Scripture of Kaichi — The Physical
Hunter · Warrior
The mortal body grounds all living creatures to the world surrounding. Without a vessel, the spirit runs free, and one’s soul is detached from the mortal needs and beauty of all life around them. In life, this physical connection is needed for understanding and surmounting greed. Like everything, indulging too much in the physical may corrupt the soul and seclude or trap the spirit within. Balance is brought to the physical by taking only what is needed, sharing with those unable to help themselves, and purging those who take too much.
— Overpopulation and those who steal resources, lives, or land.
Tome of Sunato — The Natural
Adventurer · Ecologist
Respect must be given to the earth and all that makes it. Everything, no matter how small, has a purpose and must be protected. Souls should seek understanding and guidance from the earth. Balance is brought by ensuring the world’s gifts are respected, restoring damage by stimulating regrowth, and protecting all from predators or overpopulation. Elements should not be removed from their native habitats, and lost nature must be returned to its source.
— Destroying nature needlessly, creating invasive species, and extermination.
Divination of Runoma — The Spiritual
Visionary · Counselor
All life is connected through the cosmos in one way or another. One person’s grief is caused by another’s success, and this trade-off is consistently interlinked. Few are able to see these paths that bind us, but those who can must bring comfort and understanding to those who cannot. Balance is achieved by connecting mentally or spiritually with those surrounding. The cosmos ensures no side is forever in favored light, but it is the individual who must bring back souls from the darkened depths so that they may find comfort, move on, and shed their burdens.
— Prevention of submitting to a darkened mind or personal burdens.
Scroll of Shima — The Art of Healing
Just as one can take life, one must know how to mend it. Death is not a solution; it is an event all will go through with time. Until that moment comes, one must know how to make the most of the moments we are given and expunge impurities within the vessel. One may argue the paths of the Natural or Spiritual may overlap, and in part, they do. However, The Art of Healing primarily focuses on what can be mended without the patient’s effort or willingness. Balance is brought by mending that which has been broken or finishing what is too far gone.
— Healing wounds, severing lost causes, and ending suffering.