Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Tales of the North

Morning Sunny/Clear
02-24-2022, 10:11 PM
For @Ira and @Hieronymous

It had been a number of moons since Ragnar's last visit to the eastern mountains where he and his family had been more or less 'deposited'. His last time, he had found passage through the large mountain range between them where Cloudrest roost atop and he ended up moving through Vanderfell's hunting grounds. This time Ragnar took a different approach as he moved through the Alpine Moors, over Cloudrest and along the outermost edges of the everfrost- Valmua's resistance, he know knew. This left him to arrive at the western face of Fate's Summit.

The blonde northerner's last visit had not gone so smoothly. He had been met with a rather grumpy guard who wanted little to do with guests. A bad time for visitors, Ragnar could only guess and had a hope for his journey to be more worth will this time around. Maybe he would actually get to see Ira again and likely too the King at her side he had heard of from last visit.

Now, standing along their foothills, he bellows out in song for the Skald of Vanderfell.
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
02-26-2022, 12:43 AM
Cameo for now can skip until she actually shows

Fortunate for Ragnar, Ira actually happened to be upon the borders when she heard his song and though some time had passed since his last visit, she did not forget her promise to her husband. He wished to speak to the northern man before she met him once more. She took no offense, of course, she knew Hiero trusted her but if it was something he felt was needed then she would not challenge him.

He was king after all. If Ragnar did not wish to honor his presence with a meeting then she would happily stand by until he was seen as her equal. For now, the roan woman would only let loose her own call to acknowledge the summons, as well as notify @Hieronymous that he could get the door while she finished up what was left of the borders. He would call when he was ready for her to join surely.

the staff team luvs u
02-26-2022, 01:07 AM
The howl called out from the borders of their land. One after another it was the call of a voice he had not heard of before, followed by the one of his wife giving the High King an idea of who their visitor may be. There was no reason for her to not greet them other than the one request he had of her a little while ago.

This had to be Ragnar, the man that wanted to speak with Ira and Ira alone after Orlaith had greeted him in the hunting grounds.

Wasting no time, Hieronymous made his way to greet the Northern man. His stride was strong, less breezy than that of his normal gait. The smile still tickled his lips in a pleasant greeting. “Ah, you must be Ragnar.” He began casually. Straightening up and standing tall despite his shorter stature than the slightly taller northern man.

“I've heard of you. What brings you to Vanderfell?” Cautious with his wording, he didn't want to come off accusing without knowing all the details of the previous encounter Ragnar had with Orlaith.

the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
02-28-2022, 03:58 PM
Ira's voice was on the wind, sounding she was near and making way. It was another which came first however. It was not the one from before and had a much better attitude then the last, offering a smile to their visitor. After a moment, he spoke up. He must be Ragnar- He had heard of him.

“Oh?” His ears perked higher with a bit of curiosity. His stance remained neutral and relaxed.. Of course, Ragnar did not bother to think that he had been heard of on 'not so good terms'. To Ragnar, it did not matter. What mattered was that he had heard of him, whatever the manner and that the name 'Stormborn' was slowly spreading over the region.

Now, this king here had not given his name and so Ragnar would not assume he to be the king their guard had mentioned last time he had visited. He stood as so, surely, but the guard had held herself more proud and royally then the malted patterned wolf before him now.

“Only a simple visit, really. I truly enjoy traveling and it has been some time since I'd come this far east again. The woman I had come for is your High Queen, Ira.” He pauses and adds, “And who might you be?” He would introduce himself too but, it would appear that was unnecessary.
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
02-28-2022, 07:03 PM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2022, 04:09 AM by Hieronymous. Edited 1 time in total.)
Despite his rank, Hieronymous wasn’t one to act his rank or brandish it unless it was necessary. He didn’t marry Ira for her rank after all or for the grand promotion. But when someone would come calling for his wife at the borders and suspiciously only ask for her and leave for a long journey home without meeting anyone else but a single guard… well, that rubbed the painted man all the wrong ways.

“You’ve been here before, it’s quite the travel from the coast.” He’d say simply, casually really with a relaxed posture. Ragnar didn’t come off as a threat and so he wouldn’t be treated as such. He was simply visiting, why was still beyond Hieronymous for the time being.

“I am Hieronymous Boesch, High King of Vanderfell. I would like to know what business you have with my wife, Ira, for visiting a second time and requesting her specifically.” And there it was. He was not here to play any mind games. If Hiero was anything, he was an honest man who wouldn’t waste his or Ragnar’s time with useless chatter.

His normally playful demeanour was completely wiped from the High King’s composure. The man was relaxed but composed as the King he now was - he was here to represent the throne Ira had made for them, and would not disappoint by being a fool now.

the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
03-01-2022, 03:12 AM
There was really little else to be said on the manner of Ragnar traveling all this way for someone he barely knew. To Ragnar, he was bound to wonder the lands regardless. After all, he'd always had an eye for exploration even before meeting the two viking women had a footing for adventure as well. Ragnar came to these new and plentiful lands and had every intention of knowing them well.

Ah, so he was the High King, then and as such, wanted to know why some strange leader from another land was coming this way to see his wife - again. Well, Ragnar wouldn't have needed to come again maybe so soon if he hadn't of not been able to see her the first time. It what it is.

