
Played by west
Ahuilitzi Carreiro
Tall (35)
Fur Color
Off-white cream, darker layers
Sex & Gender
Medium (108)
Dull olive green
5 years (2018-12-07)
Northwestern Wolf


A short-furred male of a pale cream, almost off-white base color, Ahuilitzi is a male that could reasonably be called pretty by some standards. His body is decorated with a darker cream overlay, trailing from shoulders to tail while also circling his ears and eyes. His shoulders are covered in a darker overlay than that, ending at his rump; from just below his shoulders to his center back, there are two lines of ticked dark brown--almost black--ticking. This ticking is of the same color of the tips of his ears and the mask circling over his eyes, ending on his cheekbones on either side. His neck and tail have faint tufts, though nothing unusually long for a wolf, and his fur remains well maintained at all times. His eyes are a dull olive green, tinted with grey in some lights.

He moves with a gait that flows smoothly between steps, each step appearing to be calculated with no room for error. He carries himself with the grace and confidence of a male carrying authority, though he is unafraid to withdraw and force himself into a less dominant posture when walking alongside a more dominant male, so as to avoid the balance of their relationship. His legs are long, and the wolf maintains what could best be described as a runner's body; he is clearly built for traveling long distances and agility, but can clearly hold his own in combat.


The lupine is one of a friendly, though overall neutral disposition; he is not one to display high amounts of energy, nor reveal to others how he feels unless directly prompted to share, even if simply showing it in his face. In his years he has learned to rein in any outright tells, which has benefitted him greatly in his life as an adult. He doesn't go out of his way to join a conversation ongoing without him, though once invited he is quite friendly and ready to interact.

Ahui holds loyalty and a strong will above all else, maintaining no tolerance for any to abandon their duties or those they run with in life. He grows agitated when someone is slacking off, or simply decides to quit what they were doing for not wanting to anymore; laziness frustrates him, and he has no respect for anyone to neglect pursuing their full potential. Inability is one thing, refusal to attempt is another. To prove yourself disloyal is to prove yourself unworthy of his respect, and he will show it in his further treatment of an individual.

Every move made by the wolf is calculated beforehand and has a clear purpose, even his steps confident and almost regal in practice; he knows what he's doing and intends to make that clear to those he travels with. He's a diplomatic individual in how he interacts with others, even in his home affairs, and holds himself to only the highest of standards. Any sign of imperfection in himself will stress the wolf out, and he works tirelessly to correct said flaw.

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Played by
Toyhouse Link
Local Time
04-28-2024 at 08:09 PM
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