Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

tragedy taut to bone

Early Morning Sunny/Clear 46° F
11-30-2023, 03:16 AM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2024, 02:51 AM by Eadwine. Edited 2 times in total.)
Nerves ticked and rippled with intense arousal; fibers of denim fleece jut to and froe-- not unlike the sharp quills of a porcupine. Eyelids flutter and quake with utter discontent as the beast's brain began to will him awake. Fresh, slick blood oozed thickly and poured upon the wheats caked against the right side of his tormented features. Gore clumped bits of dead flesh and grit as the male convulsed once, limbs thrashing as the depths of his mind perceived the present. Flaring, bloodied nostrils shuddered as the lake's aroma wafted within, working past the mucus and blood coating his airways. Lungs inflated abruptly, massive sides rising as Eadwine's limbs rooted sturdily into the sodden earth below. While the left eye within his broad cranium rocketed open, his other remained closed- obscured by his own vitae, the behemoth's vocal chords allowed a graveled, baritone roar to rip from deep within his heaving chest.

Stumbling to all four paws, his weakened stature forced his balance askew; Eadwine's thick shoulder collided with the immense base of a towering conifer. Bark snapped off and fragments splintered into his tattered, slicked back pelt-- crimson darkened the hue, obscuring the true color behind the blood. Heaving lungs desperately begged for air, partaking only to find the fire that burned from the bruising developing there. A whimpering, angry wheeze wafted from Eddie's curling maw as wrathful ire clambered throughout his mind. Peeled skin stripped from the brute's bloodied features, forcing his right eye sealed from the puncture wounds. Pain ebbed in intense waves as the bloke shook his massive dome in attempts to rid the blood from his sight. Fragments of grass, muck and rock embedded into the wound- whatever had forced him here had not been kind.

But Eadwine was not fooled. The nausea retching his innards only told him one thing; his father was to be held accountable for his wounds, as he had many occurrences before. Shouting at the little shadow of an Elgstag to retreat, to run from their father, well...

Eadwine was here, wherever here was. Where Vesper was not.

Another billowing roar crackled and choked from his esophagus, the stampeding leviathan stumbled to his knee before another trunk supported his weight unwillingly. 


Curling lips revealed his teeth, deep intakes plumed and rasped through agonized lungs as his pace (drearily lead; the bloke could not think, he could not see although his good eye was open) carried him haphazardly forth. Vision spiraled into disorienting stars as saucer shaped paws plunged into shallow water. Guttural grunts and puffs pulled from Eadwine in tenor crackles of rage- tingling muscles wading partly into the frigid waters as he attempted to make sense of this foreign world. A world that felt and smelt like his own, though in it remained nothing that was his. 

....Had anything ever been...?

Uncanny, inhumanly groans filled the air as Eadwine swayed in his spot in the water- his wounds still fresh, droplets of crimson pelted to the water and rippled the opaque surface. The wrathful masculine paced himself a few more steps before another mighty shake sent water and blood flying throughout the area that surrounded him, forcing his healthy orb open. Spirals and static spewed from his vision before slowly materializing into the visage of daybreak painting the still dark waters in shades of pink and tangerine. Heaving breaths pulled from the wrathful male's mouth as he studied the tranquil lake galivanting before him, only to feel the creeping panic settling in the pit of his barreled chest.

It quaked his limbs, pricking his orbs with unnatural fire as tears scorched them. His little sister was gone. Eadwine could no longer protect her. 

Another roar of despair plunged deep from his lungs, echoing across the contrasting, calm waters as Eadwine's mass stumbled along the pebbled shore, water splashing up his haunches and belly-- unable to penetrate his thick, double coated fur as the male painstakingly drifted back toward the cover of the trees, now that his vision served him as best as it remained able.

Eadwine was numb, eyes wide and staring forth as if there was nothing there- blood vessels bursting, Eddie appeared alike a blundering, blood tusked mammoth upon a path of destruction and war.

Perhaps he was.

the staff team luvs u
[Image: dfzava9-b4f34a8c-0322-4417-b5a8-f4fc37ba...ada70af77&]
01-15-2024, 02:23 AM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2024, 02:25 AM by Regalla. Edited 3 times in total.)
"Where will you go...?"
"Elsewhere- and everywhere. There is so much to discover before the world ends."

Gurgled screams. 
The scent of wet iron clinging to the air.
And pain.
She needed air.

Claws pulled frantically at the earth above her. The fae's lungs burned like fire in her chest as her paws finally struck the surface. Hoisting herself forward, a raspy gasp echoed through the vale. Inhale. Exhale. Gasp. Her lithe, slate form collapses against the cold earth she had dug herself from. Her eyes remain wide- shocked, caring little about where she was- and more about where she came from. The stench of blood clung to the inside of her nose- blood that did not belong it her. A mix of dirt and the crimson that was hers clung to the inside of her mouth like a thick paste. Only then, did the unbearable pain in her form crackle into awakening, and she bellowed into the sky again, tears forming in the corners of her eyes, teeth bared at whatever gods had ripped her away from her homeland mid battle.

They were gone. Certainly everything had been destroyed... 

