Olive's Bag of Stardust

She never fails to impress me. Her mind is a place of wonder and she manages to see in all shades of grey, even when she would rather it be easier in black and white
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from Teodora
You do such a good job using analogy to be descriptive, conveying both the emotions and actions of Olive. It really is excellent to read.
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from Remus
dayam olive trying to thieve them both!
— on this post from Zina
— on this post from Tiberius
kitten crying
— on this post from Cyprin
— on this post from Daighre
<\3 my heart hurts for Olive. Maybe she and Rei can get along after all with Kuhn woes LOL
— on this post from Noki
Blessings upon this gentle woman and how desperately she wants to maintain her peace. Blessings. My heart went TWANG when she diverted to Dalmatia askiaegiygfahfb
— on this post from Alder
“‘my bear,’” adorable
— on this post from Daighre
only you could make birth sound so magical
— on this post from Cyprin
This entire time, I’ve been envious of the badges on Olive’s profile… only to discover Olive is envious over Harper. LMAO
— on this post from Harper
ahhh my heart ;-;
— on this post from Archon
— on this post from Miriam
as hank said in his post, olive is utterly ethereal, & your writing style really accentuates this. beautiful post!
— on this post from sparx
I really like the links you leave, they let the reader learn new stuff and you weave the themes into the current story. That's awesome and unique.
— on this post from Kuhn
mmm, your descriptionsssss, thank you for this delight of a read. <3
— on this post from Amaranth
I still think her name is a MOUTHFUL lmao
— on this post from Archon
She is so interesting how she blurs the lines between, play, ritual, and excitement. The way she thinks is otherworldly, making connections between actions and larger metaphysical concepts. It's really unique.
— on this post from Kuhn
Writing with you is so intoxicating, Rosie; it's like reading the latest novel from my favorite author. I am so glad and honored to have one of my (best) characters involved with Olive (and Benry). <3
— on this post from Archon
ri loves u
— on this post from Riannon
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