Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

The baddest do, we the baddest, ooh

Early Morning Fog
Vanderfell Woods
04-06-2021, 11:43 PM
"Baddest do what the baddest do, hey!" Orlaith felt quite settled within her new life, despite how underdeveloped it may be. She was relatively always in some sort of trouble, however the peacefulness was a welcome change. Before there was Vanderfell, there was a pack, and before so was a Court, and then another Court.. Though she couldn't say the guard remembered the two courts, only vaguely by those who remember her so. She wondered if it would just be easier to also forget the rest, just as Ira had done. 

"The baddest do, hey! We the baddest, ooh." Early in the morning did she rise, within the clouds was a flame bursting with energy. Her paws seemed like to be a rough-house dancing as she whipped her head in the air, a 'ooh,' grunt. In no way was she some sort of Rapunzel singing for her prince charming, but like a street battle within the gutters.

"We're comin' at you live, live! Real, real wild."

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04-15-2021, 07:44 PM
He could have sworn he heard someone singing as their voice called out through the mountain. Hieronymous couldn't help but go and investigate as such a thing was well... just his taste. It had been a while since he had heard any music, anyone else other than his own voice singing any kind of melody at all and so he followed it with great interest. What he saw was something that made him smile and tail wave happily in a gentle sway.

The one he assumed was named Orlaith was stomping around in some kind of dance while she chanted to herself, clearly having a good time and frankly, he wanted in. All he needed was some kind of cue. Eagerly he watched, waited to be seen and invited in on the joyous occasion, whatever it was and celebrate along with her - even if it was only a celebration for the sheer fun of it all.
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— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
04-17-2021, 03:43 AM
There was a probability (most likely) that she looked completely idiotic, but there wasn't too much care to Orlaith who displayed herself how she wanted to. The barbaric woman, the fireclad warrior, and the overall hot-tempered wolf; she was utterly herself, even through the dancing, "Here to light it up, set the world on fire!" she was in her own blissful world until forested eyes caught sight of one that surely, could never be missed. A splotchy boy, assumingly he looked of a wolfdog by his pelt, but little did it matter, she didn't discriminate.

"Gonna break rules and hearts in twos, 'cause that's what the baddest do!" He had a shine in his eyes, like a dog wagging his tail, and her grinning toward him. Oh she knew, he clearly wanted to join. Dancing her feet away to a cyclized to him, she continued her hopping and plopping her large feet across the ground while joyfully praising a song!

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04-19-2021, 09:42 PM
Ridiculous or not, Hieronymous wasn't the type to shy away from a goofy dance just because it didn't make him look "cool". He didn't look very cool to begin with, something that he didn't bother with thinking about for years now. If he cared about such trivial things as opposed to enjoying every day, he wouldn't have eagerly watched Orlaith dance and sing with the wide-eyed desire to join in with that flip floppy happy tail of his like an underdeveloped whelp whose tail was just too big for their body still.

To his pleasure, she came trotting over to him in a rhythm. His tail waving faster and faster as he knew what this meant! His happily panting maw shut for a second as he studied her feet, the rhythm that she held. His lips just a tad in the way as his lower teeth tucked in his upper lip comedically. While studying he would slowly move his feet, hesitantly at first while he made sense of the rhythm and eventually his natural sense of rhythm took over as he joined in on the random celebration.

He had no sense of the lyrics and so he let Orlaith take the stage for that, he simply followed her rhythm and added his own flair to the steps every now and then as he circled around her just as she did with him. Thrusting his head down, and back up eventually to make his movements more dramatic and wild.

[Image: source.gif]
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— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
04-22-2021, 06:45 PM
In another life they were once friends that grew apart over arguments and bickering, drawing apart and furthering a hatred between the two. Though now forgotten, and without the proper means to argue for there was no reason for, the two once more got along. One of the worst and best friendships one can have, for while they easily get along, the bond they have also tears just as easy. In the beginning she even remembered feeling a bit of hatred with a twinge of jealousy come forth - but Orlaith couldn't explain why she felt like that, she just did.

