Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

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View of the Gods

Group Only
10-18-2021, 02:31 AM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2021, 05:41 PM by Ragnar. Edited 2 times in total.)
For Kra. But any fam free to join!

The higher he rose the colder the land became. Up here no tree or brush lived, giving way to only rock and snow. The air is thin, crisp and Ragnar breathes in deeply before singing out over the mountain tops. He calls: “@ "Krakarak" ! Come to me, my friend!”

He knew this mountain chain to be great in size and even knew claiming just but one half of it would be challenging. Up here in these heights while exploring, he trusted the eyes and wit of his feathered friend most.
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
10-18-2021, 03:31 AM
 He was cruising through the air almost playfully. His wings were spread wide and there was minimal effort there as he would glide through the air. Down below him he could see the mountains with their large trees and vegetation. There were eagles and other ravens abound that he would greet with either annoyance or general indifference. He knew these were the lands that his wolf pack ventured. Down on those slopes and valleys where he could see grazing caribou and moose... and then as he continued to fly where the trees suddenly stopped, he could see sheep knocking heads and bleating as they lived their insignificant lives.

 How droll.

 What was not, was the sound that he heard howled upon the winds. He knew who it was and immediately tilted his wings and adjusted himself to fly towards the noise. He searched below him until he could make out the pale shape of the lupine situated on the equally as pale snow. "Ragnaaaarr!" He cawed out in greeting as he flew into a dive, broke out of it at the last moment and landed gently on the wolf's shoulders. He leaned around so that he could look the man in the eyes with a grin. "What for you call?" Was it for some super-secret task? That only he could complete? Or was it just for the pleasure of his company? Ragnar had thoroughly impressed Krakarak on their first meeting and thus had a fast friend in him.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
10-19-2021, 12:46 AM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2021, 05:41 PM by Ragnar. Edited 1 time in total.)
The sun-kissed wolf touched his nose to the cold dark rock, sniffing where hours ago mountain goat had strode along this path in the mountains. Ragnar had yet to find them, yet to hunt them. He and his family were small, smaller still with the absence of Aslaug and Gunthur. Elentari was as reclusive as ever. As of yet they had only hunted in the foothills of the forests and along the coast line.

The blonde looks up, his name echoed out in a caw as one of Odin's most trusted species comes to reunite with the other. He swoops down quick and Ragnar's head lowers, shoulders and nape uplifting to hoist the large bird and there Krakarak settles and they again become one. 

“I require your eyes and wings. This land is still new by us and the rocks and ice dangerous.” Though Ragnar would welcome death if he must he did not mean to exit anytime soon. Not before his earthly goals were met. If Ragnar faltered high up in these peaks, he wanted someone there who could swiftly call to aid. “Will you travel with me?”
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
10-21-2021, 03:17 AM (This post was last modified: 11-01-2021, 01:11 AM by Krakarak. Edited 1 time in total.)
 He required, yes, because these silly land-bound critters were absolutely blind without wings. Unable to properly fly high above, forever bound to see what was in front of their noses. Pity, really... but he enjoyed this one. This one was his, a very polite and well-mannered fellow. "Yis yis! Krak Krak! Have seen some fall to deaths here." Foxes and fawns and unwitting travelers. They had been quite tasty.

 His ego always felt so bolstered around this man, even when he didn't even try the raven was quite pleased. He would admit that the raven was needed and his assistance required. Such praise was as good as the finest food and drink to the god's chosen. "Meester Ragnar," He flapped his wings, lifting from the man's back and spiraling into the air. "Krakarak will travel." He circled above Ragnar's head, seeing out across the hilly landscape of ice, snow, and rock. "He keep you and wolfs safe. He watch for bad things. Krakaw!" Then, he would flap his wings again and fly a little ways upwards towards a path of rocks more easily traveled with pawholds and snow rather than ice. His keen eyes could notice the sheen of slippery slopes better than most.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
10-24-2021, 07:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2021, 03:14 AM by Ragnar. Edited 1 time in total.)
The raven agrees, cawing and speaking of the those which had fallen within the land of Northfall. The lands were befitting of the name given to them, then. Those within the northern mountains and those who's luck ran out and they had fallen in the hardy land.

After such agreement, Krakarak hoists himself up off the wolf's back and into the skies once more. The path before Ragnar is laid, the raven going forth and in doing so signaling a narrow pathway between ice and sheer rock face. The king in the north follows in a silent obedience with long and carefully placed strides as they navigate throughout the highest points of the coastal mountain chain. He would have to put this path to memory.

