Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

a sight for sore eyes

Sunset Sunny/Clear
11-21-2023, 12:17 AM
The moon slowly began to devour the sun as it clawed its way across a blossoming sky. Streaks of ebony shattered the illusion of a mosaic masterpiece that was made up of burnt orange, gold, vibrant pinks, and pastel purples. It was a sight for the ages, and the woman who remained outside the den of a stranger sighed in awe. High within the mountains made the sunset a remarkable view and the perfect backdrop for those seeking romance. Once upon a time, the outsider would have sought just that. Still did, but anger lingered beneath her depths. 

Ashe had found her and graciously led her up the mountainside to the center they call home. Had even asked if she was considering staying. Part of her wanted to. To remain hidden in the haze of ivory and the safety of the peaks. It was appealing. And not to toot anyone's horn, but so were the gentlemen. Everybody seemed unique and tall, all of which she itched to climb. 

A low growl of dissatisfaction rumbled within her chest. It was a crime to not explore each and everyone that inhabited this mountain. A war crime indeed. However, she had her sight set ablaze upon an ashen pelt that slowly made its way up to the den. His movement was mouthwatering, and his scent which wafted towards her made her mind grow fog. Gods. It wasn't fair. 

"Enjoy your trip?" She cooed, but anger laced some of her vowels. There at her paws was the moss she had collected with him and carried this entire way.
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[Image: 66010785_L3gBLbgNDW5yT6E.png]
11-21-2023, 03:47 AM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2023, 04:43 AM by Stjörnuáti. Edited 2 times in total.)
Her anger was unknown to him, if only because he hadn't necessarily promised her anything when he'd brought her here. He'd told her that she could stay if she helped him. She had, so he'd let her. How long she'd stayed was really up to her, though at this point she'd become part of the pack that lived upon the mountain. Whether she was happy with it or not was entirely up to her, as well as her prolonged presence here. Stjörnuáti forced nothing upon her, not even his own company.

Actually, he was rather surprised at how long it took her to hunt him down. Months, at this point. Had she been avoiding him? Making an extraordinary effort to stay away from him? The thought amused him, almost as much as it amused him to see her darkening his doorstep now, after all this time.

“Ah, kona. It has been while, nei?”

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“Common tongue” | “native tongue (icelandic/old norse) in [q=#9e5d53]”
11-23-2023, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2023, 10:03 AM by Kajsa. Edited 1 time in total.)
The anger that harvested her breast slowly dwindled to a simmering flame. It lapped idly at her sides, a small reminder that she was indeed mad. Even if her eyes immediately locked upon a familiar frame. Cool-toned blonde mixed with ivory and a large, looming build that she had etched into her memory upon first glance. Stjor. Gods. Even while she wanted to wring his neck for ignoring her, she couldnt help the silent sigh that pulled from her lips.

No. No, no, no. She could not reduce herself to a bumbling mess in front of him. He ignored her! FOR MONTHS. That was absolutely ridiculous. After doing the bare minimum for him, that is what she got.

A brow shot skywards as she offered him a neutral expression. He spoke as if they were friends. Which they were not. "It has," was all she manged to say as the brute approached. Citrine eyes again rolled over his features before glancing down at the moss she had brought, which for some reason embarrassed her. Why would she bring that? He probably didnt need it. "I brought you some moss," Kajsa indicated with a casual point of her paw. "Figured it would be fun for old time sakes."

While waiting for his response, the woman took a moment to truly think. He wasnt someone who liked to make the first gesture. Annoying. But that also begged the question as to why she wanted him to make the first move. He was a conquest.... and she didn't want to leave until she climbed that tree. Thus, she needed a plan to spend time with him. Help those feelings fester. Only then did a brilliant idea pop into her skull.

"Could you help me bond a crow? Like the one you have?"
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[Image: 66010785_L3gBLbgNDW5yT6E.png]
12-21-2023, 07:26 AM
Moss. He looked down to the bundle, noting its plump tendrils. It was fresh. Curious, that she had remembered what he had been collecting that day, curiouser still that she brought some to him now. Had she been think of him? His liped curled slightly, dark eyes appraising her once more.

