Located in Tsukiishi

Various mountains dot snow-dressed lands which vary in size and difficulty where the highest peaks will sometimes breach the lower clouds, separating anyone within those peaks away from the world below in their own haven. Along the mountainsides, evergreens cling to the rocks in various layers and sizes, hanging over the ledges in certain areas which offer a safe place for birds and small mammals to rest and nest.
“ Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. ”
“ Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. ”
She·Roh·she·ka (white deer)
Acronym: SS
Founded: 13/07/2021
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Playlist coming soon | Pack News
Acronym: SS
Founded: 13/07/2021
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Playlist coming soon | Pack News
Current Leaders
Empress: Reiko aén Fidháil 13/07/2021Emperor: Quicksilver aén Fidháil 02/06/2022
Queen: Hotaru Izuka 13/07/2021
King: Haruki Izuka 01/09/2022
Messenger Bird
Currently, Shiroshika uses an albino starling as their pack messenger. All members of the pack may use it to send messages to individuals or packs too far to walk to swiftly. Her name is Kazane, birth date is February 20th, 2022. She will never be played by a player as she is to be available at all times for everyone to use when necessary.What We Need
- More warrior types to help keep the pack safe. Due to recent events, Shiroshika doesn't feel safe and we need more guardian types to help our current ones before they are overworked.
- More married couples. Most of our ranks are for pairs, and they do not need to be male/female couples to gain those ranks.
❄️ The Emperor and Empress' word is law. It is believed that their decisions are based on the good of the pack as a whole. Individuals are allowed to question their decisions or offer council should a decision need revisiting.❄️ Should issues arise between members, it is encouraged to talk between the individuals affected before physical altercations occur. Should mediating be necessary, it is encouraged to request the Emperor/Empress/King/Queen's presence.
❄️ Anyone asking for an audience at the border is to be treated respectfully. The only exception are those listed as enemies to the pack and are to be chased away immediately.
❄️ Should a trespasser be found, members are are encouraged to request aid by howling (feel free to tag Samurai, leaders and/or post in the discord pack chat for visibility). Shiroshika doesn't encourage violence against trespassers but be vigilant and request aid to escort them out.
❄️ Due to trust issues, the rank of traveler has been taken down.
❄️ To join, one must prove themselves to be trustworthy and good of heart to the leaders.
Potential punishments are as follows
Level one: Demotion, you must wait your turn and regain trust with the royalty ranks to climb the ranks again.Level two: Permanently demoted to Civilian. Individuals who have tarnished their trust between members and the leaders and cannot be trusted on the higher rungs to watch over lower ranking individuals.
Level three: Depending on the severity, could either be permanently exiled or ordered to death on sight. The later is extremely rare and only decided upon with council amongst members and only if the individual in question is deemed too dangerous to live.
Upon Acceptance
Each member will be given a rundown of the current goings-on in the pack. This includes their enemies, their allies and the laws. They will be shown around the pack and the dens, and the food caches and be introduced to important members of the pack. This can be done through power playing as it is considered common knowledge in the pack and playing as though your character isn't knowledgeable to it might make them come off as forgetful, or ignorant. RANKS
Ranks are earned through trust, longevity within the pack, IC participation and in character trust between members. Aristocrats and Leader positions have a matching rank for the current holder's mate, who will be immediately promoted as soon as they are officially mates. The only exception to these are the Leader pups (prince and princess) as well as King and Queen when the leader pups take on more responsibility in the pack.
Ranks are not handed out through OOC agreements or requests. Please do not ask for a high rank through OOC means. Most leader ranks are obtained through birthrights in Shiroshika or through marriage.[/small]
Leaders of the pack take care of the pack as a whole. These members are chosen by blood and bonds through marriage. RANK
Guardian to Hotaru, Haruki, Vienne, Yaevinn and Filavandrel when necessary.
The task of Aristocrats is to take care of those who rank beneath them. They are to guide and watch over Civilians and report anything to the leaders above should something they cannot handle arise. They are the next in line for the throne starting at Duke/Duchess should all blood from the previous leaders be eradicated.Duke/chess
Civilians make up the bulk of Shiroshika and are either waiting for a rank to open up in the ranks above should they be listed as Noble, or are still earning their trust and place in the pack as a Civilian.Noble Pup
Where We've Been
Tsukiishi [July 13th, 2021 - March 23rd, 2022 ] Our first home, hastily abandoned after a failed attempt at eliminating Kuhn and his companion Valmúa who were seen as a threat to Shiroshika's safety. Residents who remained behind and did not participate in the hunt were sought out and brought to Skelmir's Pass to join the rest as they healed.Skelmir's Pass [April 8th, 2022 - Septembr 20th, 2022] With the blessing of Ira, High Queen of Vanderfell Woods, Shiroshika took refuge in the Pass following the battle with Kuhn in the Everfrost. Here Reiko and Quicksilver get married and give birth to their first royal litter: Filavandrel, Vienne and Yaevinn.
Tsukiishi [September 20th, 2022 - current] With no sight or scent of their enemies, Shiroshika's wolves returns to Tsukiishi to reclaim their land. They settle into life there once again, hopeful that peace will continue.