
Played by Aistiva
Larken Bahri
Fur Color
Tan, cream, brown & black
Sex & Gender
4 years (2019-08-19)


[Image: ddrcba0-69911591-9d42-4db7-ad4a-692320194a41.png]

title here


Lark is built for the life of which she reigned, sure footed and stocky her body is made for enduring the hardships of life. She stands upon relatively short framework, for the purpose ensuring stability. She has short legs and broad shoulders, but is average in build, not over or underweight, sporting an athletic but still feminine build.

Her colors also match her homeland, for the sake of blending into the land she once inhabited. Her base is that of the sands, rolling dunes wash over the majority of her body. It is upon her backside and face that the colors significantly change. From the back of her neck all the way down to the base of her tail a grey-brown color can be found. Not far off from her original tones, it's hard to tell what color it truly resembles. It runs down her sides, like a saddle sweeping along her ribs and stomach. Sweeping up around her shoulders with only touches of color. Cream and black dust the saddle along the base of her shoulders.

Edged with darker shades of gunmetal. Her face is intricately carved, The color upon her back encompassing her forehead and the backs of her ears moving precisely between her eyes until it clashes with a darker shade upon the bridge of her nose. Moving around only the forefront of her muzzle. Cream sits just behind her nose, breaking the sway of dark tones. This cream is also found tucked inside her ears and lightly dusted on her chest and paws. Her tail tipped in gunmetal and ending with cream. Larkens eyes a strange combination of color. Not truly blue or green they clash in an interesting blend. Dark like the sea, but alive, bright with her hunger for life.

title coming

Misunderstood | Reliable | Adventurous | Open minded | Affectionate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur placerat libero in est ultricies, ac vulputate turpis vulputate. Nullam tincidunt, libero eget volutpat suscipit, ex sapien ultrices metus, ut blandit elit nisi in lacus. Sed mollis ornare orci, sit amet ultrices nibh condimentum ac. Curabitur non varius erat, id scelerisque risus. Etiam vehicula, tortor vel pharetra convallis, lectus lacus fringilla leo, a imperdiet sapien augue ac neque. Nunc tortor ex, tincidunt non ultricies eu, pulvinar vitae est. Fusce rutrum vehicula faucibus. Praesent gravida odio at nisl efficitur, sed sagittis ante accumsan. Vivamus fermentum, nisi condimentum aliquet gravida, arcu dui consequat neque, ut egestas leo orci vitae ipsum. Etiam at tempor diam. Phasellus ultrices nibh id nunc pretium, consectetur elementum mauris consectetur. Integer eu luctus ex.

Ut auctor lacinia dignissim. Quisque ac sem elit. Quisque turpis velit, sollicitudin vitae libero et, molestie congue velit. Etiam nec scelerisque turpis, ut condimentum velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque ante leo, euismod sit amet leo ut, tincidunt aliquam turpis. Sed ut tortor vitae sapien consequat pulvinar nec id nisi. Donec sollicitudin cursus purus at ornare. Quisque hendrerit iaculis risus, non facilisis est. Mauris id cursus quam. Ut eleifend elementum eros sit amet tincidunt. Proin ligula nunc, sollicitudin ac libero aliquet, condimentum sodales turpis.


title coming
coming eventually


Omar Bahri father
Akilah Bahri mother

Pack History

─ Present Loner

Recent Location

Larken has most recently been in The Badlands, Altarcama.

Recent Threads
12-24-2021 The sands remember in The Badlands
Last post by Misha (01-18-2022)
01-03-2022 People say that I'm a time bomb in Altarcama
Last post by Lilah (01-10-2022)



Fun Facts

- Arabic is her first language, has a heavy accent when speaking English
- She is known to aid criminals, including hiding them, and providing shelter, food and comfort
- Larken is non-monogamous and bi-sexual
Played by
Local Time
04-23-2024 at 04:12 PM
7 posts
Member Since
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