Her request all but made him snort, eyes glancing up to the circling Synin above him. “Raven,” He would correct her. “Such bond is made only by Kajsa and Raven. This one can advise, but promise, no.”
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“Common tongue” | “native tongue (icelandic/old norse) in [q=#9e5d53]”
12-21-2023, 02:15 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2023, 02:17 PM by Kajsa. Edited 1 time in total.)
The others of the pack must enjoy the way he talks in riddles, never truly giving a straight answer. Sure, if she read between the lines a bit, she could conclude that only she herself and a raven could form a bond. But there was no indication of how to do that. Did she just find one and force it to like her? Did she have to feed it like a pet? Lure it home with a shiny rocky? Nothing. He offered little to not guidance, making this journey all the more difficult.

"Raven," she said carefully, as if saying the word for the first time. Was there really a difference to the point she needed to be corrected? Either way, she nodded her head. A mistake she wont make twice. "Got it. So... how do I make a bond?" Perhaps she just had to ask the right questions, but if he came back with some mythical bullshit of only kajsa and raven would know, she might strangle him.

This also sparked her next question. "Could you also um...", she trailed off, seeking the right set of words. "Teach me your language? I feel... left out, i suppose. Especially if I decide to actually stay. Suppose its rude to ask for a home and not speak the native tongue."
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[Image: 66010785_L3gBLbgNDW5yT6E.png]
12-23-2023, 04:31 AM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2023, 04:31 AM by Stjörnuáti. Edited 1 time in total.)
She was different than the women he was used to, though he couldn't exactly explain why, nor could he put his paw down on what was so dissimilar between her and all the others.

He would rumble in thought, glancing to the trees nearby as if one of the many ravens would swoop down and answer this for him. They did not, obviously, and instead Stjörnuáti would only turn his attention back to the striking woman before him. “There is not simple answering. It depends on raven. Sýnin,” His nose tilted, indicated his pale-feathered friend roosting in a tree nearby. “This one gave fjársjóður to. Mmm. Glansandi Shine, this one thinks. Rock shine, to Sýnin. This made bond between us.”

And then Kajsa asked something more of him, something that he held much closer than how to bond with a creature that was not of the same species. His gaze hardened a touch, though not in maliciousness. It was more of an evaluating way of looking at her, appraising her and the request she made of him. “This one does not teach those who seek to leave. Hrafnsvaktin's ways are Hrafnsvaktin's alone.” It was, perhaps, a harsh answer. A harsh truth, rather.

“When Kajsa decides to stay, this one will teach. Not before.”

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“Common tongue” | “native tongue (icelandic/old norse) in [q=#9e5d53]”
01-02-2024, 11:58 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2024, 12:00 AM by Kajsa. Edited 1 time in total.)
The woman listened to his broken english, one she had learned to appreciate. While the language barrier was a bit tedious, Kajsa could praise him for his attempts. Even more so when she was the outsider. So, she did her best not to be annoyed with the riddles that lay between broken sentences. 

However, her interest was piqued when he spoke of his own companion, Synin. It is a beautiful name for an equally beautiful bird. Pale, muted pallets matched one another well. She was sort of envious of the two. How well they complimented one another. Each is another color of the colorless painting. Hopefully one day, she would find her own raven. One of a similar color to her own. All she had to do was... bond. Or find one willing to bond? Something like that. Judging by how the stareater spoke, she could put two and two together. They bonded over shiny objects. Clever. "Does that mean you enjoy shiny objects?" Kajsa asked with interest. Maybe she could gift him something shiny as well. A pretty gem that would bring out his eyes or compliment his pelt. Something to make him pop against the ivory snow. 

Kajsa took all of this in stride, nodding to indicate she was actively listening. "So, it seems this is something I need to do on my own, hmm?" She finally finished. Seemed like a clear-cut conclusion. Perhaps she would set out to gather shiny objects, or scraps of food, and see who and what landed. "I can do that."

