x January 20: Order of the Jade Lotus has stabilized!
x January 20: Akashingo has stabilized!

Plantain (Narrowleaf)

The herbs listed in the compendium should only be used for writing purposes in role play and are not a guide for real life use as they can lead to harmful effects.

[Image: plantain_narrowleaf.jpg]
Plantain (Narrowleaf)
Edible Medicinal
Found during: Spring, Summer, Autumn

Though the narrow leaf plantain has all the same healing properties as its brethren, it looks different. Leaves are thin and elongated with thinner, spindly reeds of seeds coming from the center of the plant. Just like its broadleaf brethren, the leaf can be used as a poultice or eaten and contains many vitamins. It can be used to treat burns, cuts, open sores, boils, mouth ulcers, throat pain or infection, dandruff or other skin problems, poison ivy or similar contact dermatitis, sunburn, improve liver or kidney functions, help gastrointestinal inflammation, and eases cold flu and respiratory issues.

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