Early 30s — Gamer — Coffee-Addict — Baker
Name: Valkyrie
Hair Color: Varies, currently very faded pink and orange
Eye Color: Hazel, majority green
Personality Traits: Friendly, good (slightly dark) sense of humor, morbidly curious, generally happy, trust issues, bad memory, believer of second chances, anxious, unsure of self.
Hobbies: I play videogames, I like to read, and travel.
Fur Babies: One dog, a mini-australian shepherd named Pixel, and two cats, a tortie named Lily and a wacky creature named Yuca
RP History: jeez. probably like 20 something years now, easily 20+ sites over the many years. I've been on Wolves of the Underworld, Northern Boundaries, Distant Whispers, Wild Wolf Society, WOLF, State Alchemy (versions 1 & 2).
I have personally run the following communities: From the Ashes, Jaydis, Risk, Dare, What Lies We Breathe, Canis Major (present).There are more sites but the ones I've mentioned are the most notable. I find a certain joy in running/helping run a community that serves as a happy home for so many, so being a part of the Canis team is a dream.