However, what took her by surprise was his stern answer to her request to learn the language. Parts of her wanted to be upset, but another part understood. Her own family back home would do something similar. Their secrets were their own and she had no right to pry if she planned on leaving. 

"What do I have to do to stay?" The woman finally asked. "Permanently."
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[Image: 66010785_L3gBLbgNDW5yT6E.png]
01-06-2024, 04:27 AM
Did he enjoy shiny objects? Stjörnuáti thought about it for a moment, tail flicking idly behind him. He had enjoyed the challenge of finding such a treasure for his friend, but beyond that... Nei. A simple answer, once he had determined that he wasn't partial to things like that. He had no use for them, afterall, and he was not the type to just keep useless trophies around.

“To stay, Kajsa will make self useful,” He would reply with an easy roll of his shoulders. “Those who do not aid Hrafnsvaktin do not live on mountain long.” It was his way of saying that if she decided to just be a body, to just laze around until she decided to stay or go, then he would make the decision for her. “If not sure, it is better kona leaves.” No one ever said he wasn't blunt. He certainly hadn't.

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“Common tongue” | “native tongue (icelandic/old norse) in [q=#9e5d53]”
01-17-2024, 04:03 AM
The woman listened to his simple sentences, mulling them over. While short, they were cryptic in places and blunt in others. It made reading the man difficult, or rather a tasty challenge. It didn't matter. Her goal was to get an aerial companion; one that looked like her and shared similar values. Hopefully, she could reel her own in with food and pretty flowers. Oh, how fun it would be to put little flowers on its head. If it let her. 

Rather than responding, she merely nodded in agreement. It was her nonverbal way of saying she understood. The same would go for his final statements, but her movement stopped short. His tongue was dipped in edge and bluntness, which caused her brow to shoo skyward. In a moment of frustration, the woman closed the distance between them and lightly nipped at the male. It wasn't done maliciously, nor did she truly give off the vibes that she was aiming to attack the brute. Just sheer frustration. 

Expelling a huff from her mouth, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at the male. Though if he looked quickly, he had the chance to notice her small smile. "You're an awful flirt," she murmured under her breath as she thrashed her pelt. He made her skin crawl, in all the best of ways. Even though she would never admit it. There was just something so blatantly annoying about him that drew her in. He never lied, but never told the full truth. It was like a dance, and she was happy to be his partner. "I'll make myself useful. So, will you teach me, golden one?"
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[Image: 66010785_L3gBLbgNDW5yT6E.png]
03-01-2024, 04:02 AM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2024, 04:21 AM by Stjörnuáti. Edited 1 time in total.)
Where he expected an argument, perhaps even a tantrum from the pretty woman, Stjornuati received a quiet gesture of agreement. Of affirmation. An eyebrow lifted, and he looked at her anew. Perhaps not just a pretty face after all. Had he judged her too quickly? Judged her incorrectly, all this time. The golden man gave a slow wave of approval with his tail.

And that grin? It widened as she neared him to score those teeth against his shoulder. Fiery, too? Stjörnuáti rumbled in response, a sly look taking his features as she gave him space after her little attack. “Teach, hm?” His voice was low and he swept himself closer, his own teeth finding the space near her cheek, jaws clicking quietly. “This one does not know what Kajsa wishes to learn. There are many things this one could teach...” And then his head leaned over her smaller form, mouthing very very gently at her ear. Kona need only ask.”

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“Common tongue” | “native tongue (icelandic/old norse) in [q=#9e5d53]”
03-01-2024, 04:18 AM
Heat slithered up her spine and pooled within her cheeks, causing them to turn a soft rosy hue. Feeling his teeth nip at her cheek, and the weight of his frame pressing into her flank while wisps of his breath caressed the shell of her ear. Her knees threatened to buckle, but the woman forced them to lock. To stand her ground. Kajsa was the flirt, and she wasnt going to let this brute get the best of her.

