

Played by Raven
Morrigan "Mor" (Moor-ee-gan)
Very Tall (30)
Fur Color
Pale blue & White
Sex & Gender
Heavy (140)
Heterochromatic Blue & Purple
4 years (2019-08-02)
Timber Wolf


[Image: morrigan_by_revanore_de09qyr-pre.png?tok...l8xkQHQJMk]
Cleaved from the ideal image of a warrior, Mor is masculine in frame. Bulky muscles wrap over strong bone and flesh. Ivory blankets scar-ridden fur as its base; ironically giving her a seemingly "pure" and innocent look. It is said that the ash of her enemies lays upon the marks along her spine and crown, flecking along her back. Her eyes, deep as the endless ocean; frost like ice in the heat of war, yet glints of deep indigo line the bottom of her eyes. Her fur is curly, soft and shiny-yet much like her nature, deceiving to the scars that lay beneath...


[Image: de0f7v1-03aecad2-47c2-491d-9aa4-e91a194a...2faN9HZwSA]
Brutal. Selfish. Coy. Aloof. Short-Tempered. Self-loathing. She is a hardened Warrior, trained to kill and not to love. In her youth, she was the loyal soldier and worked her way up the ranks to find the crown bestowed upon her head. She rules with an iron fist, making the very ground she walks upon tremble. But her people adore her for it and for that, she plays the role of the respected Queen well. Refined. Poised. Brutal, a smile that could tare you into a thousand pieces. But selfish need to survive; that basic instinct is the core, It is said that Mor is death incarnate, baring the fruits of her labour with pride; the perfect Mother, the ever doting wife, the stone-faced general. But of course, this is all an act-within, she is broken. Shaken by her crippled forces, the death of those she held dear; Mor has turned her pain upon herself, harshly hating everything she is. She lashes out with a short-temper and teeth bared to those that question, or dare to speak out. But upon that perfect visage comes a Queen that is aloof. Mild, calm. The voice of stoic reason. The mind behind the machine; she is wicked, ruthless and will stop at nothing to glean this world of the monsters that have tainted it. After being usurped and cast out, she turns her pain into anger... only the stars know the limits of her rage.


She had a family, once.
A mate. Children and a loving husband. She served the God and Goddess of her homeland faith with everything she had, the stern General turned Queen and Mother. Yet one night, fires rage and tore her life apart. A youngster had stirred and rallied her people to turn against her, killing her Husband and children in the process.

Morrigan was cast out, exiled. It was then that she found herself upon Canis' shore...


All deceased

Recent Location

Morrigan has most recently been in Azure Grotto.

Recent Threads
08-17-2022 Fire and ash in Azure Grotto
Last post by Hothieriel (09-12-2022)



Fun Facts

- Nibbles her paws as a way to ease tension.
- Paints herself in blood/clay as a way of intimidation/war-paint.
- Loves to fight, secret masochist.
Played by
Local Time
05-08-2024 at 05:35 AM
7 posts
Member Since

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