. Plus, her coat was the opposite of what he feared. She would never be so stupid as to outright challenge such a powerful wolf and claim for a high rank. She would wait for opportunity.

 It was not his mother.

 And how could it be? She had been left in the world before, likely never to be seen again. He missed her but had moved on. Nevertheless, the actual description rang no bells of familiarity so Crux gave an honest answer, “No. Did she provide a name for either herself or this ... "group" she wishes to form?” It sounded so ill-planned that he didn't quite feel right naming it a pack. A group created solely for the reason of killing? While the wolf before him called himself a Warlord, it was clear that at least he had some more discretion. “I can ask around and tell my wolves to keep an eye out.” It was more than evident that Vengeance would not accept a wolf of such similar standings, especially after the insult she had evidently placed upon the brown male's name.

 Ah, yes. “Does your pack's land have a name that we can relay any information we gather?”


the staff team luvs u
Event Horizon
04-13-2021, 03:54 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:47 AM by Valk. Edited 3 times in total.)
“No names were exchanged.” Though he knew how little it helped them to know only the skin-deep details of the woman - the way the meeting had gone left little room for traditional introductions. “Only demands.” The Warlord added to let Crux's mind take over the details on how such a meeting had gone down.

Unfortunately for him, the Nightwalkers were still a small group. And so here he was, swallowing his pride and bringing in other packs in order to band together and get rid of what could possibly be a mutual enemy. At least, in time be mutual should all work out in his favour. Shockingly enough, it seemed that the Warlord had more diplomacy than the woman who had called for him at the misty borders and so, he was almost certain things were more so in his favour.

For now, all he had to do was try to play "nice" with the locals until his numbers were more notable. There was no need to drag negative attention their way until they could back up their own with not only abilities but numbers as well to be a force. Until then, his alliances made them strong enough to survive for now.

“We have established ourselves in Blackwood Reach, a forest shrouded in mist. Once I return there, I will let my members know to not attack anyone under Event Horizon's name.” An olive branch of sorts - Vengeance's attempt to let this man know he was capable of playing nice when necessary to work together.


the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
Event Horizon
04-14-2021, 03:50 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:47 AM by Valk. Edited 2 times in total.)
 No names, no fun. Crux nodded somberly to this, though he felt a tickle of irritation that the ambitious woman hadn't been so dumb as to share her name with her demands. Crux offered his own name freely, but he never attempted to force such a blatant disrespect that would put he or his pack in danger.

 So this was to be a tentative alliance of sorts, perhaps simple peaceful neutrality, for a mutual goal. Crux considered the connotations of being associated with a pack led by a warlord. If a multi-pack war were to occur with powerful groups on either side, where would Event Horizon fall? Neutrality would be ideal, but if there was anything to gain from taking a side then he would do so. He was no stranger to war or to fighting and he knew at least several of his pack were the same.

 Though hesitant for war, they would help where they could.

 He tucked away that information away in his head, taking curious note of the similarities between his land's old name and the territory that this wolf made home. “I will tell my members the same for the Nightwalkers.” The olive branch, returned in kind. “If she happens upon our land, I take it you would like her brought to Blackwood Reach?” Dead or alive?


the staff team luvs u
Event Horizon
04-14-2021, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:48 AM by Valk. Edited 3 times in total.)
Had he known of the hesitation of war between allies and a blossoming pack, perhaps Vengeance would have calmed the nerves of Event Horizon's leader by letting them know of the mass collection of various pack allies that would alleviate the load on any individual member. If Vengeance had his way, their numbers would swell to the point where none would be left dead on the battlefield, and return home safely with no severe wounds to speak of. Of course... that was only preferable, not guaranteed.

Even he didn't want to risk the few members he had under his rule with an immediate war before having enough paws to sacrifice for the good of the group. So far, the group could not afford to lose even one member just yet.

A nod was offered at the return of the proverbial olive branch as well as a grunt in acceptance to the mutual safety of their members around the other's lands and followers. “Proof of her demise is all I ask.” So that he could be certain the problem was dealt with permanently. He was not prideful enough to demand in being the one to end her life himself, he was no fool to give her even the chance to escape in their route to him. “The delivery of a head is easier than a breathing, fighting wretch that might wiggle out of your grasp.”


the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
Event Horizon
04-15-2021, 02:28 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:48 AM by Valk. Edited 2 times in total. Edit Reason: Tags )
 Proof of demise?

 He could do that. He gave a firm nod, pleased that the task was at least that much easier. Trying to travel with a wolf who wished to escape was nigh impossible without doing such horrors as breaking legs, which would only make travel itself that much longer and more arduous.

 “We will let you know of any new information, and we'll bring her head if given the chance.” He pondered back to his crew of wolves, considering which of them might be more willing to assist in such an assassination. Whether if they did come across her, if they should invite her in - always the pack of friendly wolves who wanted to avoid violence - only to poison her meal and blame it on a rotten meal. The thought churned something within him that he pushed aside with a cold blink.

 He knew a wolf who could do it.

 Well, with that business over... “Is there anything else?” Any other requests of this... alliance or pact of neutrality? He could think of possibilities for the future, but with a potential war on approach some of those ideas would be illogical. After all, why would they need newborn pups of split heritage when there was the potential for the parents to die at the jaws of some crazed warmonger?


the staff team luvs u
Event Horizon
04-15-2021, 05:19 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:49 AM by Valk. Edited 1 time in total.)
That one post where the tags go Formation, Nightwalkers, Event Horizon triggers my OCD, it won't let me change it to match the rest!!! D8<

Despite being of two separate worlds, having completely different aspirations for their packs and how they treat or think of their followers - the two titans were on the same page in regards to this impending war. If war is what it would be called. Should he have his way, this would certainly be more one-sided than anything, not much of war when victory was almost guaranteed.

With a sluggish nod, the agreement was settled upon between them. Maybe after this, their alliance could be solidified but for now... it would remain to be questioned until further notice. “There is nothing else.” He turned his gaze where Blackwood would be beyond the water that separated them. He had to return there soon, there was simply no room left to dawdle. “Once their location is found I will send for reinforcements, until then, I bid you farewell.”

Satisfied with the impromptu meeting, he lingered just long enough for Crux to say anything else that might need to be said but judging by his question, there was none on his side either. The Warlord would walk off and make his journey home, this time making no stops along the way until the mist of his woods could be seen welcoming him home.
Unless Crux has something to add, Vengeance is out!

the staff team luvs u
Vengeance is a disgusting, terrible character. I do not condone anything he does or thinks of IC, and though I enjoy writing him, he also disgusts me often. He is a villain and nothing more.
Event Horizon
04-16-2021, 12:27 AM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 05:49 AM by Valk. Edited 1 time in total.)
 Crux returned the nod silently, following the brown titan's gaze without change of expression. It was clear that Vengeance was itching to leave, so the starry male would not stop him. If there was nothing else to be said, why drag it on?

 Adieu was bid and the monochrome wolf tipped his jaw in farewell, “Safe travels, Warlord Vengeance.” He watched as the other turned and walked off in a straight line the way he had gazed. He watched calmly until the last of the warlord was gone, then turned and headed back, towards the heart of Ichorwood, where he would tell his wolves of the news, leaving out the assassination request but instead instructing them to alert him to any sign of the woman.

 After all, that part of the agreement would need to be handled very carefully. He did not wish his pack to fear his own hand, after all.


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