Yet he was a dangerous sin, wrapped in angelic eyes; it made her heart pound with distrust and cloud her mind with bewilderment. After all these moons, the woman had finally caught the attention of the golden sun. Her very own vice.

"Are you trying to seduce me, Golden one?" Kajsa cooed teasingly. Leaning into his touch, Kajsa batted her lashes at him before she hummed, acting as if she was deep in thought. However, she brought her head up, so she could lightly rasp her tongue across his cheek, ending just before his lips. "Itll take more than that." With that being said, Kajsa - although a bit reluctantly, took a few strides forward to add some distance between them.

"Come. Show me things only you would know." The silent invitation was there, accompanied with a knowing smirk and a low rumble. A challenge. Who would conquer who first.
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[Image: 66010785_L3gBLbgNDW5yT6E.png]
03-01-2024, 07:19 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2024, 06:07 AM by Stjörnuáti. Edited 2 times in total.)
He laughed, low and quiet. If she had to ask, then she already knew. Stjornuati was not — and had never been — subtle; he made his intentions known when he wanted them to be known. The woman would play coy, putting distance between them again, and yet Stjornuati would not allow her to this time. He followed her easily, matched her step for step, backing her towards the entrance of his own den though he made it a point to not make such maneuvers obvious. If she continued paying more attention to him, then she’d end up in the shade of his chosen home and more or less trapped.

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“Common tongue” | “native tongue (icelandic/old norse) in [q=#9e5d53]”
03-02-2024, 05:31 AM
She enjoyed the game. This little back and forth. It didnt take a genius to see he was herding her. Coralling her towards the entrance of his home. An open invitation to do more. To explore. To share in one anothers company. Part of her wanted to slip into the dens open maw and let him devour her, just as he had done the stars. Another part of her wanted him to work for it. Beg for it. But deep down, she knew he wasnt the type. A shame, really.

Her appetite for him was voracious and although the starvation was torture, she was sure the feast would be fruitful. Thus, the woman took the hint and playfully nipped at his neck before rubbing her skull against the crook of his shoulder. There, she inhaled deeply, memorizing his scent before taking careful steps back towards his den. Kajsa's eyes met his own just as she broke through the entrance, the shadow casted from its hole swallowing her back ankles.

The desire in her eyes held her true intentions before the woman turned on her heels, her long and bushy tail coaxing him to follow as she disappeared beyond the suns reach. Into the lions den she went.
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[Image: 66010785_L3gBLbgNDW5yT6E.png]
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03-04-2024, 07:15 AM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2024, 07:16 AM by Stjörnuáti. Edited 1 time in total.)
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She danced further inward and Stjörnuáti followed, steering as a man might lead a woman in a waltz; slow and calculated, certain and yet careful all the same. Shade darkened his coat, garnet eyes almost glowing in the din of his den. Closing the distance between them again, Stjörnuáti reached to nip her again, this time where the line of her jaw met the side of her neck. Was she sensitive there? His body dwarfed hers, and yet she held his attention all the same.

The stareater spoke no more, instead rumbling deep in his throat as he nipped her again, making a trail down her neck to her shoulder, then along her spine. One ear stayed twisted towards her, listening for sounds of discomfort or protest. He doubted there would be either, however, as all the signs pointed towards both of them wanting the same thing.

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“Common tongue” | “native tongue (icelandic/old norse) in [q=#9e5d53]”
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03-05-2024, 02:23 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2024, 02:26 PM by Kajsa. Edited 1 time in total.)
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He was the demon of her dreams, the most handsome of the angels. It boggled her mind with every touch, nip, and swipe of his breath. The male consumed her, devouring her in his shade while sharing the smallest shred of light.

He would be her downfall.

But yet.... she could not care. Not as his teeth left a trail down her neck and side, shooting delicious shivers down her delicate spine. A soft, breathy gasp was pried from her jowls, but she showed no sign of discomfort. In fact, if he paid attention to her scent, she was far beyond discomfort.

