Kei was born an only child into the Order of the Jade Rose; a pack dedicated to protecting the balance of nature. Daughter to two highly respected ranks, there were always high expectations in place for Kei to live up to her family's name and one day take her mother's rank. Unfortunately, her father passed away when she was young, though in his absence she grew very close to a few of her cousins.
Kei was raised to be a protector, though even with her mother's guidance, other disciples soon passed her in skill. The passion and potential were there, though when it came to discipline and execution, Kei fell flat. Frustrated with her stagnant process, Kei grew hotheaded with her mentors and began to lash out, earning scoldings and a rather negative reputation throughout the pack. Named a problem child, her mother gave up on her and chose a different disciple to train in her place.
As the days passed her mother's love slowly shifted to her newly adopted daughter Shun leaving nothing but disappointment for Kei. The day came that Kei was tasked with proving herself alongside the other disciples for their permanent place within the pack, though resentment and jealousy bested her as she sabotaged Shun. What was supposed to be a temporary setback ended up permanently disabling the girl. Kei's mother publicly disowned her for her actions and when no one spoke up to defend her, she left.
Kei awoke here, in an unknown and unfamiliar land. While she does not know how she got here or where she is, she seeks redemption and holds a desire to carve her own path to greatness. To this day, she still holds the pain and anger from her public embarrassment, though perhaps maybe one day she will prove the Order wrong.