Hasdrubal is a tall, lean wolf-dog with soft, wavy, piebald grizzle fur, and long, deer like legs that exaggerate his elegant, dancing way of moving.
Fur: Feathery, wavy, soft
A soft "silky" coat that seems to do well protecting in most weather. However, as Machiavelli as trouble regulating his body temperature, he seems to be always complaining—becoming clingy and irritable during the cold seasons and lethargic in high heat.
Build: Sighthound-esque
Long legs with a long tail and nose to match, this strange canine does not seem to fit neatly into either "wolf" or "domestic" category. His wolfen ancestry is shown in some features, such as the stiffness of his ears, but even those have a distinct "dogish" roundness, giving him an altogether uncanny appearance—something almost wolf, but wrong.
Compared to his more feral counterparts, he is usually considerably faster, however he lacks the extreme stamina and is usually winded far before them.
Eyes: Shockingly pale silver, luminous, colors shifting in opalescent hues
Perhaps his most striking feature, Hasdrubal has mirror-like "opalescent" eyes. A very pale, highly reflective silver, they seem to shift and reflect colors depending on the light and his surroundings—giving the appearance of holography, or shards of shattered, stained glass trapped within his eyes.
He has long, strikingly white lashes, and pupils that seem to be nearly always dilated. Almost "luminous," eyeshine seems to occur even in the dimmest light—which probably doesn't help his unsettling appearance...
Note: His eyes do not physically change, only reflect light, and the colors of nearby objects.
Scent: Spiced Amber
Elegant, and refined, but with some spiced, warm and cozy notes.
Scars: Nothing to speak of... yet
Accessory: Ornate Jewel Tone Martingale Collar