A rattling sob shook her bones, one full of anger and sorrow. "DAMMIT!" She screams, shakily attempting to rise to her feet, fumbling a few times before finally finding her footing. Clouded, dazed eyes scanned the land around her. The lack of a battle haunted her. There was no scent of familiarity, only the smell of near death clung to her own pelt. And dirt. Ocean eyes pan to the hole she had come from, and her soft brows furrowed- confusion hitting her harder. How the hell had she gotten here anyway? And... Where was here?

Her head pulls away from the earth, still hanging low as she manages to lurch herself forward a few steps, each pace lacing her form in absolute anguish. Teeth grit tightly as she stumbles, feeling every bruise and cut that littered her from from the battle she had been hellishly ripped from. A violent cough shakes her to her core as the trapped dirt in her maw finally rejoins the earth below. Fresh blood oozes between her teeth, and she laps it away for a moment before it's quickly replaced. She gives a weak shake of her coat- wet dirt skill clinging desperately to slate follicles. And then that's when she heard it- the bellow that broke the deafening silence. One full of anguish and fury. 

Large ears quipping forward, the fae fronts her form in the direction of the scream, hobbling weakly towards it's source. Regalla had hoped some semblance of scent would fill her nostrils, but to no avail. A forced sneeze expelled a majority of dirt and blood that had resided within, and finally the Warmaster was able to pinpoint more accurately the stranger's location. Her pace quickened as much as her aching joints would allow it. 

Thank the gods, it didn't take long for Regalla to reach sight of the stranger- just as she had entered the treeline, she had spotted him. And absolute behemoth of a male, who wreaked of blood himself. She leans her form against a nearby trunk, noticing then she had been audibly heaving the entire time. Another roar from the male- one so powerful it could've shaken the earth the two stood upon. Her eyes clenched shut for a moment, before falling upon him again. She recognized that scream of agony anywhere;


Her gaze softened as she took in his features- dark blues and grays marbled themselves together on his coat, his underbelly a soft tan and thick, musclar legs were painted with faint brindling. His face... Well. Coated in blood and would certainly be left nastily scarred. He was perhaps twice- no- three times her size. Neither of the two were in any sort of shape for combat. But.. Regalla was prepared regardless...

Her voice shatters the eerie silence that had befallen the vale. It quaked with pain, and rang with equal gentleness and authority.

"W-Who.... Who the hell are you?"


the staff team luvs u
[Image: 74242866_ZQAeGcl5flNKvEn.png]
02-03-2024, 04:59 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2024, 05:00 PM by Eadwine.)
Prepared for combat, Eadwine was. How it was to be executed remained to be seen.

Someone had to recompense his pain. Someone had to endure the agony racking down his spinal column. Incinerating his lungs. Quaking his limbs. Confirmation of her loss clarified everything he had sacrificed, every part of him GIVEN to that MAN when Eddie was small. When he did not know yet how wrong it was, only that it hurt. Only that it happened whenever his father so felt like it, no matter the appeasement offered toward his sire. Not a single soul to allow the young pup to know he was not alone; not the disgusting, worthless thing he was manipulated in tortured into. The brute's own mother shamed him for the actions of his father, leaving the whimpering whelp in the dirt, turning her snout up without a care for Eadwine's wellbeing. Ignoring the vile abuse to safe herself. A son to do with as he pleased.

And then Vesper came...

...now Vesper was gone.

Tears pooled down the masculine's face as he blindly lunged forth, a guttural growl ripping from his esophagus, aggressive and booming throughout the verdure about them. Massive, heavy paws slung water as the male treaded out, collided with sodden earth as the brute forced his mountainous frame toward the blurred perpetrator. Water slung and hung from the thick, flowing clumps of fleece upon his underbelly. The female's words and demeanor could not penetrate the traumatized male's explosive agony as his muscles moved with his grieving mind. All Eadwine perceived in the moment was raw agony, converted to unrelenting violence and rage, as he had known for his entire existence. It was as obvious that Eadwine had entered a dissociated type of episode, full of rage; the only sign of his abandoned grief was the tears protruding from his left lid, right eye beginning to seal due to the amount of blood caked there.

Jaws spread open as Eadwine lunched in a powerful strike, teeth bared and brandished in guttural fury as the male's paws landed directly before Regalla's own frame. Saliva mixed with blood and salty tears as the anguished, inconsolable leviathan widened his bloodied jaw ( there were bits of flesh hanging grotesquely upon his muzzle, mostly damaged inside his jaw itself ) aimed at her shoulder, presumably to throw her body as if she had no weight to her mass at all. As if she weren't a dangerous weapon herself, drenched in agony that he himself could relate to, if he were not blind by mania. By anguish. Unable to handle dealing with emotion once tucked away for the sake of his little sister, but if she were no more, than there remained nothing to live for. Nothing to hold back for.

His throat bellowed in raging grief as his sharp incisors took their aim with staggering speed, despite Eadwine's size.

Hurt. Hurt. Hurt. Hurt them all.

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[Image: dfzava9-b4f34a8c-0322-4417-b5a8-f4fc37ba...ada70af77&]
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