
Played by Cybroid
Anton Clevari
Short (19)
Fur Color
An auburn red
Sex & Gender
Very Light (50)
Bluish hue
8 years (2016-03-18)
Red Wolf


A lithe form of auburn red and blue eyes, Anton is a rather small wolf, even for a red wolf. He carries himself low, typically having been raised as a low stature. Usually at the bottom of the pack, he moves as such. Always looking submissive, and has the marks to prove that earlier in his life he tried to push back against the way he was raised.


Anton once was stubborn and hot headed, and sometimes those traits still manage to peek through. But most of the time he is submissive, subservient, always bowing his head to anyone that showed a sign of force or higher stature. With others around his level, Anton would make conversation where and when he could. But that was rare, believing that too much conversing was a distraction from his duties as he had been raised.


Anton was raised up as an Omega in a wolf pack. Throughout his younger years, he was stubborn and hot headed. Nearly every time he argued or stood up to his superiors. And every time, he got a lashing of fangs or pushed beneath one higher than him in the pack structure.

Slowly he learned he was to be subservient to others of the pack. The pack worked based on the structure. He was always one of the last to eat, always first to go into a hunt so others could get the kill and not get hurt.

When a rival pack swept through, the higher wolves fled and he was left behind. The rival pack spared him, out of pity and mercy. He was left behind...and went on his own.


Two Omegas in Birth Pack

Pack History

Birth pack

Recent Location

Anton has most recently been in Mountains, Reclaimed Roots.

Recent Threads
11-08-2021 Trustfall in Mountains
Last post by Moir (12-25-2021)
12-13-2021 A Fickle Thing in Reclaimed Roots
Last post by Anton (12-13-2021)
07-22-2021 One Man's Trash in Reclaimed Roots
Last post by Anton (08-16-2021)


Played by
Local Time
04-19-2024 at 09:21 PM
10 posts
Member Since
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