Now dancing the feeling seem to flush down, and looked toward him, "You're Hiero right?" immediately nicknaming, "ya from these lands?" her dancing ceased just a bit, tip tapping on the floor and ready to pick up; but she also desired just a bit of knowledge on the man. Who was he - why did he seem so familiar?

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04-24-2021, 06:17 PM
He enjoyed the dance, feeling her music guide his feet and mind into peace, into a state where he could forget any of life's current uncertainties and into just the moment at hand. Still, he thought she had a certain rank in Ira's pack, by the way, she acted in their recent meetings, he couldn't help but think. Not that it mattered, she seemed like a hot-headed individual which worried him, more so a feeling like he had encountered it before... but he supposed, so long as Ira trusted her, he would too until given a reason not to.

Their little party slowed to a crawl as questions began to be shot toward him. Nothing unpleasant, but he would have much rather kept dancing and listen to her sing, see if he could memorize the lyrics for another time. “Yes ma'am.” The one and only Hieronymous Boesch. “No I am not, I woke up confused over in the prairies, next to some lake. I don't suppose you are a local, hm?”
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— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
04-26-2021, 02:11 AM
She of course, was more pleased to be called ma'am. Nothing boosted Orlaith's ego then someone referring to her through polite speaking, especially upon their first meeting. Though she will admit it grows rather boring over some time, but it simply improved her stance on being a 'general' of the arts, and someone to be respected. The more she stood with him the more she enjoyed his company, tip-tapping away like a sumo-wrestler on the ring, trying to not teeter over the line.

"Naw, same-like, founded by Ira - vaguely were together in a group, though seems memories are quite scattered." Though it seemed her own was quite more clear then the High Queen's. She couldn't remember the name or what was around, but she remembered the group, the patrolling and hunting, and the bear.. The fireclad warrior would always remember, and she remembered already, her memories were lost. Now with even moreso in a daze about it, she wasn't too phased, as it was already experienced.

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Vanderfell Woods
04-28-2021, 10:45 PM
Once again they found themselves in a similar situation. The familiar story was becoming old and less surprising over time, at this point, he was beginning to expect the same things to be uttered by anyone he encountered. Found, lost, remembering little from a time before this place. It was as if they were all suffering from the same type of disturbing amnesia, or dreaming the same nightmare.

So he reserved to believe this was a new life, to make up for things he had not done in the past. With that thought it made this all a little easier at least. To mend the things left undone. “She says I should remember you too, but I only really remember her.” Even with vague familiarity it was only that. Like a faceless figure in a dream that might be someone he'd remember. But Orlaith was just as new to him as he was to her.

“I don't even think she remembers me all too well.” The jester shrugged it off. It would have been nice to continue wherever they had started off from, further in their relationship than just this, whatever it was now or before. But he was glad to at least have found that missing piece at least. “Is that the same for you two too?”
the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
04-29-2021, 07:40 PM
While her lil' dance diminished a lot, she continued with a lil happy tippy-paws, sometimes twirling in an amusement while other spoke. Though when it was her own turn, she would stop, just tip-tapping in place, "I remember her, and a pack, though my memories were lost once already, this is just a second time. Don't really remember much else."  It was the honest truth, she thought she remembered most, but as time went on and she tried to unravel more of the past, it just became like a blurr.

How she remembered the past pack, and that Ira led them all, the bears and the intruders, the help she received.. How she already lost her memory once, and gained what back by others saying what was what. It probably was why she wasn't as distressed, for Orlaith was with familiarity despite memory loss, and she already had it removed once. There was panic before but not again, and now was quite quaint to her situation.

"New beginnings I guess, y'know? But a second time for me."

