Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Patch Notes [2025]

12-31-2024, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2025, 09:03 AM by Canis Major. Edited 3 times in total.)
A Fresh Start
Canis has certainly had its history over the past years of its existence, and with the staff refreshed, we are ready to start anew and enjoy the chill writing atmosphere we set out to create! For those returning, you'll find some major changes took place.

Rulebook Updates
Every page of the rulebook has been reviewed, altered, or expanded on. We aren't going to list every change because it is worth re-reading the rules in full, even if you are a returning member. Please check out how canis operates before registering and hopping in for a smooth integration into the new canis

Map Update
Once again, we have updated and redesigned the map, making this our third generation revision. The size of the play space has shrunk to encourage use of empty space and help connect players territories apart! Territories now claim a larger chunk of the map, and all groups are to only enforce the claim of a single territory. This includes hunting grounds, which should fit into the group's official claim.

 Two new locations have appeared! Check out The Raven's Trail and our brand new magical location, Astra's Grace!

 The majority of existing territories have vanished or merged into current locations.

 See the new map here!

It's A Small World After All
You might have noticed a lack of regions. During discovery and writing, players often had trouble discerning where region borders landed and made navigation for posting overall a bit confusing. With the smaller map, we have downsized to four regions. This should make it much more obvious where the territory is when writing and discovering, as well as keep players closer together instead of a months trip away.

New Year, New Me
Perhaps the largest elephant in the room is the lack of posts and accounts on site. We have wiped all existing accounts and posts for a clean reboot. That being said, we have access to an archive of the site prior to our changes. If you are missing something from an old account, we can help access your character information. Prior bans are still standing despite the wipe.

New Year, New...Age?
After much consideration, a highly requested feature has been implemented into canis. Astra's Grace is a magical location that allows a character's physical age to fluctuate randomly once per year. Staff assistance is needed for the pools to take affect. For full details regarding character age changes, please review our Special Info page.

Skill Importing
We are reviving our skill import feature, but this time it's here to stay! New characters can be imported into the game equipped with their previously earned skills from another game (including Canis 1.0) once. This allows you to pick up where you left off regarding any prior skills you may have worked for before joining! Staff reserve the right to approve or reject skill imports on a basis of how similar the system of the previous site was to Canis.
Quote:Ex. A site that has tier levels to a skill earned through in character posts will likely be approved. A site that allows characters to pick a skill upon creation for profile display highlighting a character's primary talents will most likely be rejected as no in character work was required to earn the badge.

Pre vetted sites we allow skill imports from
  • Canis 1.0
  • Vivarium
  • Wolf RPG
If your character went through Reincarnation on Canis 2.0 they can not import their old skills.

We have brought back a community discord. Make friends, find plots, and enjoy the casual atmosphere! If you can't play nice, you will be removed from the server and potentially the site.

What does the reboot mean for existing canis characters?
While the site was down, the timespace of the game was frozen. This means that your character may have aged normally according to time in the real world, or they didn't age at all as if a single day passed. You are free to have your character interpret the events however they want to, but they cannot have been awake. If you are in need of some ideas, here are some options:
  1. Your character might have been supplanted somewhere else across the map during the freeze and cannot find their way home
  2. Characters who are no longer on site might have died because Astra shifted the world around like a jar of marbles; you should get the player's permission to do that unless it's your character.
  3. Your character might be exactly where you left them, but things around them have changed
  4. Your character might remember things being exactly the way they are right now, and nothing has changed for them
  5. Your character might have "reawoken" and you can simply start fresh as though it is their first wake-up post. This includes changes in age that do not require staff like the age pools.

We assume some answers will be needed. Please ask them in the new Ask the staff forum.
the staff team luvs u
01-09-2025, 01:40 AM
Bug fixes
  • Skill imports for specialty and expert skills have been fixed
  • Posting 500 errors were fixed
  • Non-public profiles and posts were still visible to guests. This has been fixed.

the staff team luvs u
02-15-2025, 11:01 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2025, 09:17 PM by Canis Major. Edited 3 times in total.)
Map Update
The map has been updated with a new image from @Aso. Some territory outlines have been adjusted to better suit the map.

Philos has been fixed so their name shows correctly on the map.

Character Related Updates
Link colors have been added to profiles. No more changing the color for each one!

Auto-post formatting has been made. Users can pick a speech color, post width, and post font to automatically generate upon posting. You will also be able to see these presets when previewing a post. All posts made before preset format options are made will be updated to match new posts. These settings are disabled in OOC spaces of the forum.

You can find the settings for both when editing an active character's profile near the bottom. For a list of canis accepted fonts, please see our MyCode Reference

Forum Improvement
The dark mode setting has been adjusted to be less harsh on the eyes and improve some visual bugs.

We have created an on-site news feed for updates usually shared in discord so discord is not a requirement to stay up to date on forum activity or community announcements.
the staff team luvs u
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