Not one to let a man fully seduce her, Kajsa took it upon herself to follow his lead. She too, nipped at what she would think his sensitive spots were. Close to his lips, ears, and even decided to trail down his neck. But her love bites held a punch. Some were soft, barely a whisper upon his flesh while others held a bit more bite. The woman wanted to leave her mark, indicating she had been here. Had tasted him. Made him bleed for her. Kajsa would happily do the same for him, even though shed never admit it.

As beads of crimson pooled along his pale pelt, the woman made sure to slowly lap up the liquid, staining her teeth in his essence. The tang lathered her tongue, coating it in metallic and red, but she swallowed. Enjoyed the savory flavors that flowed through his veins. It was addictive in an odd way; made her head spin.

A low, deep rumble raked across her ribs as her eyes darted to meet his own in the shade of the den. Flames lapped at her pupils and core, igniting her to life. Without waiting for his confirmation, but being highly aware of his mannerisms and body language, Kajsa shifted her weight and propped her front paws upon his shoulders, keeping him close to her chest.

Gazing down upon him with eyes that dripped of honey, Kajsa grinned that lustful smile before purring next to the shell of his ear, "I didnt take you to be a gentleman."
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[Image: 66010785_L3gBLbgNDW5yT6E.png]
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03-15-2024, 01:22 AM
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Something changed, shifted in the air between them. It called to him, a pull more forceful than the flames that his past trysts had been. This was something more gripping, more tangible. He could feel himself being sucked into her orbit, her gravitational pull too great for him to resist.

The first score of her teeth upon his flesh brought a hiss from him, eyes widening, pulse quickening. The smell of his own blood mixed with the growing smell of her heat bound him in silken shackles, yet it was different than all the times before. He was a vikingr; there were likely many children out in the world, either this one or the last one, that bore his resemblance, but these would bear his name. If they did not take now, then they would take the next time, or the time after that.

She would carry his lineage. She would stand at his side.

She would be his, just as he would be hers.

Her words fell upon ears that heard nothing except the beating of their two hearts, the pounding of his own blood, and all the sounds that he longed to hear from her.

The stareater descended upon the woman, shoving his body forward to topple her over, moving to cage her in with his paws. His head lowered then, breath brushing her ear. Við erum jöfn. Við stjórnum ekki hvort öðru. A nip, just behind her ear. He did not explain his words, did not translate them. If she was to be at his side, then it would be something she would intrinsically know, and if she did not, then she would learn. If she did not learn, then she did not belong here on the slopes of the mountain.

He bit her again, this time his teeth finding the crest of her neck just behind her ears. Her smell was intoxicating, and it was the only other thing at the moment that permeated his brain. The first? How it felt to mount her, to shove himself inside of her with a grunt and growl of effort. Maroon eyes rolled back into his skull as he groaned at the feel of her body around his, teeth tightening slightly at her nape.

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“Common tongue” | “native tongue (icelandic/old norse) in [q=#9e5d53]”
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03-15-2024, 01:44 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2024, 01:49 AM by Kajsa. Edited 1 time in total.)
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The world around her seemed to disappear. Any light at the edge of the tunnel was replaced with his own. He shined all by himself, and like a moth to a flame, the woman happily followed. Even if it meant she would get burned.

But she would be a fool if she didnt feel the energy in the den shift. Ignite. As if an idle flame had flared to life, setting the two of them abalze. Yet it wasnt entirely lust that lapped at her innards. There was something else. A tug, or a pull that enticed her. Entraced her to be in his presence. To push at his boundaries and demand she be let in. All to show who she was, and she was here to stay.

Before she could fully react, Kajsa found herself splayed out on the floor with two large paws hovering on either side. Immediately his scent consumed her, and she felt her heart hammer within her breast. It yearned to break free of its flesh-like cage, to be close to his own. Alas, she remained frozen but relaxed. Her body knowing he would not hurt her.

Glancing back at the man, Kajsa took a moment to process his words. While she didnt understand him, there was something about the way he conveyed himself that told her everything she needed to know. They were equals. Only she didnt entirely understand what he meant, and the longevity this little pact had. So, instead of fighting back, the woman glanced over her shoulder and flashed him a knowing smile that was paired with a flirtatious growl. She would let him know when shes had enough.

