Location Discovery

Make new locations part of the Canis canon!

In Canis, you can have your characters discover territories. Locations can be discovered until a region is full. As a player, you can only discover one territory at a time.

Can I still reference locations that aren't part of the canon?
Yes! Map discovery isn't required to reference areas in Canis, it's just a fun way to let players add their creative additions to the map.

Creating a new location

To create a new location, you can fill out the Location Discovery form. Once your application is approved, others can start helping discover the location!

Magical Locations?

Some locations can have strange attributes, such as eternal winter or a fantastical visual aspect. Anything that couldn't happen in the real world should be cleared with staff first. Locations that have a magical effect on characters are only created by staff.

Discovery Points

To discover a location, characters explore the area in-character and earn Discovery Points. These points are earned for actions in each post in the thread. Each post can earn 1 point, with a maximum of 5 points per thread from all players. You will need 15 points for the location to be part of the official canon.

Rediscovering a Vanished Location
Sometimes locations will vanish from the map if they have not been used for a long time. You can rediscover these locations for only 10 points if you would like to do so. Ask about a specific location in Ask the staff.

Examples of actions that earn points:

  • A character shares the name of a location with someone.
  • A character walks across a location, noting the species of trees and animals that they encounter.

To claim points on a thread, please tag each post that might count with Discovery, then submit them from your threadlog. Threads for discovery and formation can be submitted any time the post authors choose, regardless of whether there is a natural ending or not. Once a thread is submitted, it can't be re-submitted for more points.

Discovering and Forming Groups

If you are discovering land in order to form a pack or group on it, you can get Formation Points at a discount. To do this, simply specify when applying for your pack or group that you or another founding member submitted the application for the location discovery. Once approved, you will be able to form the group with only 10 points instead of the regular 15.

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