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05-08-2021, 03:19 PM
From one lost memory to the next - it seemed Orlaith had fallen down a rabbit hole of lost memories. Was it something that often happened to her? Should he be concerned for her to lost more down the road? Perhaps she was just incredibly misfortunate up until now to have be left utterly confused beyond imagination. “That must be very confusing. I can't imagine it being my first time let alone a second.”

Already it was frustrating to learn bits and pieces from nightmares and dreams, some better than the others. All pieces of a bigger puzzle to understand who he was and where he had come from. What he was, why he was who he was now. It was slow, but he was beginning to get a feeling of what was.

Tossing a glance back to Orlaith and the conversation at hand, realizing his gaze had fallen down and flat away from her as he pondered his own situation. “Hopefully this is the last time you need to forget anything.” He tried to alleviate her situation with a grin of his own, making a light joke of it as if she had a choice to do so until now.
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— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
05-18-2021, 06:48 PM
"I went on this whole spheal of needing to find myself, and what would you know - someone who knew me was literally outside the territory. Was much easier from then on." Though she couldn't deny there was a growing hole to where he once was. The man who she bonded with, and brought a solace to who she once was.. No more could Orlaith remember his name, and barely a face. What she did know was a scrawny man, much younger then herself, but to even remember the color of his eyes, was a shame. Notably so her little tip-taps lost a little spirit when she thought of that, it was perhaps the only thing she truly would miss.

A lost friendship.

"Meh, if it happens again, I got confidence who I am," and then she threw her head back, a more forceful tippy-tap dance as she laughed quite hard. Even if all was lost again, deep down Orlaith will always know who she was, a fire within the darkness, a warrior at heart, and someone who knows she will survive.

"You two will probably remember what was lost." Maybe not the exact memories, but the feelings are there. She could still remember the loyalty she held to Ira, and while some.. Unlikeable feelings drew when she looked at Hiero, Orlaith couldn't really remember why that was. She couldn't remember him period - and didn't fret about it too much.

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07-04-2021, 07:13 PM
Orlaith kept trying to keep to her dance so he did as well. Moving his toes and feet, letting his body more with a similar but not quite perfect rhythm that Orlaith held with her own little song he knew nothing of. The party won't stop on his behalf after all. Sounds like she was lucky to find Ira and vice versa when they woke up. Granted he too was that lucky all it needed was a little more time spent alone as he wandered looking for who he now knew was Ira.

Even if something else was off - missing, wrong. Slowly some puzzle pieces were being placed together of his own memories through unlocked dreams as he flew through them during his slumber. Those he wished were mostly false, nightmares, lies instead of a fluid story that seemed to piece together certain missing black spots in his memories. 

At least it didn't change who he was, is, but still. Those were things he wished to never remember. 
“That's the spirit!” Confidence was always key to anything in life honestly. Without it, most would just crumble and wash away with time. Leaving nothing behind to remember them by. “Perhaps, perhaps not, I don't mind this new life as it is either.” Playfully he bumped into Orlaith as if trying to dance with her, twirl around from behind in his own little routine now as if celebrating their rebirth so to speak. 

After all, he had no intentions of dwelling on the past if it seemed as bleak as his dreams were telling him.
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— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
07-06-2021, 08:46 PM

"New beginnings new wolves - new brawls." A smirk to her face at the thought - she wouldn't pass up a friendly spar every once in a while. Though she couldn't deny she also desired to lunge at a trespasser, but as per' rules, she gave a decent amount of warning.. As well as possibility to join. Only a few have caused trouble which reached to a near point of fighting, but it never truly ended like that. A peaceful time she supposed, but some part of her itched to await that trial.

Now two wolves, growing satisfied at their time at Vanderfell, danced to the sun itself. She wondered if Ira would join their harmony, though the Alpha was quite a serious one, a stick in the mud she could say - but, Orlaith did respect her. At least if she couldn't joke with her, there was the calico man of brown hues to dance with. Tip tap, tip tap.

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