“Business? No business intended, lest you wish to speak of it.” He spoke, shaking his head as he did so. “Ira is an ah, acquaintance of mine.” He couldn't exactly call Ira 'friend' as they did not know one another well. She just happened to be there at a rather delicate point in he and his family's life. “Someone I knew and had offered a sort of help when I and my family needed it then. Just to catch up, really...”

“If you'd like explanation for prior...” He pauses, lifting his chin for a sniff of the air and icy eyes do not see anyone else near, including the guard he had met before. Ragnar looks back to the High King.  “However you may take it, I had no reason to speak with you. My visit was not one of business nor politics. Besides, your guard didn't seem none to pleased with the idea of visitors anywhere near. Bad timing, I suppose.. I thought it best to cut my time short. Now, if she is still unavailable after all this time,” He pauses, lifting a foreleg to his chest and half turns his body as a readying for exit. He lowers his crown slightly, respectfully but not lowly. “then I'll take my leave and insure myself not bother to return.”
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
03-01-2022, 03:39 AM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2022, 04:10 AM by Hieronymous. Edited 2 times in total.)
Now, Hieronymous wasn't the suspicious type. The one to be jealous should other men eye his wife. He had faith in her faithfulness and that alone would speak of his trust within her. However... to have anyone come around and stick their noses too far into Vanderfell's business to the point where they keep calling Ira away from matters for "pleasantries", well, even he would get annoyed eventually.

“Then you understand how your last visit may have seemed.” Although he kept his breathing steady, his posture relaxed and welcoming - a part of him still wasn't all too convinced with how long-winded Ragnar's explanation came. Almost as if he was being defensive when as far as Hieronymous was concerned, this was a mere chat. To understand what has been going on before he began to throw accusations.

It didn't help with how quickly he was willing to leave. Almost immediately offering to do so without hearing much more. The man's posture even indicated so, that alone made the painted king's brow quirk at the sight. “Orlaith can come off quite abrasive, I do apologize for that. However, I can't say all this paints a good picture of yourself either. If you are so quick to leave, then this is your decision to cut ties with Ira and Vanderfell, not mine.” After all, Ragnar here had a foot out the door already.

And Hieronymous wasn't going to fight for him to stay. If he wanted to be in good relation with Ira, he had to equally be on good terms with her husband and the pack as well.

The High King would say no more and instead wait patiently for Ragnar's decision to better the terms between the men, or leave.

the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
03-01-2022, 04:10 AM
“Then you understand how your last visit may have seemed.” Ahhh, there is was then...

The King before him kept his voice steady, body relaxed even as the words drew out from his mouth how Ragnar's little visit had seemed. Truth be told, Ragnar was not the type of man to shy away from a beautiful woman, especially one of strength and poise. He had quite the wandering eye in the same manner of his sensual life as he did with his wandering paws. But, Ragnar had no intention to give this wolf any more reason to think be might be trying to weasel in on his woman. It was not the sort of drama he was going for.

He did apologize for this brash guard, which Ragnar shook a paw to, the one that had been lifted. Settling it, Ragnar listened to careful, toying over his response in his mind before speaking it. “I'm not entirely sure what picture you are referring to?” Of course, he did. He was some wolf traveling for, just to see their Queen, alone, at least that is all which could be assumed.

Ragnar sighed. “I won't beg on forgiveness when having done no wrongs.” They had accused, but what exactly had they found guilty of him? Already, the King before him said, that Ragnar had painted himself in a bad picture and that was by having done nothing to them. Ragnar could only imagine what judgment he would get from them should he speak out of line or do the littlest thing to upset them.

It was a good thing, then, he had not come for business, because as far as ties came, what ties could be formed if the Queen could never be counted on to show her face? He'd only be dealing with one half of the pack, one he hadn't even know up until this moment and thought wrong of him for... what, exactly? If Ira had not howled earlier, Ragnar might of thought the poor woman held captive!

So, lest Hieronymous had another accusation for what his purposed 'seemed to be', Ragnar would dip his muzzle to dismiss himself and close the chapter on the Vanderfell wolves and onto another. “Good luck to you and your then, High King.”
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
03-01-2022, 04:23 AM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2022, 04:33 AM by Hieronymous. Edited 1 time in total.)
“You know exactly what I am referring to.” Was the first shift in his previously relaxed composure. Ragnar should already be aware of how this situation came across, there was no way this man was as daft as he seemed right now. Brows furrowed as he watched Ragnar carefully now as he could feel his muscles tense ever so slightly. The fur along his spine rose slightly with the excitement of the... unpleasant kind.

He would not be made a fool by some man who couldn't be honest.

As the man of the North turned to leave, he would be stopped. “I suggest you never return.” All previous friendliness, the desire to converse to mend whatever this was faded within the past moments. Perhaps Orlaith was right after all in telling this man off. Hieronymous would wait from his seat until Ragnar's figure would vanish over the horizon.

Hopefully never to be seen again sniffing around Vanderfell's borders. Around his borders.

the staff team luvs u
— Hiero has a dull sense of smell, it will affect how I play him and how he acts in threads
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