The stareater nipped at her skin, and she wanted to cry. Only the sun could be this close. Only the sun. It seeped into her skin, setting it alight in all the best ways. Wanting to enjoy his presence, the woman lowered her skull to bask in his. To memorize his scent as it mingled and meshed with her own. Eyes of amber soon disappeared behind closed eyes as her jowls slightly parted to release a wisp of a gasp. Then his teeth sank into her neck.

This time was different. Her intimate moments were usually hot and heavy, quick and rough but held no emotion. Both parties knew they were using the other as an excuse to release pent up frustrations. It wasnt... bonding. However, with Stjor above her, she couldnt help but feel connected. Like their auras have clashed together to create the atmosphere. And for a brief moment, it scared her. Worried her. If it was different for her, was it different for him? Or was she the only one finding herself falling for a man who may be just too far out of reach?

Either way, all of those doubts plummeted from her mind as she felt him sink into her. A breathy moan was ripped from her lips at the sudden motion, but her body reacted positively. She pushed her backside upwards, almost rolling into him, egging him on. Encouraging him to fully sink into her.

He was perfect. The man fit perfectly into her, and the bliss that scortched her very veins was worth it. Every grunt was met with her own symphonies of cries and groans, but none indicated she wasnt enjoying herself. Infact, she was in heaven.

Maybe vows were not needed, but in that moment she knew he was hers, just as she would be his.
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[Image: 66010785_L3gBLbgNDW5yT6E.png]
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03-15-2024, 05:28 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2024, 05:29 AM by Stjörnuáti. Edited 1 time in total.)
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As if she had cracked open his chest cavity, his soul unfurled to be laid bare before her, an offering that none had ever been granted before. The union of the two — the woman clothed in ice and stone, and the man that devoured the stars themselves — wrote a symphony for the ages, discordant and beautiful. They barely knew each other, sure, but that did not stop the song from being written nor sung.

Each sound spurred him further, every moan music in his ears. Her body squeezing around him was bliss, pure and simple, and it was all he could do to not lose himself in her. Stjörnuáti held out as long as he could, but even he could not resist the pull and call of his nature. With Kajsa beneath him, the Northman held out as long as he could before it ended as every coupling did.

In the end, he gently pulled her down with him, breathing heavy against her ears and the back of her neck. Still knotted to her, Stjörnuáti slung one forearm over her side and buried his face in the thick fur of her ruff, happy enough to lay here without words and without thought, to simply exist and bask in the golden glow of their mating.

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“Common tongue” | “native tongue (icelandic/old norse) in [q=#9e5d53]”
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03-16-2024, 06:45 AM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2024, 06:45 AM by Kajsa. Edited 1 time in total.)
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She never knew bliss like this. It was intimate, gentle, rough, and a mixture of different tingling emotions she couldnt put her paw on. The sensation sent delicious shivers down her spine as she relished the feeling of him. How he moved, when his muscles would tense, and the growing anticipation that swelled between them. It made her feel alive.

The woman encouraged the other, her song stringing him along until he finished, and she along with him. Her breath was ragged and raw as the man yanked her down with her.

Cradled within his arm and still very tethered to the man, a smirk tugged up against her lips as she lightly moved her rear, pulling him softly with her. A way to... ensure nothing went to waste.

Happy with the outcome of their mating, Kajsa took a moment to admire the scene before her. Laying with the man whom shes crushed on for months was now coiled around her, breathing into her fur and keeping ber close. Oh, just the thought brought butterflies to her stomach before her muscles relaxed against him. Not wanting to entirely leave the night in this moment, she took a quick moment to crane her skull backwards and lap lightly at his face. This is what she would call "after care". To showcase her desire even after the deed had been done.

After a few meaningful licks, the woman lowered her skull to the floor and allowed the sandman to wash over her. The remaining scent of the two blended souls lulling her to sleep.
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[Image: 66010785_L3gBLbgNDW5yT6E.png]
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