After some time, Ragnar pauses, his cold stare lifting to the sight of steam in the air. “Look Kra, do you see the mist?” Unknown yet by Ragnar, a collection of thermal pools was not far. Settled here as an oasis at the top of their frozen world.
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
10-30-2021, 09:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-01-2021, 01:11 AM by Krakarak. Edited 1 time in total.)
 Krakarak takes him, guiding his favorite wolf past slippery ice paths and shrouded cliffs of danger. He could see everything with his keen gaze. Every so often, he would let out a wordless, deep croak. There was no reason for it beyond wanting to fill the air with his noises because he had the most beautiful voice in the world.

 He could see the mist rising up from above and he eyed it, knowing what it was as he'd traveled this way before. He cast an eye back towards Ragnar as the male had stopped walked. The bird let out another croak, doubled-back, and began to circle the man from on high. "Yis! Krak!" How could he explain the mists to the land-dweller? Birds had their own word for it but land-dwellers had theirs. "Is big bubbly-pools! Krak Krak! Hot waters!" That should do as an explanation. "You know them? Krakaw! Good for swimming in. Feel good." He'd bathed in hot springs a couple of times. He'd found a shallow spot and splashed around in the warm water. Of course, he didn't know if wolves did the same thing.

 "Krakarak show!" And then he would wing away again, finding spots that the wingless wolf could navigate with ease.

the staff team luvs u

"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
10-31-2021, 03:49 AM
The golden and blonde wolf followed, Krakarak's attention high whilst Ragnar's low. He sniffed at the grounds here, scratching and rubbing along the rock to both mark this land and give a good scratch. Wherever the raven called, his golden ears perked high, icy eyes moving upward again to the bird and bounding forth.

“I think I do.” He answered when his BFF mentioned the hot waters as he circled back round only to swiftly fly forth, causing Ragnar to break into a swift trot after him. He would be led down a path of narrow trails though as he drew nearer to the source, ice and snow gave way to the rocky earth. The air had a bit more warmth and flowing water heard.

The stream gave way to hot springs and a smile touched the sun kissed wolf. There was a collection of pools which the streams ran into of milky blue and green color. The hot springs were near a cliff side and thus is where waters from the springs overflow ran off the edge. It overlooked much of the terrain below.

“Hot springs. ” Ragnar spoke as he trotted near the waters and looked out at the view. “Quite a nice find...”

[Image: Diamond-Fork-Hot-Springs-Utah.jpg]
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*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
11-02-2021, 03:01 AM
 Ragnar could see it now, the place that the mist was rising from. Krakarak led him there and then landed on one of the spindly trees that surrounded it. The branch sagged under his weight while he let out an ominous croak while his friend padded underneath him and towards the warm water. Krakarak would watch silently for a moment before being unable to keep his beak shut any longer. "Is good find! Krak! You use them? Theeeee springs? You call springs?" "Hot springs". What a strange wolf word. Hot waters were hot springs. Unlike most other wolves, he would not try to correct the man but instead would modify his vocabulary to be accurate. Because unlike most other wolves... he didn't consider Ragnar to be stupid. "Hot springs! Hot springs! Ya ya! Krak Krak!" He echoed excitedly.

 Krakarak would wing himself away from the branch that he'd settled on and down towards the springs. The raven landed on a rock near the middle of the springs where he would look down at himself in the water. Why hello there, devilishly handsome bird. He grinned at himself, turning his head this way and that as he admired his beautiful glossy plumage. In the sunlight he could see the purple sheen to his feathers. He'd hop to one side and then the other, picking out any imperfections expertly with his beak before he slowly went into the shallowest portion of the water. "You use? Ragnar! Rest before we go?" He didn't really need one but he wanted one.

 The black bird lowered his wings into the water and then flapped, getting himself wet all over before playing and flopping in the water with a series of delighted caws.

the staff team luvs u

"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
11-13-2021, 06:02 PM
Icy blue eyes look up stream, looking up the rocky pathway which the stream passed though as it came down into these pools. The water seemed to seep from out of the rocks themselves in places from a source unknown.

Head whips backed to the winged watcher and laughs, happy for the excitement which roosted in the bird and boisterd Ragnar's own mood. “Yes, hot springs. At least, that's what I had told they were called.” Ragnar spoke with a shrug of golden shoulders.

