x January 20: Order of the Jade Lotus has stabilized!
x January 20: Akashingo has stabilized!

Marsh Skullcap

The herbs listed in the compendium should only be used for writing purposes in role play and are not a guide for real life use as they can lead to harmful effects.

[Image: marsh_skullcap.jpg]
Marsh Skullcap
Edible Medicinal Toxic
Found during: Spring, Summer, Autumn

This plant grows on stalks and has many smooth, very long leaves. It has purple bell-like flowers that are generally upward-facing and tube-like. It is usually found in rich woodlands or thickets. This plant causes mild stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. Overdosing of skullcap can cause confusion, stupor, seizures, and liver damage. However, used with proper dosages, it can help with inflammation, spasms, cleaning wounds, work as a sedative, and function as a general tonic.

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