He watched as Krakarak examinedible his own beauty, shaking his head and snickering under his breath. Ragnar turned to look at himself, unrealizing looking over his own handsome mug. “Of course!” Breaking from himself, he comes to splash into the same pool as Krakarak, making certain to get him completely soaked if he hadn't been already. “I had been told, that the hot springs were healing waters. They eased the bones and muscles, cleansed wounds and lifted the soul.” A smirk, he tips his head to the raven as he sat in the water fully. “Whatever it is, feels damn good.”
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
11-19-2021, 02:16 AM
 The white wolf agreed that they could take a small rest... before stomping over to the black bird. The raven squawked in surprise as he was thoroughly splashed with heated springs water. "How dare?!" He cawed out, feigning anger as he flapped his wings in the water at the wolf in an attempt to splash the wolf right back. He might have actually been angry if not for the fact that he was already soaked by his own doing. He enjoyed soaking in water every now and again, especially the heated water of the springs. Even more reason to stick around beyond his lovely wolves here.

 He listened to the man speak about the healing properties and dipped his head thoughtfully. "Ya! Is same for ravens! Krak! We have stories of waters. Heal. Make feel betters! Is--is-- ждда уьшеи!" He said, slipping into his tongue with ease. He didn't have to, he just felt like doing so. Why not with the good wolf around?

 He dipped his head underneath the water and then lifted it sharply back up, spraying water as he shook his head and walked the wolf doing this. There was no reason beyond simple joy and having fun. It was not often that he had wholesome fun not at someone else's expense.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
11-30-2021, 07:15 PM
Ragnar laughs at the virus retort, mock anger fitted with the flapping about of large black wings. Ragnar shakes out his wet coat in the aftermath, likely wetting the bird again even as they engage in a bit of soak war.

“What is it you just spoke? That the bird language?” Ragnar could have easily guessed but asked anyhow. After all, for all he knew the bird could understand more then just a common wolf's tongue. Ragnar had learned the northern language of Norse in his time with Sindri and Frigg and much of the Old Norse (thought not fluently) too. For all he knew, the raven could have held a collection of other speech too.
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
12-07-2021, 04:31 AM
 Back and forth they went, splashing and playing. It was quite amusing and quite fun, he couldn't remember the last time he'd played like a hatchling. Likely because others usually pissed him off... but not Ragnar.

 The question was met with a nod of his head and a quick cawed, "Ya!" Ah, was his companion curious? Usually, he wouldn't share the secrets of the corvids but he liked this wolf and his pack. He could share his knowledge since this pack allowed him to eat as much as he wanted... and stroked his ego almost twenty-four-seven. "Is Corvid Tongue. Krakaw! All corvids speak and all birds understand. Krak! Different species have own words but all understand each other." He knew there was one for the songbirds, birds of prey, owls had their own special speech because they were stuck-up night dwellers but it was mostly understandable between different species. There was just different local slang that might be difficult to understand. "You want to learn? Krakarak can teach."

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
01-12-2022, 04:17 AM
A croaked out yes was given back. Ragnar's curiosity showed. A man with the love of knowledge and constantly wanting more, exploring, history, storytelling, religion and even languages were all in Ragnar's curious eyes.

Maybe Krakarak would share? After all, he was a happy raven here and being a rather small group as it were, Krakarak had for more leftovers then just bones to pick from the Stormborns.

Corvid tongue. Ragnar didn't know what all different birds were considered corvid but he understood the idea. Just like there were artic wolves, timber and mackenzie blooded.

“You know I think I'd like that.” He agrees with a toothy grin. Lifting up out of the water and onto rocky dry land he gives a stretch of his limbs, loose and limber from the warmth. “I can't promise it will be easy, but I'm willing to learn.” He admits for he does not think learning to speak bird will come naturally.
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
02-10-2022, 02:32 AM

sorry for the wait... and on that note would you like to end this here with the assumption that Krak will be teaching all hte things?

 Aaahhh how he loved feeling wanted! How he loved feeling needed! He was practically dancing back and forth on his talons as Ragnar effortlessly filled him with excitement. He felt like a teacher! An exquisite teacher of the fine arts! Rare and wanted.

 It certainly helped that he got his pick of the food around the place.

 "Krakarak willing to teach! You do fine Ragnar! You learn just fine! Krakarak knows this, ya!" And with that, the pact would be struck.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
02-18-2022, 10:20 PM
Yes, an ending here sounds good! And I will implement him slowly learning in future posts!

“Well if you think so, certainly it must be so!” He laughs, his words made to fluff up the black bird's feathers ever more so. The idea sounded quite interesting and given the time they had on their paws, with only just the few of them in such a plentiful land, time to learn is what Ragnar had plenty of. He would be screeching like a bird in no time!
the staff team luvs u
*Ragnar frequently has black feathers woven into his scruff, curiosity of his good friend, Krakarak.
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